Meeting minutes - Road Safety Framework Local Partnership Forum – West - 22 November 2021
- Lorraine Forrester (LF) Transport Scotland (Chair)
- Bertrand Deiss (BD) Transport Scotland
- Michelle Little (ML) Transport Scotland
- Ben McKenna (BM) Transport Scotland
- Kieren Green (KG) Transport Scotland
- George Henry (GH) Transport Scotland
- Hannah Wood (HW) Transport Scotland
- Andrew Paterson (AP) Transport Scotland
- Caroline Hay (CH) Road Safety Scotland – Education Adviser
- Graeme Mclay (GM) East Dunbartonshire Council
- Kerr Chalmers (KC) South Ayrshire Council and Ayrshire Roads Alliance
- Ross McDowell (RM) East Renfrewshire Council
- Colin Smith (CS) South Lanarkshire Council
- Tony Topping (TT) Network Strategy & Road Safety / Dumfries and Galloway Road Safety Partnership
- William Rice (WR) Inverclyde Council
- Karen McDonnell (KM) RoSPA
- Caroline Tonner (CT) West Dunbartonshire Council
- Lorraine Napier (LN) Police Scotland
- Eileen Bell (EB) Inverclyde Council
- Ian Anderson (IA) Dumfries & Galloway, Fire Scotland / Dumfries and Galloway Road Safety Partnership
- Graeme Senior (GS) Ayrshire Roads Alliance
- Fiona Cameron (FC) North Ayrshire Council
- George Cairns (GC) Glasgow City Council
- Alan Bowater (AB) Safety Camera Unit Manager, Police Scotland
Welcome and Introductions
The Chair welcomed the group and explained no papers were issued for this meeting as this is an introductory meeting and will help shape future Local Partnership Forum (LPF) meetings going forward, papers will be issued to attendees along with the minutes. The Chair then proceeded with round the table introductions. LF noted that LN and CT would be a little late to the meeting.
Action Point 1
Papers to be issued to attendees.
Owner: Lorraine Forrester
Overview of the Road Safety Framework 2030
BD presented a short power point presentation giving a summary of the Road Safety Framework 2030 (RSF2030) to help members understand how the LPF will operate in the context of the RSF2030. BD explained that the framework was published in February following a 3 month public consultation, adding that in line with international best practice the framework embeds the Safe System approach to road safety.
BD advised that the Reported Road Casualties Scotland 2020 was published late October and shows that all five targets from the previous framework have been met before showing members the Road Safety Framework 2030 short animation created by Transport Scotland.
BD went on to explain that the framework identified 12 challenges that needs to be addressed, along with 12 strategic action to address the challenges as well as help deliver the 5 outcomes. The first Delivery Plan listed 60 deliverables when it was published later September.
The Chair thanked BD and asked if attendees had any questions. No questions or comments were received.
Overview of Local Partnership Forum
The Chair explained that the Road Safety Framework 2030 builds on what has already been achieved in Scotland over the last 10 years and introduces a third tier in its governance structure. The Strategic Partnership Board (SPB) is the top tier of the governance structure which provides political guidance, the Operational Partnership Group (OPG) which is the delivery side follow by the Local Partnership Forums. These groups will feed information to each other so it will be all encompassing.
Local Partnership Forums (LPFs) will look to have a wide ranging local membership comprised of for example the Chairs of local road safety forums, councils; local bespoke safety groups such as cycling groups etc. Membership will continually be expanded and the Chair invited members to share their views on who should be a part of the LPF West as well as highlighting that the size of the group will also be managed as we progress.
The Chair highlighted that the key purpose of the forum is to share and discuss local road safety issues, plans and evaluations and also serve as a national knowledge hub so that all information is spread across all 32 councils in Scotland. It will give road safety partners a like-minded platform to share sharing message/stories and create opportunities for collaborative working not just where council borders meet but across the whole of Scotland. The Chair highlighted that this will ultimately support the long-term goal for road safety where no-one dies or is seriously injured by 2050.
The Chair went on to explain that the LPF’s were set up following approval by the SPB that governs the framework and its supporting OPG in April and it was agreed that 3 new Local Partnership Forums would be established. The idea of those arose through evaluation of the Road Safety Framework to 2020 and as well as information that has been fed through the governance structure about delivering the ambitious road traffic reduction targets.
The Chair mentioned that an SPB workshop was held on 24 August 2018 and that the initial discussions focused on how we could continue to reduce road deaths, serious accidents on the road and the resources as well. The discussions highlighted possible improvements that could be made including ‘Team Scotland’ and a change in culture, developing a national conversation.
The Chair explained that the aim of Team Scotland is to identify gaps and the Local Partnership Forum will fill those gaps and support at a local level.
The Chair opened the conversation to attendees with any questions. No questions were raised.
Terms of Reference and Membership
The Chair reminded attendees that an email had been sent in June followed by a phone call to discuss the LPF, its Terms of Reference (ToR) and Remit. The Chair then went on to detail points from the Remit which was emailed. The Chair confirmed that attendees were content with the Remit. Everyone was content.
The Chair continued by detailing points from the ToR. The LPF will meet twice a year. The SPB will meet in January, the OPG will meet in February followed by the LPF in March. The next three would be July, August then September.
The Chair detailed that the agenda would be agreed in advance and that the Chairperson would be rotational for each meeting amongst all members.
The Chair invited any questions from attendees or any feedback.
LN requested that the ToR and Remit are sent on as she was not in post in June.
WR advised that their Council is a member of the Road Safety West of Scotland group and that members were on the call. He highlighted that there are similarities with the group and this forum as well as benefits for both. It was questioned how the local group would continue working along with the forum and if it would be merged.
The Chair stated that the LPF will not look to replace any established local safety groups and will focus on the Road Safety Framework targets.
The Chair went on to explain that the LPF has been structured based on the 3 police command areas; North, West and East however this will be monitored as things progress.
Action Point 2
ToR and Remit to be sent to Lorraine Napier, Police Scotland
Owner: Lorraine Forrester
Overview of Statistics of road safety casualties and what they mean at a local level
AP presented stakeholders with information regarding a local and national level, explaining that all of the data is based on information collected by Police Scotland and that targets associated with the Road Safety Framework to 2020 were met.
AP provided attendees with an overview of the fatality statistics for the West highlighting that the new framework also has targets which can be brought to a more local level. Out of the 3 LPF areas, the West was generally the highest and that in 2019 there was significantly more traffic than in the other areas. 45% of Scotland’s population lives in LPF West which would contribute to this as well.
The Chair thanked AP and highlighted that there was a lot of information and useful data that could help shape the conversation going forward and opened the floor for questions. No questions were asked.
Round table discussion on local road safety
The Chair invited attendees to raise any local issues in their area regarding road safety.
A discussion took place with issues around: the number of pedestrian injuries; safe travel towards home in the evening; Bus and HGV drivers education on visibility.
GC explained that they have recently published their road safety local plans, with pedestrians and cyclists being a priority. A lot of their work is based on linking road safety to active travel and have a big emphasis on publicity. They have one of the largest school streets programmes in Scotland and are looking to expand on this. They are in the process of publishing a bid for funding for schools to do their own filming whereby the children can get involved in the road safety publicity. GC noted interest in being a member of the LPF West. GC confirmed it is a 10 year plan.
The Chair noted that local councils are at different stages with their local plans and GC offered to send a copy of their plan and advised that the statistics and research element was what took the most time and resource.
The discussion continued with further issues raised and discussed on trying to align the strategic element of the road safety partnership with safer communities; membership of health professionals to the forum
BD responded that we would pass the message of lack of strategic leadership on at the SPB and OPG to gain buy in in order to deliver the 2030 targets.
The Chair began by explaining that MAST is an analysis platform for the road safety industry combining national roads casualty data with market leading customer insight, helping professionals understand road safety problems.
Stakeholders discussed their views on MAST with majority of attendees not being familiar with MAST.
GC advised that he uses Key Accidents system, which they find more useful as they can do local searches on streets or specific areas and found the MAST does not come up with the same figures as the data is not as up to date as Key Accidents. GC was also involved in the Pilot of CRaSH which is used by Police Scotland however is not aware of what stage CRaSH is at now.
A wider discussion took place around the pros and cons of Mast and Key Accidents, with others agreeing that Key Accidents works well. The issues raised with MAST is that it wasn’t as advantageous when working with SCoRSA activity and others noted that more training is needed on how to use it to its full potential as it probably does offer more when it is fully set up than Key Accidents.
GC noted that it would be beneficial for each local authority to have their own dashboard set up based on local roads and have it updated regularly with latest monthly statistics. That it would be an extra tool to use in reports specifically noting that the figures would need to be up to date though.
BD provided a link to DfT Reported road casualty statistics in Great Britain: interactive dashboard that could disaggregate the casualty numbers by LA’s level so that local road safety officers could access easily their respective dashboards.
The Chair advised that this would need to be reviewed to find out if it would be possible on MAST and if it would be cost effective.
The Chair then invited stakeholders to highlight any other issues relating to Road Safety as part of the round the table discussion. There was no further feedback.
Action Point 3
Share more information on how to use MAST.
Owner: Lorraine Forrester
Action Point 4
Research whether it is possible to have personalised dashboards for each user on MAST.
Owner: Lorraine Forrester
Key Topics for Subsequent meetings
The Chair reiterated that this was the first meeting, there were no papers issued as we are trying to shape the meetings. It was also noted that some of the attendees were attending to consider future membership and invited stakeholders to give suggestions on topics for future meetings.
GC noted that vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists were always a priority in Glasgow noting that there has been an increase in deliveries by bicycle. GC has received feedback that cyclists working for delivery companies cycling on the pavement and not wearing appropriate clothing for cycling in the dark noting that the delivery industry is something they think will increase over the next few years and wondered if there was any comment from ScORSA regarding this.
KM noted that there has been a focus on educating the road safety connotations with respect to active travel and how to share space with the increase in cyclists and pedestrians due to the pandemic. Emerging issues are being discussed with organisations and there are approx. 500 companies working with ScORSA.
The Chair thanked KM and noted that the West have rural areas and invited anyone to feedback on rural issues that may be emerging.
IA noted Dumfries and Galloway are undertaking a project to provide a mobile app which shares safety information, road conditions, active travel updates and forestry routes as well as portals to report pot holes and other road defects which they would be happy to share with other areas in the future if it would be beneficial to them.
IA queries how other ideas or good news stories from other LPF areas would be shared and noted that it would be useful to have some sort of portal to share ideas.
The Chair confirmed that they would be shared within this forum to share ideas and collaborative working.
GC echoed IA commenting that it would be useful to have a platform that would allow different areas to share ideas or updating on ongoing projects. GC commented that they have different ideas that they would be happy to share and would love to be kept updated on different initiatives that others are involved in.
The Chair invited WR to update on cycling. WR advised that they do not have the resources to have a community wide road safety focus and that they target most of their resources to schools. WR noted that being able to access the work from other communities would be welcomed.
WR mentioned that the use of quad bikes and off road vehicles were an emerging issue and there would be a focus on rider safety and providing community reassurance that they are looking at it. WR welcomed any ideas or feedback on this.
KM highlighted that ScORSA have been working with the Scottish Game Keepers Association and there is a wish to have a broader stakeholder network meeting regarding quad bikes. KM will keep the forum updated.
The Chair invited attendees to comment if they had anything to add. There was no other feedback.
Action Point 5
Update on Quad Bike Stakeholder Network Meeting
Owner: Karen McDonnell
Overview of Framework Funding and Road Safety Funded Initiatives
KG provided information on Road Safety Funding and Road Safety Funded Initiatives explaining that there is funding available to support projects in Scotland.
The Framework Funds supports interventions to delivery targeted road safety interventions in Scotland whereas the Evaluation fund focus on retrospective of interventions and the wider impacts these have on road safety.
KG went on to give an overview of previously funded projects and explained that there are detailed on our website. KG noted that we are making contact with previously funded projects to see how things have progressed and to see if there is the possibility to roll these out elsewhere in Scotland.
The Chair thanked KG and asked if anyone had any questions. There were no questions.
New Call for Funding
HW began by explaining that Scotland’s Road Safety Framework currently offer an initiative fund and an evaluation fund.
HW advised that calls for bids went live today and will close for applications on the 14th February 2022. HW provided an overview of detail on how the application and assessment process for both funds. HW mentioned that this round of funding will focus on applications that directly contribute to the Safe Road use pillar of the Safe System and elaborated further about what this meant and presented a newly created a Safe Road Use animation which was also launched today.
HW closed presentation by advising that applicants can apply by completing the appropriate application form and submitting this by email. The applications are then reviewed by our team before being considered by the Operation Partnership Group. Throughout this process applicants may be contacted for further information to support their application before a decision is made and then cleared by the Strategic Partnership Board. Successful applicants will then be send a Grant offer letter.
HW invited any questions. There were no questions.
Road Safety Framework Delivery Plan
The Chair explained that the first delivery plan was published on the 23rd February and was developed with road safety and delivery partners. It is a one year plan and contains 60 sub actions, also called deliverables, with each providing a contribution towards progress of the twelve strategic actions of RSF2030.
The Chair went on to provide details on deliverables that Transport Scotland will be taking forward such as consideration of a road safety improvement fund, National Conversation, National Speed Management Review and a National Strategy for 20mph.
Details of the Key Performance Indicator are detailed in annex A as well and these were developed and agreed with partners to enable monitoring of the road safety behaviours, vehicle safety and road infrastructure, as part of the comprehensive RSF2030 performance management system.
Progress towards RSF2030 targets, intermediate outcome targets and measures to 2030, as well as performance of the KPI’s, will also be reported in the RSF2030 annual reports.
Actions contained within these plans will be delivered through a range of national partners such as Police Scotland; Cycling Scotland which are all set out at the start of the Delivery Plan.
The Chair asked if anyone had any questions and if everyone had managed to have a look at the Delivery Plan.
IA asked if this was agreed with partner agencies. The Chair confirmed that it was.
IA referred to KPI 8 detailed in the Delivery Plan and noted that the Scottish Fire and Rescue service only attend 50% of road incidents and wonders how beneficial this data will be. He noted that they have highlighted this at a national level.
BD advised at this point that Transport Scotland are working with the ambulance service to find out what additional data can be provided to assist with this.
The Chair thanks IA for his feedback. No further questions were raised.
Consideration of a Road Safety Improvement Fund
The Chair explained that the Road Safety Improvement fund came about from the public consultation for the draft of Scotland’s Road Safety Framework 2030 undertaken between 08 September and 01 December 2020. It identified inadequate funding as a potential constraint to meeting the challenging 2030 road safety targets set out within the framework.
To mitigate the fact that RSF2030 is not a funded strategy, the framework sets out a bespoke “Funding and Resourcing” strategic action with the following commitments: we will seek to improve funding streams for both national and local road safety delivery and a national Road Safety Improvement Fund will be considered to help road authorities meet the challenging 2030 road casualty reduction targets.
The Chair reiterated that the Delivery Plan was published on the 23rd September and that this commitment is in there as a deliverable Ref No - 21/10 explaining that the next steps will be considering the development and implementation of a Road Safety Improvement Fund.
The Chair asked if anyone would like to share their views. There was no feedback provided.
CS asked if the fund would it potentially be able to fund staffing costs. The Chair commented that at this stage nothing has been decided however noted that this fund would not be to replace any block funding already in place for councils.
Education and Publicity
CH explained that Road Safety Scotland have responsibility for the delivery of road safety publicity and education on behalf of Transport Scotland and the wider Scottish Government.
CH updated that The Good Egg Campaign ran as much as possible throughout the summer but was impacted with local restrictions due to the pandemic. 7 Police enforcement events were held over June and July, with a total of 289 seats were checked, with 121 found correctly fitted and 168 incorrectly fitted this was an error rate of 58.1%
3 Community Events were held with 68 seats were checked. 32 were correctly fitted and 38 incorrectly fitted which was an error rate of 52.9%.
CH expressed that it is hoped that next year we can organise a fuller programme of checking events as it is clear that fitment errors continue to be a problem, which, in the event of a collision, could have severe consequences for child passengers.
Road Safety Scotland are also working with a number of partners including Police Scotland, Fire and Rescue and Arnold Clark to produce an ICE card for positioning under the child seat so that first responders can access vital details about the identity of the child and any medical conditions. It is hoped that there will be a full ministerial launch of this project.
CH went on to discuss the Young Drivers publicity campaign ‘Gran’ and noted that it continues to score well among the target audience which is young drivers. Road Safety Scotland have adopted an always on approach which sees the various executions rotated throughout the year. Where possible we tie in with Police Scotland’s campaigns calendar.
The Older Road Users campaign has two leaflets for Older Road Users are now published and available to order direct or online.
Road Safety Scotland continue to promote our activity for Motorcyles through the ‘Live Fast Die Old’ platform and will do so throughout the biking season. They are working with Police Scotland to develop a new Breathtaking Roads video for next year which will focus on overtaking as well as having representation on the Vulnerable Motorcyclists Road Users Focus group.
The recent Speed campaign is being revisited and refreshed, the line ’a little bit dead’ led to a number of complaints and deviates from our normal approach on the use of graphic images, so the decision has been made not to run the TV ad and amend other creative assets accordingly.
Following the publication of the PACTS report on the seatbelts, a new campaign is being developed, and it is expected to air early in 2022. A number of creative testing focus group and the most successful script was one featuring crash test dummies.
CH went on to advise that working in conjunction with partners, a small Working Group has been formed to take forward the Scottish Road Safety Week the week commencing the 21st March 2022 and will be incorporate the RSS Annual Seminar on 23rd at the EICC. Expressions of interest in attending are now being taken and this will be a free of charge event for all road safety partners within Scotland.
Project EDWARD (Everyday without a road death) took place in September with a number of events put on covering off the five pillars of the Safe System to mark the 1½ days the Road Trip spent in Scotland on 13/14 September. Further details will be included in an upcoming edition of the Direction magazine.
Road Safety Scotland will have their usual Drink/Drug-Drive Campaign aligning it with the Police Scotland enforcement campaign which launches on 1 December. The Minister for Transport will join Police Scotland at the launch event in Glasgow on that day.
CH went on to update on education, detailing that the Road Safety Scotland website will be groin through a complete rebuild to allow for updated technology supporting and underpinning the website and to reinvigorate the design and content. The work is being done in partnership with digital agency The Gate and their sister company TwentySix. CH advised that they may be in touch with partners in the hope that they can volunteer their time to help with tree testing, taking place between the 8th – 14th December.
The Curriculum for Excellence booklet has been refreshed for 2021 and copies have been distributed to all Education establishments throughout Scotland. CH advised if stakeholders required extra copies, these can be ordered online via Simply Order or by contacting Road Safety Scotland.
CH noted that they are working on a number of refreshes for resources highlighting the Roadstars resource which is being developed to replace Streetsense2. This will the core road safety learning resource for children at First and Second Level (P1-P7)they are at the final design stages with hopes that there will be a soft Beta Launch at the end of 2021/beginning of 2022. CPD will be organised and a full PR launch is likely to be coordinator for the Road Safety Annual Seminar taking place in March. CH advised stakeholders to get in contact if they would like any more details.
A new resource will be developed for additional support needs which will focus on people with complex support needs. A meeting has been arranged with the Heads of Special Schools and Education Scotland on the 25 November to discuss the requirements of the new resource.
Ziggy, the early learning resource is being updated with work continuing with the Gate to have the little audio Ziggy books re-recorded in Gaelic and Scots. There will also be changes made to the online flip books to ensure that they meet all accessibility requirements.
CH advised that there has been a low response to the order forms for the little Ziggy books sent out to all ELC’s and P1 classes in September therefore a decision has been made that Road Safety Scotland will engage with PR agencies to discuss further opportunities to promote Ziggy next year as traffic returns to a pre-pandemic level.
After a two year hiatus, Direction Magazine which is produced by Road Safety Scotland and is issued twice a year, is making a comeback with a winter edition being published in late November or early December. Content has been approved and going through final proofing stages. After a low response of requests for physical copies, a decision has been made to cancel a physical print run and instead partners will be emailed a link to the online version.
CH finished by updating on the Scottish Learning Festival. This year the event was virtual and Road Safety Scotland had a virtual stand however they were disappointed that attendance at their virtual stand had been quite poor. They are hopeful that next year will be an in person event and they will have a much more prominent platform.
CH advised she was happy to take any questions and the Chair thanked CH and asked if anyone had any questions. There were no questions.
Road Traffic Fatality Research
ML began by advising that we are seeing some successes in Road Safety through initiatives and actions we have taken to date with 2020 having the lowest number of fatalities ever recorded. The safe system views that humans life and health is paramount and should be first and foremost considered when designing a road and its environment.
It is important to understand the combination of factors that result in fatal collisions occurring and that changing one of those factors can alter the risk and mitigate the severity of the collision or even prevent it entirely.
Transport Scotland have been working in partnership with Police Scotland to establish road traffic fatality research investigating and scrutinising each fatal collision in Scotland. The information used will include collisions investigation files, vehicle examination reports and Stats19. These will provide recommendations that could prevent or mitigate future fatal road collisions.
A working group has been established to lead on the delivery of the research and once reports are produced the group will examine these and agree on how to progress going forward and invited the group to ask any questions. There were no questions.
Road Safety Framework Website
BM advised that the website was launched in February along with the framework to have a go to platform for Road Safety in Scotland as well as highlight new content and publications such as the Delivery Plan.
The website also features news articles in line with Police Scotland’s Campaign calendar and members are encouraged to highlight any new campaigns that we could promote on the website.
BM invited stakeholders to pass on any relevant information that could be added to the website.
BM went on to update stakeholders on the 5 short animations that are being launched for each pillar of the safe system. They will all be available on the website and partners are welcome to share them.
BM also advised that progress is being made on a newsletter that will be launched in the new year.
National Conversation – Road Safety Week
The Chair highlighted the CH had covered a lot on the Road Safety Week whilst updating on a previous agenda point reiterating that the National Conversation is the responsibility of all partners working to deliver the framework vision and targets to ensure casualty reduction.
It will focus on the a Scottish Road Safety Week (SRSW) as mentioned by CH. It is in the delivery plan and it will encompass the 5 short animations which will be used to promote the Safe System and raise awareness.
We have formed the working group which is made up of several partners such as Police Scotland, Scottish Fire and Rescue, RoSPA and IAM Roadsmart.
Work is being progressed with marketing colleagues to develop a wider suite of actions and wider communication around the Road Safety Week as well as the National Communication.
The National Conversation will be implemented over three years as detailed in the Delivery Plan and the Road Safety Week will be a national, annual event for Scotland.
The Chair advised that we will consider using influencers to promote the National Conversation group and that work is progressing with marketing colleagues as well as focus groups which are expected to be implemented by March 2022.
National Strategy for 20 mph zones and limits
ML advised that in February 2021 Scotland’ Transport project review committed to develop a national strategy on the expansion of 20mph zones and limits within Scotland which will support a range of strategies and will also support the Programme for Government commitment: “We will ensure all appropriate roads in built-up areas have a safer speed limit of 20 mph by 2025, forming a task group to plan the most effective route for implementation”.
Key policy areas across the Scottish Government met in October to discuss the inception of the strategy and the first meeting for the task group will take place at the end of this year.
TT commented that Dumfries and Galloway Council are looking to update their 20mph policy and were keen to know results of the Scottish Border trial asking if the new strategy will take into consideration the trial and assist local authorities going forward.
ML informed that the Scottish Borders trial was part of the Spaces for People initiative to encourage social distancing during the pandemic whilst promoting active travel. Sustrans are evaluating all local authority ‘Spaces for People’ schemes which will include 20 mph implementation. Findings on the 20 mph schemes will be considered alongside wider evidence in the development of the strategy.
TT expressed that they have had an increase in interest from the public and members regarding why they are not doing the same as the Scottish Borders and that they only have a small team noting that they are focusing on the schools zones.
GC echoed that in Glasgow they do not currently have the resources to implement the strategy.
National Speed Indicator
ML provided an update , Transport Scotland have been working in partnership with local authorities across Scotland to establish a National Speed Indicator.
As of March 2021, 100 speed indicator were installed and configured to start collecting speed data across both local and trunk road networks.
The collected data will inform an analytical product that will be used to identify patterns and issues which will allow focus on the right place of the road network. It can also provide an insight into driver behaviour.
User friendly reports are being developed and it is hoped that partners will have access to these in the new year.
AOB and Date of Next Meeting
The Chair thanked everyone for their presentations and contributions requesting for future members to provide their three top themes for future meetings so that this can be collated.
KG shared Transport Scotland’s twitter post with the new Safe Road Use animation and invited attendees to share this.
The next meeting will be in March followed by September and then March going forward. The Chair will send the papers along with the minutes and ToR for these to be returned by members by the 3 December with a decision on membership.
The Chair advised that they would chair the next meeting to give an opportunity for membership to be finalised before the rotation begins before thanking everyone for attending and opened the floor for any questions.
Action Point 6
Three top themes for future meetings to be provided.
Owner: All members
Action Point 7
Papers and ToR to be issued with minutes.
Owner: Lorraine Forrester
Date of Next Meeting
March 2022