4 Public Access and Traffic Management
4 Public Access and Traffic Management
4.1.1 To comply with the provisions of the Forth Crossing Bill regarding the diversion or closure of any roads, ways or private accesses and the like and implement appropriate measures in the design and construction of the Project to mitigate disruption to road, cycle track, other path, waterway and other users.
4.2 Traffic Management Requirements and Plan
4.2.1 Construction of the Project will involve:
- widening or improving sections of existing roads and footpaths;
- construction of tie-ins to existing roads and footpaths;
- construction of maintenance hard-standings and lay-bys adjacent to existing roads;
- demolition and construction adjacent to or over public roads and footpaths; and
- construction adjacent to or over railways.
4.2.2 The contractor will implement traffic management measures during the construction of the Project on or adjacent to public roads, cycle tracks and other paths as necessary. A lead-in notice period of up to 3 months may be required prior to the implementation of certain temporary traffic management measures associated with the occupation or temporary closure of existing roads in accordance with relevant statutory requirements. Traffic management works will comply with the provisions of the Traffic Signs Manual Chapter 8: Traffic Safety Measures and Signs for Road Works and Temporary Situations. Traffic signs will comply with the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002, as amended.
4.2.3 A Traffic Management Working Group (TMWG) has been formed for the Project which includes representatives from roads authorities and the emergency services. The contractor will consult with the TMWG regarding traffic management and other traffic related measures to be implemented in accordance with the CoCP.
4.2.4 The Project includes the provision of an Intelligent Transport System (ITS), which will include a system to implement variable speed limits, lane control and variable message signs. To the extent available and where reasonable and practicable, the contractor will liaise with Traffic Scotland to use the ITS to complement traffic management schemes implemented during construction of the Project to assist in the control and management of traffic on the road network. The contractor will also provide Traffic Scotland with regular updates regarding any disruption caused by construction works on the road network. The information website described in Section 2.3.1 of this CoCP will provide a link to the Traffic Scotland website to provide access to traffic information.
4.2.5 As explained in Section 1.7 of this CoCP, the contractor will prepare a Traffic Management Plan which will describe the traffic management, safety and control measures proposed during construction of the Project. The Traffic Management Plan will include details of the following, as appropriate:
- Measures to provide for the safety of traffic, the public and construction staff during traffic management works and temporary traffic control measures.
- Procedures to be followed for the temporary or permanent closure or diversion of roads or accesses.
- Procedures to be followed to obtain consent to work on or over railways.
- Pedestrian, equestrian and cyclist routes.
- Measures to be implemented to reduce construction traffic impacts or impacts associated with over-parking on residential streets.
- Temporary and permanent access to the works.
- Permitted access routes for construction traffic.
- Monitoring requirements in relation to the Plan.
4.2.6 The Traffic Management Plan will include a programme of traffic management measures to be implemented and details of traffic management proposals for the works on or adjacent to public roads. The contractor will appoint a Traffic Safety and Control Officer who will be responsible for the implementation of the Traffic Management Plan. The details to be provided in the Plan will include the following, as appropriate:
- Phasing of works.
- Drawings showing traffic management layouts, signing and apparatus to be implemented.
- Timing of operations.
- A list of roads which may be used by construction traffic in the vicinity of the site including any restrictions to construction traffic on these routes.
- The name and contact details of the contractor’s Traffic Safety and Control Officer.
- A register of applications for consents associated with temporary traffic management measures.
4.2.7 The responsibilities of the Traffic Safety and Control Officer will include:
- all traffic management measures associated with the Project;
- ensuring that all equipment is in place and in full working order at all times;
- enforcement of all relevant health and safety directives in liaison with the contractor’s Health and Safety Manager, relating to operations and live traffic;
- enforcement of site access requirements;
- liaison with the Employer’s Representative, the CDM Co-ordinator and the relevant authorities and continued monitoring of the traffic management measures adopted; and
- arranging for site inspections at regular intervals and equipment attended to and maintained and in the case of accidents or incidents having replacement signs, cones, bollards and lights and the like erected without delay.
4.2.8 Construction of the Project will also involve working within the navigable waters of the Firth of Forth. Works which involve working within the Firth of Forth or use of marine plant will necessarily impact on other marine activities and could include:
- construction works associated with the foundations and towers for the main crossing;
- transport of materials within the Firth of Forth to and from the construction site;
- transport of men and materials from the foreshore to the construction areas at the towers; and
- lifting the deck sections into place.
4.2.9 A Marine Liaison Group will be formed which will include representatives from the navigation and harbour authorities (Forth Ports plc), operator of Rosyth Dockyard (Babcock International Group (or their subsidiaries)), operator of Port Edgar Marina, the police and coast guard services.
4.2.10 As is also explained in Section 1.7 of this CoCP, the contractor will prepare a Marine Traffic Management Plan which will describe the traffic management, safety and control measures to be implemented with regard to operating within the Firth of Forth and procedures and measures to manage operations and reduce the impact of marine works on navigation within the Firth of Forth during construction.
4.2.11 The contractor will consult with, and take consideration of the views of the Marine Liaison Group during development of the Marine Traffic Management Plan. The consultation will be to ensure that plan adequately covers the procedures to manage construction activities within the Firth of Forth and limit disruption to navigation whilst enabling the safe construction of the main crossing.
4.2.12 The contractor will also liaise with relevant organisations representing users of the Firth of Forth, including appropriate organisations representing fishing interests, to advise them of the construction works to be undertaken within the Firth of Forth and any planned restrictions or restrictions in place to navigation. See also paragraphs 4.6.9 and 4.6.10 of this CoCP.
4.3 Traffic Safety and Control
4.3.1 The contractor will use reasonable endeavours, including appropriate design and installation of traffic management schemes, to reduce the likelihood of traffic diverting onto alternative routes, to mitigate potential impacts on the local community and keep delays and disruptions to traffic to a reasonably practicable minimum. This will include traffic control on local roads as may be necessary as part of the traffic management schemes. The contractor will avoid leaving traffic management measures in place unnecessarily.
4.3.2 The contractor will consult with the TMWG regarding the traffic management measures proposed and will undertake Road Safety Audits in accordance with the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges for complex or major traffic management schemes. Regular meetings will be held with the TMWG during the construction period.
4.3.3 Where required, as determined through consultation with the relevant authorities, the contractor will provide speed detection cameras at temporary traffic management schemes.
4.3.4 When necessary during construction on the line of the trunk roads, the contractor will operate a vehicle recovery system to minimise the impact of breakdowns or accidents on the flow of traffic. This will cover the removal of shed loads and vehicles that are stationary due to mechanical breakdowns, accident damage or abandoned in the trafficked road within the works to a safe location outwith the works site.
4.3.5 The contractor will provide a CCTV system for use in monitoring traffic management schemes, should this be necessary for the safe and effective monitoring of the schemes, maintaining traffic flow and operation of the vehicle recovery system.
4.3.6 Where possible within the works, and without compromising the safe and efficient construction of the scheme, the contractor will provide an emergency lane for use by emergency vehicles when a contraflow is in operation.
4.3.7 The contractor will assist the Police and the relevant roads authorities, as appropriate, in moving abnormal loads through the works.
4.3.8 The contractor will consult with the operators of railways regarding construction works on, over or adjacent to railways or other works which may affect railways and will obtain any consents necessary for the works to be undertaken.
4.3.9 The contractor will consult with:
- relevant roads authorities including FETA;
- Traffic Scotland;
- the organisers of major or significant local events in adjacent local authority areas including the City of Edinburgh, Fife, West Lothian, Perth and Kinross, Clackmannanshire and Falkirk;
- the operators of Rosyth ferry terminal;
- the operators of Rosyth HM Royal Dockyard; and
- other relevant organistions
regarding traffic management and control measures to be implemented to accommodate abnormal traffic or unusually high traffic demands. The contractor will also comply with the requirements of Section 2 of this CoCP regarding public liaison in this regard.
4.4 Temporary or Permanent Closure or Diversion
4.4.1 The Forth Crossing Bill sets out requirements for maintaining access on roads, footways, cycle tracks, bridleways, public rights of way and private accesses (‘road or access and the like’). Unless specifically provided for in the Forth Crossing Bill, or otherwise agreed with the relevant roads authority or the owner and occupier of a private access, the contractor will not close or divert any road or access or the like. Due regard will also be taken of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003.
4.4.2 Where the contractor proposes to provide a temporary or substitute road or access or the like, the width and standard of construction and any lighting required will be suitable for the traffic anticipated to use the route. The contractor will maintain the temporary or substitute road or access or the like to provide adequately for the traffic using the route. The contractor will apply for any consents and prepare any orders or regulations required for temporary traffic management schemes or road closures and comply with the requirements of the relevant roads authority in this regard and to ensure that temporary or substitute roads have the appropriate legal status.
4.4.3 If a road needs to be closed temporarily to facilitate construction works, for example to enable the lifting of bridge beams over an existing road, the contractor will comply with the requirements of the relevant roads authority for the affected roads, any roads authority through which it is intended to divert traffic during the temporary road closure and the Police. The contractor will demonstrate to these authorities that the construction work cannot be carried out safely without the road closure.
4.5 Public Transport, Pedestrian, Equestrian or Cycle Routes
4.5.1 The contractor will consult with relevant local authorities, the operators of Ferrytoll Park and Ride and relevant public transport and local bus operators regarding traffic management schemes that may affect the flow of buses to and from the park and ride facility and will take reasonable precautions to mitigate any disruption to bus services. The contractor will also comply with the requirements of Section 2 of this CoCP regarding public liaison on such matters.
4.5.2 Where existing public transport operates and bus stops are to be temporarily closed or relocated, or become unsafe due to construction activities, the contractor will provide a safe alternative bus stop, where this is reasonable and practicable. The contractor will obtain agreement to any proposed relocations or alterations to bus stops from the relevant roads authority and bus operators, as appropriate. The contractor will also comply with the requirements of Section 2 of this CoCP regarding public liaison on such matters.
4.5.3 Section 4.4 of this CoCP applies in relation to maintaining access for the public on footpaths, footways, cycle tracks, bridleways, public rights of way and the like.
4.5.4 Traffic management measures will accommodate the safe travel of pedestrians and other non-motorised users, as appropriate, and be in accordance with Transport Scotland’s publication Roads for All: The Trunk Road Network Disability Equality Scheme and Action Plan, as appropriate.
4.5.5 The information in the Traffic Management Plan relating to traffic management layouts, signing and apparatus to be implemented will include details of any temporary measures or signing to be implemented to maintain access to and signing of National Cycle Routes and other existing routes signposted for pedestrians or cyclists.
4.6 General Measures to Reduce Construction Traffic Impacts
4.6.1 Section 4.7 of this CoCP applies in relation to access routes to the site used by construction traffic.
4.6.2 Where appropriate, the contractor will provide haul routes through the works for use by construction vehicles to minimise the need to use public roads. Site access points will be positioned to enable the use of haul routes to be maximised, subject to safety considerations in the design and construction of appropriate access points.
4.6.3 The contractor will comply with the requirements of the relevant roads authority regarding the layout and positioning of site accesses.
4.6.4 Where site accesses and at-grade crossings of public roads are required for construction vehicles, the contractor will provide traffic management measures as required and design these measures to avoid unnecessary delay to vehicles on the public road.
4.6.5 The contractor will use best endeavours to keep roads, accesses and the like free from mud and other loose materials arising from the works.
4.6.6 Where reasonable and practicable, construction vehicles will avoid travelling in convoys on public roads.
4.6.7 The contractor will develop and implement a Green Travel Plan which will seek to reduce the effects of construction staff travelling to the site on the road network.
4.6.8 Construction staff using private vehicles to travel to the site will park their vehicles in designated construction site car parks and not on public roads within a two mile radius of the site. Parking of vehicles being used for construction purposes will be permitted on public roads within the limits of any traffic management measures provided for the works or if the vehicles avoid causing disruption to traffic and local residents.
4.6.9 The contractor will use reasonable endeavours to arrange delivery of materials to the site by road between 0930 and 1600 hours to minimise disruption to road users during peak periods. This will be subject to the need for deliveries to occur at other times to maintain the safe and efficient operation of the construction works.
4.6.10 The contractor will proscribe the routine movement of slow moving construction plant on commuter or traffic sensitive public roads within a five mile radius of the construction site outwith the period defined in paragraph 4.6.9.
4.6.11 The design of temporary traffic management schemes will maintain an appropriate number of lanes on public roads in line with the requirements of paragraph 4.3.1 of this CoCP. Lane closures will only be permitted with the approval of the Employer’s Representative and the relevant roads authority.
4.6.12 Appropriate use will be made of the Firth of Forth as a transport corridor for materials for construction of the main crossing, subject to the use of barges or other vessels being safe, efficient and cost effective, to minimise disruption to road users.
4.6.13 The Scottish Ministers will consult with navigation and harbour authorities to develop an operational procedure for construction within the Firth of Forth to enable navigation requirements to be managed whilst enabling construction to proceed in a safe and efficient manner. The contractor will comply with the procedure developed unless otherwise agreed with the relevant navigation and harbour authorities and the Employer’s Representative. The specific measures to be put in place to implement the procedure will be set out in the Marine Traffic Management Plan.
4.7 Access Routes for Construction Traffic
4.7.1 The Scottish Ministers will consult with local roads authorities regarding access routes that may be used by the contractor to access the construction site. All other possible access points to the site from existing roads will be signed with a 'NO ACCESS TO FRC CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC’ or other similar sign. Signing will be provided by the contractor, including seeking any approvals or consents necessary.
4.7.2 Access routes for construction traffic will be limited, as far as reasonably practicable, to the trunk road network and main roads on the local road network. Access along other local roads will be restricted but may be necessary, for example, to enable transport or delivery of locally sourced materials. Access along residential roads will generally be prohibited. In instances where access along lower class local roads and roads within residential areas is required, the contractor will keep this to a reasonably practical minimum. Information regarding public roads to be used by construction traffic will be provided on the website referred to in Section 2 of this CoCP.
4.7.3 The contractor will keep site access points clear at all times and will design and construct site access points to a suitable standard to enable the smooth access and egress of vehicles in a forward direction to limit disruption to road users due to use of the access points. The contractor will consult with the relevant roads authorities regarding the positioning of site access and egress points.
4.7.4 The locations of the construction site offices and compounds are described in Section 3.5 of this CoCP. Site access points will be required for each of the site offices and compounds. The positioning of access for the site offices and compounds will take cognisance of the restrictions set in relation to access routes for construction traffic.
4.7.5 Access along Society Road, South Queensferry will be necessary early in the construction stages associated with provision of the haul road between the site compound to the west of South Queensferry and Society Road. The junction between the haul road and Society Road will be traffic-managed and following construction of the haul road the contractor will not be permitted to use any part of Hopetoun Road/Society Road to undertake construction activities outwith the Act limits or as an access route for construction vehicles.
4.7.6 The contractor will widen and upgrade Society Road, South Queensferry within the limits of deviation shown in the maps, plans and sections accompanying the Forth Crossing Bill to accommodate construction and public traffic over this length of the road.
4.7.7 The contractor will design any access provided to the south foreshore of the Firth of Forth which passes through Port Edgar Barracks to limit impacts within the barracks complex. Such access will be used to facilitate the transport of construction staff and materials to the tower and pier construction areas for the main crossing and the approach viaducts.
4.7.8 The contractor will comply with the Forth Road Bridge Byelaws for the Management, Regulation and Control of the Forth Road Bridge in relation to use of the bridge by construction traffic.
4.8.1 The contractor will monitor traffic management schemes to maintain their effectiveness and condition and to provide for the safety of traffic, the public and construction staff during traffic management works and temporary traffic control measures. The contractor will provide information regarding any delays to traffic due to construction works to Traffic Scotland.
4.8.2 The contractor will monitor traffic levels on roads where reasonably required by the police or the relevant roads authority in line with the requirements of paragraph 4.8.1 to monitor the effectiveness of traffic management schemes.
4.8.3 The contractor will monitor site accesses and public roads adjacent to access points to enable measures to keep accesses and roads clean to be implemented as required.
- Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, Volume 5 Section 2 Part 2, HD19/03 Road Safety Audit, Highways Agency, Scottish Executive, Welsh Assembly Government, The Department for Regional Development Northern Ireland
- Forth Road Bridge Byelaws for the Management, Regulation and Control of the Forth Road Bridge
- Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003
- New Roads and Street Works Act 1991
- Roads for All: The Trunk Road Network Disability Equality Scheme and Action Plan, Transport Scotland, 2006
- Roads (Scotland) Act 1984
- Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended
- The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002, as amended
- Traffic Signs Manual Chapter 8: Traffic Safety Measures and Signs for Road Works and Temporary Situations, Department for Transport, 2009
- Well Maintained Highways, Code of Practice for Highway Maintenance Management, Roads Liaison Group, 2005