Meeting minutes - Road Safety Framework Local Partnership Forum – North - 24 November 2021
- Kieren Green (KG) (Chair) Transport Scotland – Road Safety Policy Team
- Ben Mckenna (BM) (Secretariat) Transport Scotland – Road Safety Policy Team
- Hannah Wood (HW) Transport Scotland – Road Safety Policy Team
- Bertrand Deiss (BD) Transport Scotland – Road Safety Policy Team
- Michelle Little (ML) Transport Scotland – Road Safety Policy Team
- Lorraine Forrester (LF) Transport Scotland – Road Safety Policy Team
- George Henry (GH) Transport Scotland - Road Safety Policy and Education
- Andrew Paterson (AP) Transport Scotland – Statistician
- Stuart Wilson (SW) Transport Scotland – Safety and Development – attending as chair of A9 Safety Group
- Caroline Hay (CHa) Transport Scotland – Road Safety Scotland
- Marco Bardelli (MD) Transport Scotland - Area Manager
- David Devine (DD) Transport Scotland - Area Manager
- Alasdair Sim (AS) Transport Scotland - Area Manager
- Alan Robertson (AR) Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
- Karen Moir (KM) Dundee City Council
- Eric Dunion (ED) Safety Camera Unit Area Manager
- Yvonne Scott (YS) Orkney Council
- Caroline Hood (CH) Robert Gordon University
- Robin Pope (RP) Highland Council
- Neil Lumsden (NL) Police Scotland
- Elaine Penny (EP) Moray Council
- Campbell Sands (CS) Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
- Calum Mackenzie (CM) Western Isles Council
- Ian Wallace (IW) Aberdeenshire Council
- David McArthur (DM) Perth and Kinross Council
- Martin Hall (MH) Aberdeenshire Council
- Jami Blythe (JM) Observer - Brake
- Lisa Mackellaich (LM) Highland Council
- Vycki Ritson (VR) Aberdeen City Council
- Neil Hutcheson (NH) Shetland Council
- Walter Scott (WS) Angus Council
Welcome and Introductions
The Chair welcomed Local Partnership Forum attendees to the first meeting and proceeded with round the table introductions.
Overview of the Road Safety Framework 2030
Slides on Scotland’s Road Safety Framework 2030 were presented to the group, highlighting how road safety can contribute to cross-cutting national priorities including the Scottish Government’s commitment from the Programme for Government, to reduce car kilometres by 20% by 2030 and that all appropriate roads in built up areas have a safer speed limit of 20 mph by 2025 to help encourage more active and sustainable travel and improve safety.
Scotland currently has the 8th lowest casualty stats out of 42 recorded countries and BD highlighted that we will strive to better this, while we work towards our ambition for Scotland to have the best road safety performance in the world by 2030.
The framework embeds the Safe System approach with five key outcomes and also 12 challenges, which are backed up by evidence from STATS19 or other forms of data such as speed counters or roadside surveys and 12 Strategic Actions. For the first time, the framework also has intermediate outcome targets backed up by intermediate measures.
These actions will be translated into deliverables through both national and local delivery plans. The first annual delivery plan was published late September 2021.
A poll was launched to gain an understanding of local road safety strategies. This revealed that 58% have a strategy which aligns to the road safety framework, 16% with a strategy which doesn’t align to the framework and 25% with a strategy that is currently being developed.
MH added that Aberdeenshire Council aligned their new strategy with the framework, the Safe System approach and the national casualty reduction targets.
WH advised that he thought that there would be greater alignment on the delivery plan, as it should be aligned to everyone, including local authorities, not just at a national level.
GH advised that he wanted this to be covered right across the board and that he is glad to see local authorities align local Road Safety Plans to the framework.
RP expressed concerns on funding. RP noted the point raised on rolling out 20s on all appropriate areas by 2025, and asked how will Transport Scotland (TS) achieve this.
GH responded that while analysing the consultation to the framework, we are well aware of funding/resourcing issues. It is important that we share best practice, knowledge and resources.
ML advised that 20’s are still at a very early stage. Lowering speeds in communities and local authorities is something that we will do collectively. This will be looked at in greater detail on the taskforce.
CM advised that LPFs could help with more local issues, highlighting that the LPFs are very beneficial, however, noting that one size does not always fit all. Stats do not always align to strategies, highlighting that 1 fatality in Western Isles can be a 100% increase from the previous year.
Overview of the Local Partnership Forums
The Chair provided an overview of the LPFs, highlighting that when looking back on the 2020 framework it was recognised that much of the excellent work at local level was missed and therefore Scotland’s Road Safety Framework to 2030 introduces a third tier to the governance. The LPFs will work collectively to reach the compelling long-term goal for road safety where no-one dies or is seriously injured by 2050.
The key purpose of the LPFs is to share a consistent message across a national and local level, work together to find solutions, share best practice and plug any gaps in knowledge.
The group were asked their views on the creation on the LPF’s, it was noted that there is overall general support, it is useful to have a direct link to what is happening at a national level.
Draft Terms of Reference and Remit were circulated, noting some attendees were just coming along for the first meeting to gauge the level or further the understanding of the groups. These will be reviewed and circulated along with a formal invite letter to join the group.
Action Point: Secretariat to issue Terms of Reference and Remit with invite letters to the group.
Reported Road Casualties Scotland 2020
AP advised that the Reported Road Casualties Scotland 2020 was published on October 2021 with finalised figures showing that all five national casualty reduction targets that were set out at the start of the Road Safety Framework to 2020 have been met, which is a huge success. AP presented a PowerPoint on more local stats and trends for LPF North.
Members noted their interest in urban vs rural stats highlighted that the stats were very helpful and it is good that these were specific to the North, adding that it is useful to get a proper look and feel on the localised stats.
GH highlighted that the stats can be used to show how LA’s/LPFs are comparing against the national average, right across LPF area of specific mode/targets/figures.
CM commented that data from Police Scotland has changed to new CRASH system, and feels that anomalies exist in the system.
AP expressed confidence in the data (fatality numbers and figures) received from Police Scotland. Confirming that great efforts are made to make it as comparable as they can. Anomalies shouldn’t happen as there are coordinates of where incidents take place.
Action Point: Secretariat to circulate AP’s PowerPoint.
Discussion on local road safety issues and problematic areas
Local road safety was then discussed with the group, what and how road safety is considered locally with any problematic areas.
CM suggested the ‘Be Bright, be Seen’ campaign, to focus on recent pedestrian KSI’s as well as a campaign focused on tourists, such as ‘Drive on the Left’ campaign, and a campaign on drink and drugs, which looks to be increasing in Western Isles. Speed was also noted as an issue in Western Isles, although casualties are not increasing. The work is very localised with many receiving speed complaints.
CS advised that their Road Safety Partnership Group asked members about local needs. One was around older drivers getting back on the road after the lockdown period. Noting that they are aligning their work to the five pillars of the Safe System and the framework, but feels that work should still be aligned to the four E’s.
CHa added that there was a ministerial PR launch to address the ‘Staycation’ campaign. Literature was produced for the ‘Drive on the Left’ campaign and advised attendees to get in touch if they had any questions on this. RSS campaign assets can be found on and leaflets can be ordered (free of charge) via Simply Order.
IW advised that they operate a casualty prediction calendar, highlighting that this is just a guide, as it is becoming increasingly difficult to identify trends. There is an increasing tendency in victim blaming in which they are trying to prevent.
Action Point: Chair/ Secretariat to liaise with stats to get more localised stats at next LPF meeting.
Mast Membership
The Chair advised that as well as the Reported Road Casualty Scotland publication, there are also other sources of data available such as the MAST tool. MAST is an road safety analytical tool which can be interrogated to give a clearer understanding on issues and problematic areas. Through the Road Safety Framework budget, we have subscribed to MAST for a number of years and allows users across Scotland free access.
The Chair then asked members if they are aware of MAST and if they use it and if there was any barriers preventing them from utilising this.
EP highlighted that MAST is difficult to use and that they are not using it as often as they could.
IW aDded that there are two different sides of MAST. The Headlines section provides good stats and the other side of MAST which is difficult to use.
The MAST service will be kept under review and if not used widely enough to justify the costs then this will be proposed to the governance groups to possibly be removed.
Other analytical tools are available - the DfT have launched a road safety interactive dashboard which can be disaggregated by local authority, it is free and very easy to use. A link to the dashboard will also be shared along with the minutes.
Action Point: Secretariat to send out link to DfT dashboard with minutes (
Relevant Topics for Inclusion at future meetings
The group were asked if there are any road safety topics members would like to discuss at the next meeting. This can be mode specific or any other issues that members would feel to be of benefit to this group. The following were suggested:
- Kids on bikes, and possibly linking this in to the ‘Be Bright, be Seen’ campaign
- Pre and young drivers (e.g. Crash Data and Driver Ambition)
- Fitness to drive
- Older drivers
GH advised that focus groups are looking to be established with fitness to drive being one of these. We will share information from the groups with the LPFs.
Road Safety Funding
Overview of the Road Safety Framework and Evaluation Fund and initiatives
HW provided an overview of both funds and detailed previous initiatives that have received framework funding over the years.
The two funds available are the Road Safety Framework Fund and Evaluation Fund. The Framework Fund supports initiatives to deliver targeted road safety interventions whereas the Evaluation Fund focuses on the retrospective evaluation of road safety interventions and the wider impact that these have on road safety.
Action Point: Secretariat to circulate link to previous projects and link to live applications.
Call for funding - Road Safety Framework and Evaluation Fund
HW informed the group that calls for bids are live and will close on the 14th February 2022.
This round of funding will focus on applications that directly contribute to the Safe Road Use pillar of the Safe System, this might include projects which have a focus on road users such as pedestrian or cyclists or other areas that effect road use such as distraction or fatigue. Although all applications will be considered.
A short animation was shared on the Safe Road Use Pillar and BM highlighted that TS has created 5 short animations for each pillar of the Safe System. The Safe Road Use animation was launched this week with the others being rolled out before the new year. Partners can use and share the animations, and they can be found on the framework website.
CM advised that local authorities have to think of anything that is not a physical intervention. Good to discuss this at the LPFs as one initiative may work with one LA but not the other.
CH advised that Road Safety North East Scotland/Aberdeenshire Council partnered with Robert Gordon University on a funding bid that was successful via the Road Safety Evaluation Fund. Adding that CH is happy to talk to anyone offline who would like to understand their experience and discuss the potential of working with academic partners on road safety evaluation.
Development of Road Safety Improvement Fund business case
LF advised that TS will develop a proposal to bolster the need for a national Road Safety Improvement Fund which will help road authorities and partners meet the challenging 2030 road casualty reduction targets and to implement the Safe System across their road network.
The funding would allow for a proactive approach to road safety by undertaking a risk mapping exercise on all routes, in addition to more traditional road safety measures. This may identify where investment could be targeted to improve the maintenance and upgrading of roads, kerbsides and pavements.
LF advised that the business case for the Improvement Fund is still being created and will need to be subsequently agreed by ministers, highlighted that the Improvement Fund would not replace the block grant funding that local authorities receive.
Road Safety Framework Activity
RSF2030 Delivery Plan
LF advised the first delivery plan was published on 23 Sept 2021 and it was developed with road safety and delivery partners. It contains 60 quantifiable sub-actions, also called deliverables, with each providing a contribution towards progress of the twelve strategic actions of RSF2030. It sets out immediate national actions that our delivery partners will take forward in 2021-2022 and identifies where actions are longer-term from 2022-2030.
The development of the next delivery plan is currently underway and is planned to commence from 1 April 2022.
WS asked if the next delivery plan will be at a national level and asked if there would be a local level one to detail further deliverables.
LF noted that there are potentials to have different strands coming from the delivery plan but we do need a national one for the framework.
JB highlighted the Post-crash Pillar, advising that Brake are supporting victims in a national road safety sense, and are doing work with people who have suffered from serious injuries. Brake would like to have more of an involvement going forward.
CM highlighted that it would be good to have a TS representative to attend local meetings to fully explain the framework to local partners.
Action Point: Secretariat to circulate link to Delivery Plan.
Action Point: BD to liaise with JB on Post-crash Response involvement.
Action Point: GH to attend next Western Isles Council local forum to discuss the framework and delivery plan.
Road Traffic Fatality Research
ML provided an update on the Road Traffic Fatality Research, noting that Transport Scotland have been working in partnership with Police Scotland to establish Road Traffic Fatality Research. The research will involve ‘deep dive’ investigations into the root causes of all fatalities on Scotland’s road network. Investigating and scrutinising each fatal collision beyond the broad-based options currently available on the STATS 19 form.
The research will lead to a more proactive and preventative approach in the reduction of road deaths. A working group was established at the beginning of this year to lead on the delivery of the research and once reports are produced the group will examine the recommendations and agree on how to progress / action the countermeasures going forward
The group agreed this was good research to have and will help in proactively tackling road casualties. It was also noted that the first reports will be due early next year.
National Conversation/Road Safety Week
LF provided an update on the National Conversation on road safety, which aims to reach out to all road users to encourage greater personal responsibility and a change in perception which, ultimately, should lead to a transformation of the road safety culture.
As part of this National Conversation, there will also be a Scottish Road Safety Week. To date a working group has been formed and made up of TS staff and external organisations including Police Scotland, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, RoSPA and IAM Roadsmart.
A week has been set for this and will be held during week commencing 21 March 2021, with the Road Safety Scotland Annual Seminar also taking place on Wednesday 23 March 2022.
Education and Publicity
CHa detailed the work carried out by Road Safety Scotland (RSS) and the publicity initiatives that that they have recently been involved in. CHa provided an update on the education side, advising that that the RSS website is undergoing a complete rebuild.
Framework Microsite
BM advised that the framework microsite was launched in February 2021, to coincided with the framework. The purpose is to have a ‘go to’ platform for road safety in Scotland, with new content continuously added and members are encouraged to highlight any articles/campaigns and we can look to promote this on our website. The Road Safety Policy Team are also developing a road safety newsletter that will share knowledge and updates between all the governance groups and on work that is progressing in road safety.
National Strategy for 20 mph Zones and Limits
An update was provided on the National Strategy for 20 mph Zones and Limits, and on the work that is being carried out on this since the recent Programme for Government commitment.
Key policy areas across the Scottish Government met in October to discuss individual policies were lower speeds were identified as key in the delivery of their wider objectives and to discuss the inception of the strategy and the task group. The first meeting of the 20 mph task group will take place in December of this year.
Having representation form each LA on the task group was raised. It was highlighted that in consultation with SCOTS representative have been selected to provide the view from local authorities. It may be the case as the national strategy progresses wider input may be considered.
National Speed Indicator
An overview of the National Speed Indicator was provided, Transport Scotland have been working in partnership with local authorities across Scotland to establish a National Speed Indicator.
As of March 2021, 100 speed indicators have been installed and configured to start collecting speed data across both local and trunk road networks. The monitoring and research of speed is essential in the delivery of the Safe System and provides and insight into not only speed compliance but driver behaviours.
The collected data will inform an analytical product that will be used to identify patterns and issues, thereby focusing partnership efforts in the right places on the road network.
User friendly report are being developed and hope to be in use early next year.
No question were asked by the group.
Any other business
The Chair asked if there is anything which hasn’t been discussed today that you would like to see at the next meeting or any further organisations which would benefit from a seat at this table and have representation at these meetings going forward.
KM advised that Community Planning should have involvement at a high level. To discuss areas of deprivation and families and link this back to road safety.
WS noted that he would welcome more frequent meetings than six months, given how beneficial this meeting has been. WS also noted that LPFs may warrant an interim meeting as this would have more benefit.
These meetings will follow a six month meeting cycle to coincide with the other governance groups, but kept under review. There will also be updates sent to members via email between meetings.
Once membership is agreed through the invites letters we will get a date in the dairy for the next meeting, which will be held in March and then every 6 months.
Action Point: Chair/Secretariat to consider Community Planning’s involvement in the Governance Structure.
Action Point: Secretariat to set up meeting for March 2022.