13 Landscape and Visual
13 Landscape and Visual
13.1.1 To carry out construction works so that disturbance to the landscape is contained within the construction site in order to protect existing landscape elements such as soils, woodland, trees, hedges, grassland and other habitat.
13.2 Landscape Management Plan
13.2.1 As explained in Section 1.7 of this CoCP, the contractor’s EMP will include a Landscape Management Plan which will include details of the controls to protect the landscape from construction activities together with measures to be implemented to manage and maintain landscape works provided as part of the Project. Measures to be implemented to mitigate visual impacts from the construction works will also be described.
13.2.2 The Landscape Management Plan will include the following, as appropriate:
- Maps showing areas of existing trees and vegetation within the construction site to be retained.
- A schedule of plant species and planting mixes to be used and measures to be implemented to provide sufficient stock of specified species and provenance, including details of plant suppliers to be used.
- A programme for undertaking planting works.
- Measures to be implemented to protect new planting.
- Procedures for the inspection, maintenance and management of planting.
- Details of the measures to be implemented to prevent damage to the landscape adjacent to the construction site by the movement of construction vehicles and machinery.
- Procedures for the identification, removal, handling, storage and transplanting of any vegetation which is to be imported, reused, relocated or transplanted.
- Reference to relevant procedures set out in the management plans for other construction activities insofar as they are relevant for the protection of the landscape.
- Reference to the Pollution Incident Response Plan for emergency procedures to be implemented in the event of a pollution incident.
13.2.3 The contractor will provide a Landscape Clerk of Works who will be responsible for implementation of the Landscape Management Plan.
13.2.4 The contractor will consult with SNH and relevant local authorities, as appropriate, regarding preparation of the Landscape Management Plan.
13.3 Mitigation of Potential Impacts on the Landscape or Landscape Resources
13.3.1 The contractor will endeavour to put in place planting and other landscape measures as early as is reasonably practicable where there is no conflict with the construction activities or other requirements of the Project.
13.3.2 Access to the construction site will be controlled in accordance with the requirements of Section 4.6 of this CoCP. The contractor will have regard to potential impacts on trees or other mature vegetation when positioning site access and egress points and will seek to avoid unnecessary impact.
13.3.3 If damage occurs to the landscape adjacent to the construction site, the contractor will consult with the owners and occupiers of the land in advance of taking entry to the land to undertake any remedial works. Entry to land will be taken in accordance with paragraph 3.6.2 of this CoCP.
13.3.4 The procedures developed by the contractor in management plans for other construction activities will take consideration of the objective to protect the landscape and landscape resources. Relevant procedures will be set out in the following subsidiary management plans, as appropriate:
- Area Management Plan.
- Dust and Air Pollution Management Plan.
- Geology, Land Contamination and Waste Management Plan.
- Surface and Ground Water Management Plan.
- Ecological Management Plan.
- Agriculture Management Plan.
- Cultural Heritage Management Plan.
- Pollution Incident Response Plan.
13.3.5 The procedures set out in Section 11.3 of this CoCP relating to the temporary use of agricultural land will apply equally in relation to the use of other categories of land used temporarily during construction.
13.3.6 The contractor will provide appropriate mitigation to reduce landscape, visual and other environmental impacts associated with temporary site offices and compounds. See also Sections 3.5 – 3.11 of this CoCP regarding operation and management of the construction site.
13.3.7 The procedures set out in Section 11.3 of this CoCP relating to the handling of agricultural soils will apply equally in relation to soils to be used in areas to be seeded or planted. The sourcing, testing, stripping, handling, storage and spreading of site-won and imported topsoil will comply with BS 6031 Code of practice for earthworks.
13.3.8 The contractor will comply with the requirements of Section 10.4 of this CoCP in relation to measures to prevent the spread of invasive and alien species.
13.3.9 The contractor will avoid unnecessary tree and vegetation removal and will protect existing trees in accordance with BS 5837 Trees in relation to construction.
13.3.10 The contractor will undertake the procurement, movement, handling, storage, planting and maintenance of plant material in accordance with the following standards, as appropriate:
- BS 3936-1 Nursery stock. Specification for trees and shrubs.
- BS 3936-4 Nursery stock. Specification for forest trees, poplars and willows.
13.3.11 The contractor will comply with the requirements of Section 10.4 of this CoCP regarding the protection of trees and Section 10.5 of this CoCP regarding tree planting and replacement.
13.3.12 The contractor will consult with SNH, relevant local authorities, the airport operator of Edinburgh Airport, community councils and adjacent landowners, as appropriate, regarding the landscaping and planting proposals.
13.4.1 The Landscape Management Plan will describe the inspection and monitoring procedures to be implemented during construction of the Project to monitor the effectiveness of measures to protect the landscape.
13.4.2 The contractor will undertake appropriate inspection, monitoring and maintenance of landscaping and planting provided as part of the Project to facilitate the effective establishment of vegetation and record the effectiveness of landscaping proposals.
- BS 3936-1:1992 Nursery stock. Specification for trees and shrubs, British Standards Institution
- BS 3936-4:1984 Nursery stock. Specification for forest trees, poplars and willows, British Standards Institution
- BS 3998:1989 Recommendations for Tree Works, British Standards Institution
- BS 5837:2005 Trees in Relation to Construction, British Standards Institution
- BS 6031:1981 Code of Practice for Earthworks, British Standards Institution
- Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, as amended