Meeting minutes - Road Safety Framework Local Partnership Forum - East - 6 October 2022
In Attendance
- Michelle Little (ML) (Chair) Transport Scotland – Road Safety Policy Team
- Andrew Patterson (AP) Transport Scotland - Statistician
- Alasdair Sim (AS) Transport Scotland - Area Manager
- Debbie Nicol (DN) Road Safety Scotland
- Stevie Quinn (SQ) Police Scotland
- Michael Grant (MG) Area Safety Camera Manager
- Niall MacLennan (NMacL) Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
- Marshall Greenshields (MG) East Lothian Council
- Philippa Gilhooly (PG) Scottish Borders Council
- Steven Sellars (SS) Fife Council
- Gillian Kelly (GK) Fife Council
- David Monaghan (DM) Spokes
- Peter Jackson (PJ) Sestrans
- Euan Clayton (EC) MAG
- Richard Perry (RP) Transport Scotland SE/NW Road Safety Manager
- Thomas Keay (TK) Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
- Darren Cook (DC) Police Scotland
- Michelle Burns (MB) Police Scotland
- Ivet Gazova (IG) Transport Scotland Strategy and Analysis
- Stacey Monteith-Skelton (SM) City of Edinburgh Council
- Nicola Marr (NM) East Lothian Council
- Ben McKenna (BM) Transport Scotland Road Safety Policy
Kieren Green (KG) Transport Scotland – Road Safety Policy Team
Welcome and Introductions
The Chair welcomed everyone to meeting and proceeded with round the table introductions.
Minutes and Action from 3 March 2022
The minutes of March 2022, were agreed as an accurate record of discussion and have since been published.
All previous actions have been complete or will be covered by the agenda.
Minutes from both the SPB (June 22) and OPG (Aug 22) meetings will be circulated for information.
Updates from Governance Groups
Safe System Training and Education
Two points were raised at the SPB for discussion with the LPF’s, the first being on Safe System training and education. After initial investigations, it is recognised there is no suitable Safe System training available for use in Scotland. Therefore, Transport Scotland have been in discussions to try source this.
It is expected to be in place in the coming months with Transport Scotland Officials undertaking the training ahead of it being rolled out. This will be made available as quickly as possible to all partners.
Older Road Users
The second point from the SPB was around older road users, with a questions specifically around ‘how are local partnerships presenting the options for older drivers to stop driving’.
This was also discussed at the Operational Partnership Group (OPG) where Police Scotland advised that their older driver working group has been re-established. Additionally, within LPF West an event for over 55’s was ran call ‘Fit for the Road’ organised by Ayrshire Roads Alliance. The feedback from this is that it was well attended and very well received.
It was highlighted that Police Scotland and Fife Council have also been working in partnership to delivery an older driver initiative.
A question was posed to the group on what is currently happening across organisation with regards to older road users. GK advised that Fife Local authority are working with Police Scotland carrying out inputs into older drivers groups, as well as practical driving courses. Positive feedback in relation to increasing confidence has been received. In the north command area they are trailing older driver simulators and if positively evaluated they will be rolled out wider.
The events have been carried out at Glenrothes Police Station, the second in Cupar and then Dunfermline in due course.
DM added the importance to highlight other travel options to these older drivers to help them move away from relying on the car.
AP highlighted that there has been less of a bounce back of over 60’s using bus after the Covid-19 restrictions, noting this may be a factor in there being more older car drivers on the roads. They may be wider societal reasons why older drivers are driving for longer. In addition in 2021 reported road casualties show an increase in older driver KSI and looks like it is continuing into this year.
Foreign Drivers
Concerns around foreign drivers was raised at the OPG, with the perceived increase in these collisions in high tourist areas. Police Scotland advised they have been running the Drive on the Left Campaign in partnership with RSS and continue to work with car hire and ferry companies.
Transport Scotland and local authorities have also increased visible signage and road markings in those areas to remind tourists which side of the road to drive.
However, only one of the fatality was directly linked to the driver being on the wrong side of the road with the others being recorded a poor manoeuvring. The Chair highlighted the challenge to target this issue and asked if members had any campaigns or initiatives which could be explored.
IG asked if this could be down to the driver bringing a left hand drive vehicle into the UK or perhaps hiring an unfamiliar vehicle when arriving here.
EC noted concerns around keep left messaging being on key rings as this isn’t visible when driving and suggested something on the dashboard may be something to explore.
MG asked if foreign cyclists can also be investigated and if anything could be done to also raise awareness to these areas. DC added that he is aware of some issues with foreign cyclists and the message needs to be wide spread in relation to all road users.
DC added, that the North has a bigger issue. Not all tourist will hire a vehicle or bring their own with them but almost all will bring their mobile phones with them and asked if there was anything we could do around message reminders or alerts to provide this road safety information.
Action Point 1: Secretariat to circulate SPB and OPG minutes to members.
Action Point 2: Chair to feedback the events for older road users to the SPB and OPG and will monitor older road user KSI stats for the LPF East for next meeting.
Action Point 3: DM to investigate if there are cycling initiatives which helps support older road users move away from car use.
Action Point 4: IG to explore foreign driver collisions with Police Scotland to establish if these collision occurred in left hand drive or hire vehicles.
Action Point 5: IG to investigate if we have any information on collisions with foreign cyclists.
Action Point 6: Chair to feedback discussion on foreign drivers with the OPG and SPB.
Action Point 7: Chair to explore the possibility of providing mobile road safety alerts to tourists along the lines of a Push notification or app when they arrive in Scotland.
Local Road Casualty Statistics
Local Road Casualties
IG provided a breakdown of the Road Safety Framework 2030 indicators, the progress towards the four 2030 casualty reduction targets, intermediate outcome targets and KPI’s. The stats were broken down into the LPF East area with the data for each local authority area specified.
It was noted that the stats detailed were from ‘adjusted’ figures for 2014-2019. This is because from mid-2019, Police Scotland started to use a new accident recording system. The introduction of this new system has changed the way casualty severity is recorded, making direct comparisons with previous years difficult. The following points were also highlighted;
- Overall Scotland is preforming well against the 2030 targets, although areas of improvement were highlighted.
- All local authorities have seen a drop in the number of pedestrian KSIs in 2021.
- All areas are preforming well against the 20% reduction in those aged 70 and over KSI.
DM queried given the impacts of the pandemic and less people commuting is this showing the in stat figures. AP confirmed this is something that could be provided at the next meeting, however, noted that recent traffic trends reports aren’t showing much of a drop in traffic and are similar to that of before the pandemic.
MG also highlighted on local roads there has been an increase in traffic around schools which may be an unintended consequence of the pandemic and guidance that was issued. It is difficult to unpick and encourage walking to school when friends and family are driving based on previous advice. GK agreed the same is happening in Fife.
PJ requested if this data could be shown in a map format, which may assist areas in identifying trends but also hotspot areas and what could be done to address these. IG advised that a map was something which was requested at other forums and it would have to be worked on. Some local authorities may map their data already, however there are other system such as MAST which can produce this.
Areas of focus for this group should be based on the stats which has indicated children, motorcyclists and young drivers. The group were asked what was happening for these in the East.
DC advised that Police Scotland are currently looking to expand the Rider Refinement course out across Scotland. PG advised that they are open to this course being held in the Scottish Borders as was SQ who advised it will be well received in the area.
Chair requested more information on the motorcycle KSI which occurred in the East. AP advised they will conduct a deep dive into motorcyclists, built a casualty profile, such as post code, age, gender, power of motorbike etc.
Speed Compliance Indicators
The data presented to members shows speed limit compliance on speed limits ranging from 20 mph to 70 mph on both trunk and local road, and for each vehicle type. The data covers the period from 1st July 2021 to 30th June 2022. The headline figures are:
- 20 mph roads have very low speed compliance with 71% of cars and vans speeding through locations that are currently monitored (2 roads). Buses least likely to speed on 20 mph roads with 31% exceeding the limit.
- As the road speed increases to 40 mph, motorcycles become the highest percentage speeding in these locations.
- 60 mph roads see less cars and motorcyclists speeding but bigger rise in the number of HGVs exceeding the limit.
Speed Indicators for Areas of Deprivation
KG began by stating that TS are looking to establish a link between road casualties and areas of deprivation. Within the Road Safety Framework to 2030 there is an Intermediate Outcome Target to reduce the casualty rare in the most 10% SIMD areas to equal that of the least deprived.
Transport Scotland are currently looking at the installation of speed indicators in these areas to gain a clearer picture of the speeds being travelled. Highlighting, that contact has been made with some local authorities regarding this and will continue to liaise with others in the coming weeks. However, KG also advised that if any local authority area would like speed indicators installed to get in touch as this is something that can also be considered.
MAST Update
Background to the MAST system was provided, with KG highlighting that MAST is an analytical platform which can be interrogated to give a clearer understanding on issues, problematic areas and compare different geographical areas in terms of road casualties.
As part of our subscription to MAST, TS pay for a one half day training course for all users in Scotland. A date for this training has now been set for Wednesday 2 November via MS Teams. This will be led by Bruce Walton and consist of two 90 minute sessions, with all delegates must first having signed up for a MAST account before the training.
Action Point 8: IG to provide a breakdown of casualties for impacts of the pandemic for people commuting by time of day at next meeting.
Action Point 9: IG to produce a casualty profile for motorcycle casualties to include, age, distance form home address and experience for all LPF areas.
Action Point 10: IG to explore is the stats can be presented in a mapping format to highlight the hotspot areas.
Action Point 11: DC/SQ to provide an update on the possibility of Rider Refinement North being rolled out in the Scottish Borders.
Current Priorities
Current Priorities of Partners
The group were asked what their current priorities where:
DM began by stating they are currently focusing on promoting people to choose active travel for more journeys and to do so safely via more segregated cycle way. One of the ways they address this is by encouraging local authorities to build more facilities but also through social media campaigns.
SMS advised that the City of Edinburgh Council Road Safety Action Plan is due to go to committee in December 2022 along with the Active Travel Action Plan and Parking Plan as well as other plans. The Road Safety Action Plan links into the Safe System approach, the 20mph roll out and speed reduction measures.
SM added that Edinburgh are also looking at reviewing the School Travel Plans by 2024, to pick up any concerns with a focus on active travel.
EC advised, MAG are currently looking at those who ride for work and what more can be done to ensure the safety of these riders. Chair advised SCORSA are looking at riding for work and it may be beneficial for both organisation to work together.
SS noted that Fife are looking to priorities safety schemes for pedestrians and cyclists especially around junctions. Looking at inter-urban network routes to put in place improvements to prevent injury if vehicles come off the road. Continuing, by stating also looking at hotspot collision areas and what schemes can be implemented to make those safer.
DC highlighted that Police Scotland are prioritising their fatal five offences, linking up with partners such as DVSA looking at commercial vehicles. Annual campaign calendar where PS are currently running a programme for safe tyres.
NMacL advised the SFRS are focusing on a young driver programme throughout Scotland and working within schools. There is also a further roll out of VR technology, which is well received by the young audience.
NMacL continued by highlighted that they are also looking to enhance the Biker Down programme, introducing two new areas this year. Also promoting various road safety messaging via social media.
TK added that the new SFRS Strategic Plan is now live, which includes a clear focus on attending emergencies but also prevention. SFRS have also began to move away from the use of hydraulic rescue equipment in favour of battery kit for fire crews safety and will likely use fire blankets when attending incidents of electric vehicle fires, however this has not been an agreed approach as of yet.
TK explained that some other countries are dousing electric fires by placing vehicles in water, however that leaves the issue of where the contaminated water can be poured. A live scenario was ran at Edinburgh airport, the group felt it would be of interest to have a presentation on this at the next forum.
SM asked if they should be a different protocol for people who have been in a collision in an electric car or if a fire starts in these cars compared to other vehicles.
DN highlighted that due to a pause in budgets, there is no current RSS campaign activity but this will hopefully restart in the near future. There is also a new RSS website which went live at the end of August. DN encouraged members to get in touch if there was any coverage they wish to promote within this space.
Copies of the Road Safety within Curriculum for Excellence booklet has issued to all ELCs, primary, secondary and special schools at the end of September. An electronic version is available on the RSS website. RSS hope to undertake a review of the JRSO scheme and the secondary school road safety learning resources ‘Your Call’, (S1 to S3) and Crash Magnets (S4-S6).
A short information video has also been developed to support the Ice Car initiative, this will go live on the RSS website.
National Strategy for 20 mph/Road Assessment
The National Strategy for 20 mph Speed Limits supports the delivery of the Strategic Transport Projects Review (STPR2) to expand 20 mph speed limits and it has now been announced in the last 2 Programme for Government commitments with 2022 stating “we will Roll out our national strategy for expanding 20 mph, with more roads and areas reducing their speed limits – making our streets feel safer and encouraging active travel”.
Currently, Transport Scotland have asked all 32 local authorities to undertake an assessment of their roads using predefined criteria, which should be completed by Spring 2023. The findings from the road assessment will provide evidence to the 20mph task group on the number of roads affected and the financial costs to implement.
The task group will then agree on the most appropriate route to implement 20 mph speed limits.
The Chair also advised, that several local authorities have indicated they are in a position to become early adopters of the strategy, which will allow the criteria to be tested and iron out any problems early.
In the meantime work is on-going with the Scottish Government Marketing and Insights Unit to develop pre and post communication plans to help gain public buy in and assist in a smooth transition to implementation. After implementation the aim will be to encourage a behavioural change to speeding in our communities.
National Speed Management Review
The framework contains Speed as one of the 12 identified challenges and commits to undertaking a National Speed Management Review to establish appropriate speed limits for different road types within Scotland.
The review would consider a range of measures such as speed management on motorways, speed limits through roadworks, rural settlements on trunk roads, reducing speed limits in urban environments and residential areas as well as consideration of the national speed limits for heavy goods vehicles over 7.5 tonnes on the trunk road network.
The Chair advised that there was a meeting last Thursday to discuss the initial Phase 1 report and the future phases. It is expected that once the phases are complete the findings will be presented to the minister to gauge appetite for change. Following that and depending on the appetite there will also be a public consultation and potentially the need to change legislation.
Action Point 12: Chair to discuss with ScORSA involvement with MAG to represent bikers who ride for work.
Action Point 13: TK to invite SFRS member along to present electric car fire scenario at next meeting.
Road Safety Funding
Update on Road Safety Framework Fund
Providing an update on current initiatives KG noted the below:
Police Scotland BOSCH Data Analysis
- All equipment has now been received and training complete for Police Scotland investigators.
- The devices have significantly increased the amount of information the police can gather on collisions such as actions a driver may have taken prior, such as breaking, acceleration and steering.
D&G Mobile Phone App
- Awaiting the final evaluation, this will be shared with members and published on TS website.
- Continued work with Lynn PR to review their website and also held various webinar series.
- ScORSA also developed and launched a Podcast Series. Working with Freshair Productions to produce a series of 6 podcasts, linked to driving risk and work were discussed, scripts developed and conversations recorded during February and March 2022.
- Listen to the podcasts
KG also advised that a date for the next round of framework funding has not been set, however will provide an update to members once this is confirmed.
Improvement Fund
The Chair advised that with the cost of living crisis in mind, the First Minister has asked the Scottish Government to explore their own budgets to help alleviate other budget pressures. With an emergency review of budgets taking place.
Unfortunately, until that position becomes more clear, no RSIF bids can be approved or grant letters issued. However as soon the position is confirmed, applicants will be contacted.
Transport Scotland will work with partners to explore what can be achieved and delivered so that we can move promptly when the budget position is known.
PG asked if there was any indication of when an outcome is likely to be reached. The Chair advised it is hopeful a decision will be made in the coming weeks.
AOB and Next Meeting
The Chair sought views on who should Chair these meetings going forward. Asking if it would be beneficial for other members to Chair with Transport Scotland providing Secretariat support. Members advised they were content with Transport Scotland Chairing, noting it may be difficult to give an overview of the agenda from just one perspective.
KG raised a point from the North LPF around travelling to school safely following incidents of school pupils being involved in collisions and asked if any members had any initiatives they have in their area which could be shared. DN advised of RSS resources and if the school conduct any road safety messaging or used these such as JRSO and community policing.
MG noted that this is the approach within East Lothian, where they highlight these available resources to schools and look to get the support to parent councils. In addition an event for S5/6 called tomorrows driver used to be ran and looking to re-establish and remodel this. It is an important aspect to get the children involved.
SM advised that City of Edinburgh are hoping to have an in person event in March 2023 for S5/6 pupils. They are looking to move it to the Highland centre and it may be of benefit to have one big event. In addition, they also run a Road Safety Magic Show for primary 1 and 2 pupils in November.
Fife Council and Police Scotland have also worked in partnership developing a radio message ‘Slow Down for School Pupil’, which was positively received. Fife Council also use exclusion zones around some schools. GK advised she would be happy to liaise with other areas to share events that are happening in Fife.
The Chair questioned if the Drivewise project for young drivers was still running in the Scottish Borders and Fife. It was confirmed that this hasn’t restarted after Covid-19 restrictions and has proved difficult to secure venues within Fife, however, it is hoped that if one is found this will be picked back up. SQ advised that it would be good to get something up and running and gain a common approach. A full division road safety group will be coming together to discuss this towards the end of the month.
SQ also confirmed this was a lost in the Scottish Borders due to Covid, continuing by stating there are current proposals for a police division road safety group which will also look at young driver initiatives.
PG highlighted that Scottish Borders Council have won the CIHT Road Safety Award for the year on their 20 mph roll out and evaluation.
PJ questioned the position on e-scooters given the increase and recent incidents involving them. Police Scotland confirmed that these are currently illegal to use on public roads, and requirements for driving licence and insurance is still needed and will enforce/prosecute those who are found to be using them.
TK advised that the SFRS are getting a supplementary problem where people are overcharging them and they are catching fire. London fire brigade have issued guidance , recording 130 scooter and e-bike fires in the last year.
Action Point 14: SMS to invite Chair/KG to Road Safety Magic Show.
Action Point 15: MG to investigate if the young driver event in East Lothian can be re-established.
Action Point 16: KG to share GK details with LPF North member regarding traveling to school safely initiatives.
Action Point 17: SQ to provide an update on the Police Scotland divisional road safety group and in particular young driver events
Action Point 18: Secretariat to set up meeting for March 2023.