Meeting minutes - Road Safety Framework Local Partnership Forum - West - 7 March 2023


  • Graeme Senior (Chair), Ayrshire Roads Alliance
  • Lorraine Forrester (LF), Transport Scotland Road Safety Policy
  • Caroline Hay (CH), Transport Scotland Road Safety Scotland
  • Barbara Rae (BR), Ayrshire Roads Alliance
  • Alan Bowater (AB), Safety Camera Unit Manager Police Scotland
  • George Cairns (GC), Glasgow City Council
  • Fiona Cameron (FC), North Ayrshire Council
  • Graeme McLay (GM), East Dunbartonshire Council
  • Scott Irving (SI), Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
  • Neil Brannock (NB), M6 Autolink – Dumfries and Galloway Road Safety Partnership
  • Hugh Niccolls (HN), Police Scotland
  • Hugh O’Neill (HO), Argyll and Bute Council
  • Tony Reid (TR), Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
  • Ross Scullion (RS), Inverclyde Council
  • Paul Sheridan (PS), East Renfrewshire Council
  • Simon Bradshaw (SB), Cycling Scotland
  • Colin Smith (CS), South Lanarkshire Council
  • Tony Topping (TT), Dumfries and Galloway Council and Dumfries and Galloway Road Safety Partnership
  • Michelle Little (ML), Transport Scotland Road Safety Policy
  • Kieren Green (KG), Transport Scotland Road Safety Policy
  • Ivet Gazova (IG), Transport Scotland Statistician
  • Morag Mackay (MM), Transport Scotland Trunk Road Casualty Reduction
  • Elaine Lorimer (EL), Renfrewshire Council
  • Fiona Muir (FM), Renfrewshire Council
  • Niamh Devlin (ND), RoSPA
  • Susan Stewart (SS), BRAKE


  • Karen McDonnell (KM), RoSPA
  • Lorraine Napier (LN), Police Scotland
  • Jami Blythe (JB), BRAKE
  • Shelley Gill (SG) BRAKE
  • Stuart Watson (SW), Argyll and Bute Council
  • Catherine Tonner (CT), West Dunbartonshire Council
  • Graeme Senior (GS) Ayrshire Roads Alliance
  • Gary Wood (GW) North Lanarkshire
  • Ross McDowall (East Renfrewshire)


  • Ben McKenna (BM), Transport Scotland Road Safety Policy

Agenda Item 1 - Welcome and Introductions

The Chair welcomed Local Partnership Forum (LPF) – West members to the meeting, and proceeded with round the table introductions. The Chair welcomed new members to the meeting and thanked Ian Anderson from the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service for his contribution to the group and wished him well in his retirement.

Agenda Item 2 - Action Points from Previous Meeting 04/10/22

LF covered outstanding actions:

  • If MAST is funded for a further year, we will have one training session per year and this will be circulated to members.
  • The Safe System training is currently being progressed and will be rolled out to members in due course. This will assist in the action pro-actively rolling out Safe System measures.
  • The OPG confirmed that they didn’t have data from insurance companies on damage only collisions.
  • IG & MM will provide a presentation today to cover - Arrange for a relevant guest presenter for next meeting.

Agenda Item 3 – SPB (Strategic Partnership Board) and OPG (Operational Partnership Group) Updates

LF advised that the OPG met on 22 February and the minutes will be circulated to members once published. 

 There will be a ministerial SPB meeting taking place on 9 March. This will be an opportunity for all SPB members to provide the Minister for Transport with a detailed update of how their organisation is supporting delivery of the Road Safety Framework to 2030 (RSF2030).

Action Point 37: LF to circulate OPG minutes once published.

Agenda Item 4 - Casualty Statistics West of Scotland

IG presented how the LPF West is performing against the targets contained in the RSF2030:

  • The fatalities in the LPF West is higher than the baseline (2 more)
  • 75% of these fatalities are male
  • Just over half of fatalities happen during single car collisions, 38% are two vehicles
  • 1 casualty was known not to wear a seat belt

 An update was provided on the other 3 national casualty stats:

  • LPF West is below the baseline for 50% reduction in seriously injured
  • 60% reduction in children killed – the figure is too low to provide analytical data.
  • 60% reduction in children seriously injured – LPF West is currently below the rate of reduction required.

IG also presented stats on the Intermediate Outcome Targets:

  • Cyclists – a few local authorities have seen an increase but overall, LPF West has reduced.
  • Motorcyclists – 17% reduction from baseline. IG also provided a map of where the motorcycle casualties occur in LPF West.
  • 20% reduction in KSIs aged 70+ - currently at 38% reduction

70% reduction in road users aged between 17 to 25 killed or seriously injured – currently at 50% reduction.

IG also provided information on Speed Indicators, which detailed speed compliance for different modes, on speed limits ranging from 20-70mph.

IG is working on a dashboard where each local authority can check road casualties in their respective area. The map is open to being extended at request from members.

IG informed members that road casualty stats for 2019 and years previous to this are adjusted – due to Police Scotland changing the way seriously injured are measured.

HO asked if we count medical conditions in road casualty stats and if we look at charges as a result of road traffic collisions.

IG advised that we do not look at medical conditions, although it is included in Police Scotland data. We do have contributory factors such as drink and drug driving.

MM confirmed that Transport Scotland do not received information in regards to charges.

HN advised that Police Scotland do not hold or provide information on charges on Stats19, as it’s for the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) to decide charges and this information in regards to cases can be determined a year later.

GM queried how trunk road data was calculated as it appeared there was trunk road data included for his local authority, when there aren’t any. IG will review and clarify

Action Point 38: IG to circulate map to members once live.

Action Point 39: IG to circulate presentation to members.

Action Point 40: IG to review and clarify East Dunbartonshire statistics.

Agenda Item 5 - Trunk Road Casualty Reduction – Presentation

MM provided a presentation on the Trunk Road Casualty Reduction Team. The team sit within Network Operations in the Roads directorate within Transport Scotland (TS) and is responsible for delivering low cost engineering measures on the Trunk Road Network. The team work to deliver the actions within TS’s Strategic Road Safety Plan (which is currently being redrafted to reflect the RSF30) and also work to achieve the road casualty reduction targets contained in the RSF30.

Annual Road Safety Review – the team oversee the process to develop a prioritised programme of sites for investigation to the deliver the greatest casualty accident savings – and leads to the development of potential low-cost engineering work.

Accident cluster sites and routes or sections where accident rates is abnormally high relative to the number of users, is amongst the areas that are prioritised. Engagement is also carried out with emergency services, local authorities and Safety Camera Partnership to identify any areas of concern.

Route Scoring Risk Mapping Tool – the team uses a GIS system of mapping that identifies risk based on road infrastructure characteristics and roadside hazards.


  • Delivery of Active Travel
  • Consideration of appropriate speed limits in rural locations
  • Motorcycle initiatives (such as PRIME – which is an initiative where road markings are put on the road which put motorcyclists in the best position for taking bends and is something that may be rolled out further)
  • Delivery of 20 mph’s

TR stated that the A77 & A75 don’t have signs warning drivers, such as HGV’s of motorcyclists.

MM is not aware of a specific reason but will look into this and report back.

SB asked if anything can be shared to cyclists in regards to the perception of danger.

MM responded that the team always prioritise active travel but it’s hard to focus on areas if casualties are low, due to budget.

Action Point 41: MM to look in to why the A77 & A75 don’t have signs warning drivers of motorcyclists.

Action Point 42: LF to circulate MM’s presentation to members.

Agenda Item 6 - Themed Discussions

3 Es – education, engineering, enforcement – what could we all collectively be doing better.

A discussion took place on the 3 E’s with the following noted:

EL started the discussion and noted resource issues but feels enforcement could be better to tackle casualties and GS echoed this.

HO advised Argyll and Bute Council has invested in speed survey equipment which is deployed in areas which have a speed concern. Local Road Policing Officers have been trained on the use of this which has been seen to work well in the local communities.

SB highlighted that Police Scotland is implementing a National Dashcam Safety Portal (NDSP) in Scotland.

LF advised that the NDSP is experiencing delays due to funding and resources. The Minister for Transport (MfT) met Assistant Chief Constable Williams on 31 January 2023 to discuss this matter and obtain Police Scotland’s programme for delivery. The MfT will raise this with the Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Veterans (at this time).

CS noted standard analysis, high friction surfacing, lining and signage and linking better into safe system measures.

Members queried the Safe System training and LF confirmed that TS is still working on developing this and will be rolled out when it becomes available.

BR mentioned education tools such as “alan’s magic schools”, “trailblazers” and active travel” are being taken forward.

Vulnerable road users – how can we reach out to them using a partnership approach. With a focus on Pedestrians.

A discussion took place on activities that councils were taking forward and the following was noted:

FC advised that there is an ‘Opportunities in Retirement’ group initiative which allows for discussions with older people.

GC informed members that Glasgow City Council has campaigns on vulnerable road users; pedestrians, cyclists etc. ‘Let’s look out for each other’ is another campaign being ran locally, although noted that some were pulled due to victim blaming.

SB advised Cycling Scotland is looking at a ‘Give Cycle Space’ campaign on the back of the Highway Code changes, and are currently testing messages with the public to test the effectiveness.

BR advised that they are running an event in Ayrshire for motorcyclists aimed at experienced riders for increasing their skills – RoSPA and IAM RoadSmart will be observing.

CH advised that Road Safety Scotland (RSS) is running a suite of campaigns for the next financial year, which includes a focus on motorcyclists (Live Fast Die Old campaign), and will continue to support any motorcycle campaigns. The RSS annual seminar is on 21st March and the final findings on PRIME initiative will be presented and can circulate to members.

MM also noted the were working with Professor Alex Stedmon on the live fast die old campaigns.

The use of opticians and physiotherapists in reaching out to vulnerable road users was also noted.

LF advised that as this discussion had also cut across and captured motorcyclists, then there was no need for the next agenda discussion point on motorcyclists.

Action Point 43: LF to inform members when the Safe System training becomes available.

Action Point 44: CH to circulate PRIME final findings after the RSS seminar.

Action Point 45: GC to share ‘Let’s look out for each other’ video

Agenda Item 7 - Standing Agenda Items

RSS Education and Activity

  • CH provided an update on RSS’ key road safety activity over the past 6 months (since last meeting):
  • Ziggy pack of little books distributed to all Early Learning Centres (ELC’s) and Primary 1 classes to encourage ordering of books.
  • Refreshed Road Safety Within Curriculum for Excellence booklet & distributed to all ELC’s, Primary and Secondary Schools in September 2022.
  • Exhibited at both Scottish Education Expo (21-22 Sept 2022, SEC) and Children in Scotland Conference (8-9 November, Murrayfield Stadium).
  • A national Fatigue campaign has recently re-run, with upweighted activity around the A9.

Key road safety priorities looking into the next 6 months:

  • RSS annual seminar to be held at Edinburgh International Conference Centre on 21 March 2023, and the ‘Drive on the Left’ campaign to launch at this event.

RSS has several large learning resource projects to take forward this year, including:

  • the development of new resources to replace Your Call (S1-3) and Crash Magnets (S4-6);
  • a new resource for children with complex additional support needs (ASN);
  • review all existing resources to assess their suitability for use with children with mild-moderate ASN;
  • create additional content to the Roadstars resource;
  • refresh the JRSO online material and to have the site subsumed into the main RSS website.
  • A full package of publicity campaigns have been submitted for approval.
  • New In Car Safety training course to be launched with support from Good Egg (which is an in person event).
  • (All of the above is subject to spending approval)

Older Drivers

BR advised East Ayrshire Council is conducting an older road user event held in Troon, where Police Scotland will be presenting.

SB highlighted that Police Scotland chair an Older Road User Group.

TR advised the SFRS run a road safety event where they take older road users out for around 10 mins and assess their driving.

ND highlighted that ScORSA is planning to run a fitness to drive initiative on 19 May where they test the eyesight of older road users.

ML added that Police Scotland run the Driver Engagement North initiative where they use simulators to assess older road users driving. A third simulator is funded through the Road Safety Framework Fund with the intention to roll out to the rest of Scotland.

HN confirmed that Driver Engagement North will be rolled out in the West.

Action Point 46: CH to share programme to SB for RSS seminar.

Action Point 47: LF to liaise with BR in regards to Older Road User event.

Agenda Item 8 - Updates

Partner Updates

Partner updates were circulated in advance of the meeting with the following points highlighted:

East Ayrshire Council is involved in the North Ayrshire lead project Trailblazers, which is being funded through the Road Safety Framework Fund, and are also working on the 20mph road assessments.

Inverclyde Council is doing work on crossing patrols / JRSO / Bikeability. Work is also being focused on school parking and congestion. MAST is used for community safety needs assessments.

North Ayrshire Council is running radio ads and FC asked GC (Glasgow City Council) if it would be beneficial to have a joined up approach to save funds. GC agreed, highlighting that they currently have materials and graphics in place. An Air Quality project is also being ran around schools to see if there is any improvements around school gates.

Road Safety Improvement Fund (RSIF)

LF updated members that TS will look to run the RSIF this year. LF advised that last year’s funding didn’t go ahead and highlighted that we are looking to make the process more streamlined this year, and there is a few more steps before we can share more information with members.

BM advised members that the Road Safety Framework Fund is now live with a closing date of 9th April, highlighting that this is resource money and therefore infrastructure projects will not be considered.

Action Point 48: FC and GC to discuss having a joined up approach for radio campaigns and share materials. Members to contact LF if they would like to get involved.

Action Point 49: LF to update members when more information on the RSIF becomes available.

Agenda Item 9 - AOB and Next Meeting (Chair)

The Chair advised that the next meeting will be in early November to tie in with the release of Road Casualty statistics. LF will send out an invite in due course for this. The Chair for the next meeting is Graeme McClay – East Dunbartonshire Council.

Action Point 50: LF to send out invite for next meeting in November.

Published Date 8 Jun 2023 Type Mode of transport Topic