Meeting minutes - Road Safety Framework Local Partnership Forum - West - 4 October 2022
- Tony Topping (TT) Dumfries and Galloway Council Network Strategy & Road Safety and Dumfries and Galloway Road Safety Partnership (CHAIR)
- Karen McDonnell (KM) RoSPA
- Dawn Thomson (DT) RoSPA
- Lorraine Napier (LN) Police Scotland
- Greg Dinnie (GD) Police Scotland
- Ian Anderson (IA) Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and Dumfries and Galloway Road Safety Partnership
- Graeme Robin (GR) North Ayrshire Council
- Graeme McLay (GM) East Dunbartonshire Council
- Colin Smith (CS) South Lanarkshire Council
- Ross Scullion (RS) Inverclyde
- Ross McDowell (RM) East Renfrewshire
- George Cairns (GC) Glasgow City Council
- Alan Bowater (AB) Safety Camera Unit Manager, Police Scotland
- Jami Blythe (JB) BRAKE
- Lorraine Forrester (LF) Transport Scotland
- Michelle Little (ML) Transport Scotland
- Ben McKenna (BM) Transport Scotland
- Kieren Green (KG) Transport Scotland
- Hannah Wood (HW) Transport Scotland
- Steven Feeney (SF) Transport Scotland
- Hannah Green (HG) Transport Scotland
- Caroline Hay (CH) Road Safety Scotland
- Ivet Gazova (IG) Transport Scotland
- Andrew Paterson (AP) Transport Scotland
- Kerr Chalmers (KC) South Ayrshire Council and Ayrshire Roads Alliance
- William Rice (WR) Inverclyde Council
- Fiona Cameron (FC) North Ayrshire Council
- Caroline Tonner (CT) West Dunbartonshire Council
- Eileen Bell (EB) Inverclyde Council
- Graeme Senior (GS) East Ayrshire Council and Ayrshire Roads Alliance
- Daniel Hainey (DH) South Ayrshire Council and Ayrshire Roads Alliance
Agenda Item 1: Welcome and Introductions
The Chair welcomed the group and proceeded with membership introductions.
Agenda Item 2: Action Points from previous meeting 21/03/22
The Chair reviewed outstanding action points.
Action Points 11 and 12: Ongoing – Members that have not accepted the Terms of Reference and membership by email are to respond to LF.
Action Point 13: LN updated - Reportable Road Traffic Collisions are recorded on CRASH system, but it’s limited by mode and doesn’t record e-Scooters.
Agenda Item 3: Updates from Strategic Partnership Board (SPB) and Operational Partnership Group (OPG)
LF advised that for SPB an activity report will now be required, created from Local Partnership Forum (LPF) partner updates.
Action Point 17: To provide partners with an activity report template and get clarification on the level of detail required in the activity report.
Owner: Lorraine Forrester
LF advised that the next SPB meeting has been brought forward from January 2023 to 17 November 2022.
LF asked attendees to consider if LPF West meetings should be held 3 times a year, still with a rotating chair. All attendees agreed.
LF updated that there was a request from SPB to find out what was happening at a local level with older road user groups and foreign drivers. It was agreed that we would tie this into today’s themed discussion on Over 55’s. Members agreed to include older drivers as a standing agenda item going forward. Initially Transport Scotland (TS) to consider doing work to tackle data and speed indicator shows.
Action Point 18 – Add older drivers as a standing agenda item.
Owner: Transport Scotland
Action Point 19 – TS to consider actions to tackle data and speed indicator shows.
Owner: Transport Scotland
LF advised that there were no updates to provide from OPG.
LF advised of a request from LPF North, asking if councils could consider sharing information on their local initiatives re ‘Travelling to School Safely’ with Aberdeenshire Council.
Action Point 20 - Any updates could be passed on to Aberdeenshire Council directly or via Lorraine Forrester.
Owner: Lorraine Forrester
LF to re-send Doodle Poll link for MAST user training session on 2nd Nov at 11:00hrs.
Action Point 21 - Doodle poll link for MAST session on 02 November to be resent to LPF West members.
Owner: Lorraine Forrester
Agenda Item 4: Casualty Statistics – West of Scotland
Presentation given on Road Casualty Reductions by Ivet Gazova using the latest numbers which are estimates from 2021. (Slides will be issued separately to accompany the Minutes)
The Chair thanked Ivet and invited questions from attendees, which included the following:
Is it possible to provide statistics split between local roads and trunk roads for Scotland and can these be provided for future meetings.
Action Point 22 - For future statistics presentations, provide a statistic split between Scotland’s local and trunks roads.
Owner: Transport Scotland
A map pinpointing incidents involving motorcycles will also be provided to show correlations/ trend patterns for the whole of Scotland and will be circulated via a link.
Action Point 23 – A link to a map with motorcycle incidents (trends) to be shared with the group.
Owner: Transport Scotland
Agilysis has previously been employed by Glasgow City Council. Many motorcyclists may come from outwith the accident area(s). Ask Bruce to come along and do presentation.
Action Point 24 – Ask Bruce Walton at Agilysis to do a presentation on motorcycle incidents for West of Scotland.
Owner: Transport Scotland
Agenda Item 5: Themed Discussions
Discussion Theme - Person Centred approach to driver health.
RoSPA initiated discussion with an update on their SCORSA activity such as re-branded webinar CDs; relaunched Road Safety Hour - the first webinar was well attended in August with next one on 18 Oct – with links to register shortly to be available on social media. All webinar recordings placed on SCORSA website. A Road Safety podcast also available with a further six podcasts expected. Dawn invited all attendees to get in touch if presentations were required.
The Chair thanked DT and invited discussion/questions from attendees, which included the following areas:
Driver health can affect their ability to perform behind the wheel. Information is issued through SCORSA to employers to ensure driver health is as good as it can be. It includes information on, getting check-ups; sleep apnoea; visionary requirements; diabetes to raise awareness.
Factors including the length of time to determine the cause of accident can affect figures making it difficult to evaluate the size of the problem. ‘Fit to Drive’.
Action Point 25 – RoSPA to discuss and provide any available information to members.
Owner: Transport Scotland
At this point members were asked to consider how to get new members on to the forum reaching further afield than the Ambulance, Fire & Rescue Service.
Action Point 26 - Members were asked to consider new wider / relevant membership.
Owner: All members
Discussion Theme - How can we better use / access statistics locally e.g. potentially MAST and what that can offer.
The discussion started by discussing that MAST data had previously been found to be out of date by approximately one year although this can be useful for long term analysis. LF to pick this up with Bruce Walton (Agilysis).
Action Point 27 – Speak to MAST about data not being current.
Owner: Transport Scotland
Police Scotland data may fluctuate and can be due to (a) cause - if something medical, (b) not recorded as a road casualty, (c) if a suicide, (d) over 28 days over period of collision. Circulate dates of MAST Agylisis webinars throughout the rest of the year.
Action Point 28 – Circulate dates for MAST Agylisis webinars.
Owner: Transport Scotland
Local police officers/ general public often advise councils of accidents timeously, proving very useful in information sharing, although some local officers are due to retire. Damage Only accidents are not reported officially.
Is the Safe System working correctly? Can it be rolled out across the network and is it working correctly - consider rolling it out across the network.
Action Point 29 – Ask OPG and other LPF’s if members are pro-actively rolling out Safe System measures.
Owner: Transport Scotland
Take steps to pull something together around perhaps Insurance companies would be a source for information – do the OPG have anything?
Action Point 30 – Ask OPG if they have data from Insurance companies on damage only accidents.
Owner: Transport Scotland
The discussion continued and it was noted that for a road accident to be recorded (1) there must be damage and (2) for Police to attend, certain criteria needs to be met. Only where there are injuries is it recorded on the CRASH system. The Motor Insurance Bureau (MIB) produce a report on road accidents – can this be shared? AP is meeting with Department for Transport (DfT) shortly and will discuss access to database.
Action Point 31 – To enquire if MIB can share their report on road accidents.
Owner: Transport Scotland
It was further discussed, that information, including health elements, could potentially be missed. Community Safety Team meetings focussed around schools/ local groups in East Renfrewshire currently are attended by Police and working on a strategic needs assessment. Nothing currently available around sub-authority data. A lot of information comes through Police Scotland stats – how do other local authorities capture that information? - possibly sourced through CRASH or health records which will involve time elements.
Discussion Theme - Over 55’s “Fit for the Road”
Police Scotland initiated the discussion, and provided detail about a recent Kilmarnock joint Ayrshire council event with Ayrshire Roads Alliance (East and South Ayrshire) and North Ayrshire participating and promoting the event, which was aimed at Over 55’s. Social media and libraries were used to promote the event. Guest speakers included Police Scotland and a local optician. Event included hazard perception tests, brake tests, reaction time test, computer method of working out driving costs. RoSPA carried out driver assessments - a simulation could prove more economical and members were informed that LPF North are using simulator via Police Scotland. Councils could maybe consider joint ventures to control costs.
It was discussed that the event title could evoke fear e.g. of someone having their licence taken away / impeding of independence – consider a broader and still inclusive title, e.g. ‘accidents in the home’, ‘intruder awareness’. It could be tied in to wider education on Safe System in Scotland’s Road Safety Week in March for a ‘softer approach'.
The group further discussed older and foreign driver as requested by SPB about actions that members were taking forward on this. It was agreed that this topic should be a standing agenda item.
Discussion Theme - Most Common Causations of collisions of collisions and tried / tested methods that could reduce risk and / or severity.
Difficulty to categorise ‘causations'. Look at reducing severity of collisions via additional signage/ road markings.
It was suggested that a meeting invite is extended to someone from TS TRCRT or Maintenance team for next LPF West meeting (for presentation or as a member perhaps?).
Action Point 32 - Invite Transport Scotland Trunk Road Casualty Reduction team for next meeting to provide a presentation and discuss membership.
Owner: Transport Scotland
Consider wider impacts of safety measures – resurfacing/ taking out bad bends can result in faster roads. LA’s should share information e.g. where safety measure improvements have resulted in greater levels of collisions.
Discussion Theme - New Themes to be Added
Aide Memoire to be circulate to all by LF. All to revisit the list and add to it as opposed to TS or The Chair selecting themes.
For the next meeting (spring 2023) all to consider relatable issues to discuss and try to anticipate what could be happing on the roads, for example issues coming in springtime when more motorcycles and older road users on roads.
Action Point 33 - Suggestions for additional themes to be provided to LF.
Owner: All members
It was suggested that it would be helpful to have a relevant guest presenter for next meeting.
Action Point 34 – Arrange for a relevant guest presenter for next meeting.
Owner: Lorraine Forrester
Agenda Item 6: Updates
LF reminded everyone of the earlier actions about a request from SPB to have an LPF activity report and LF will provide a blank template to members.
Update - East Dunbartonshire Council (GM)
Currently recruiting – issue with getting Road Safety Officers (graduate calibre). Local Authorities (LA’s) facing succession issues. Staff in local council area still working from home. There are not enough local contractors and it’s not a college/university recruiting area.
Update - Police Scotland (LN&GD)
Appears older road users (aged over 66) responsible for own demise. Andrew Thomson to engage with GCC re ‘Look Before You Step Out’ campaign, ‘Don’t be Distracted by Mobile Phones’ campaign and to put out posters. PS will look to engage with older road users over next few weeks re carrying out safety checks. Engaging with younger road users via New Driver Intervention Scheme and Car Cruise events – ongoing. Safety campaign: cost of living increases resulting in more uninsured vehicles on the road, older vehicles not being maintained/repaired. Speed Operation in October linking in with local authority to discuss where speeding is an issue / increase public confidence. Looking to roll out Road Presentation North (Gavin McCallum) as well as Operation Dogma (two unmarked police motorbikes) to do protection work for motorcyclists – can update at next meeting.
Update - Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (IA)
Looking at embedding Road Safety Partnership governance. Ian is leaving fire service in next few months and standing down as Chair. Since last meeting: Northwest 200 initiative (motorcycle event) held in Ireland. Thanks to Caroline Hay and Michael McDonnell for all their input. Captive audience on ferry across to Ireland for electric motorbikes on show on ferry, helmet removal procedure, first aid for motorcyclists, tv screens up with new motorcycle campaign on it. 221 motorcyclists took part in questionnaire. Valid information gathered re who was travelling through the region/ from Scotland, average distance travelled, distance travelled without overnight break, those travelling via motorway, rider information e.g. ages, frequency of riding, part of riding group, etc.
Action Point 35 - SFRS to share their outcome report for the Northwest 200 initiative on the questionnaire with all once information collated.
Owner: Transport Scotland
Update – Police Safety Camera (AB)
New camera system being put in place - first of 9 cameras going in. Roadworks to be carried out re marking systems. Finance approved. Enforcement more efficient. Two temporary average speed cameras put in place in roadworks on M8 in Glasgow. Site selection process sent out – responses awaited. 48 sites up for discussion – from w/c 10 Oct 12-15 new sites to come online. 35 dormant sites signed off to be utilised for selection/use.
Update – North Ayrshire Council (GR)
Joint venture event to be held at end of October in Troon. Two school events completed in North Ayrshire. Bicycle training/ checks ongoing in North Ayrshire. Travel plans completed when required. Ongoing walking route assessments. Gained £20k for cycling.
Update – East Renfrewshire Council (RM)
Considering a split of East Renfrewshire into ‘traffic management zones’ in order to visit areas and have discussions directly with local residents as to where concerns are - consideration to be given to providing options/categories. Ties in with Safe System. Safe System training currently in infancy and being developed. Currently recruiting for interns to carry out on-site surveying.
Update – RoSPA (DT)
Focus on fatigue and driving. Offering training course for sleep advisers late in the year. December – focus on winter driving with webinar. Ice scrapers, chamois, tyre gauges all available and can be obtained from Dawn/Barbara.
Update - Dumfries and Galloway Council (AT)
Team very much engineering based. Departments within D&G focussing on working together e.g. Education working with younger people and info will be fed into Safe System.
Update – Transport Scotland (LF)
Road Safety Improvement Fund, thanks extended to all who submitted an application. No updates further to that of my email of 27 September. Ministers are looking at all budgets and hopefully position will be clear soon. Scottish Budget due end of this week although Parliament in recess to end of next week.
Update – Transport Scotland (LF)
RSF30 Delivery Plan - Second delivery plan for delayed by other commitments. Delivery Partners busy working on this with different format different which is more inclusive and accessible. As soon as published a link will be provided.
Action Point 36 - Provide members with a link to the second delivery plan when published.
Owner: Transport Scotland
Update – Road Safety Scotland (CH)
New Road Safety website live 18 August Potential training issues - please contact Caroline. RS Scotland stall at SEC for Learning Festival. 8th & 9th November @ Murrayfield Stadium (Children in Scotland Conference). Looking at S1-S3 resource and S4-S6 resource with subject matter expert being available. Currently developing a resource for children with complex additional support needs which is flexible/ adaptable for the use of each child. Specialist identified for suitability within mainstream education settings. ICE card: for use with child passengers. Requires to be adhered to child car seats. TS partnered with Scottish Fire & Rescue Service, Police Scotland and Good Egg Safety (ICE card video played). Smyths will be distributing ICE cards at point of sale. Every LA has a member of staff with login details for ordering these cards on the online catalogue – if not please contact Caroline.
New Membership
LF reminder LPF members of the earlier outstanding action for ToR that have still to be accepted. Suggestions for new members welcome – submit to LF.
National Police Dash Cam
Discussions continue with Police Scotland who are pulling together programme for implementation of project. They are committed to bringing this initiative online.
Agenda Item 7: AOB
- LF extended thanks to Tony for standing as first rotating Chair.
- SPB template activity report will be sent out to all by LF as mentioned earlier.
- Request for all members to participate in LPF meetings.
- Next Meeting in Spring 2023 and the invite will be issued by LF.