Table 1b: DfT serious/slight adjusted and unadjusted casualties, 2004 to 2022

Table 1b: DfT serious/slight adjusted and unadjusted casualties, 2004 to 2022

DfT adjusted serious DfT adjusted Slight Dft unadjusted Serious Dft unadjusted Slight DfT Serious/Slight total
2014-18 average 2,771 7,208 1,628 8,353 9,981
2004 4,703 13,380 2,741 15,342 18,083
2005 4,613 12,861 2,643 14,831 17,474
2006 4,482 12,330 2,614 14,199 16,813
2007 4,097 11,660 2,365 13,393 15,758
2008 4,195 11,066 2,572 12,691 15,263
2009 3,909 10,796 2,281 12,424 14,705
2010 3,381 9,735 1,964 11,152 13,116
2011 3,244 9,325 1,873 10,699 12,572
2012 3,349 9,049 1,956 10,442 12,398
2013 2,949 8,344 1,662 9,631 11,293
2014 2,949 8,078 1,692 9,339 11,031
2015 2,840 7,931 1,597 9,176 10,773
2016 2,910 7,763 1,693 8,980 10,673
2017 2,617 6,593 1,578 7,633 9,211
2018 2,538 5,677 1,580 6,635 8,215
2019 2,401 4,927 1,843 5,486 7,329
2020 1,535 3,386 1,535 3,386 4,921
2021 1,618 3,356 1,618 3,356 4,974
2022 1,776 3,672 1,776 3,672 5,448
2022 change on 2021 9.8 9.4 9.5
2022 change on 14-18 average -35.9 -49.1 -45.4

Source: Department for Transport.

The unadjusted figures in this table are National Statistics

The adjusted figures in this table are Experimental Statistics

Unadjusted figures in this table may not match those in other tables in this publication as DfT close their database each year but Transport Scotland keep theirs open.

Figures for serious and slight injuries are as reported by police. Since 2016, changes in severity reporting systems for a large number of police forces mean that serious injury figures, and to a lesser extent slight injuries, are not comparable with earlier years. Adjustments to account for the change have been produced.

More information on the change and the adjustment process is available at the following address.

Table Ib: Reported killed casualties by mode of transport

Pedestrian Pedal cycle Motor cycle Car Bus/ coach Goods1 Other2 All road users
2014-18 average 38 7 29 80 2 7 3 174
2014 59 8 31 95 1 2 7 203
2015 44 5 28 75 1 13 2 168
2016 32 8 31 108 3 6 3 191
2017 38 5 29 64 2 3 4 145
2018 34 6 34 77 2 5 3 161
2019 44 9 25 75 3 6 2 164
2020 34 11 17 71 - 7 1 141
2021 38 10 31 56 2 3 1 141
2022 33 2 27 101 - 7 3 173
18-22 ave 37 8 27 76 1 6 2 156
2030 target 19 3 15 40 1 3 1 87
Percent changes:
2022 on 2021 -13 -80 -13 80 -100 133 200 23
2022 on 2014-18 average -14 -70 -8 27 -100 6 7 -0.3
Adjusted seriously injured casualties by mode of transport
Pedestrian Pedal cycle Motor cycle Car Bus/ coach Goods1 Other2 All road users
2014-18 average 616 266 388 1,215 61 92 23 2,771
2014 699 293 470 1,299 53 96 38 2,949
2015 694 287 404 1,260 78 96 21 2,840
2016 674 277 409 1,356 71 103 21 2,911
2017 592 281 396 1,168 61 88 33 2,617
2018 562 259 395 1,147 58 94 24 2,538
2019 560 229 336 1,143 35 80 18 2,401
2020 324 247 253 623 20 49 19 1,535
2021 302 196 288 716 27 54 35 1,618
2022 367 180 292 823 20 55 39 1,776
18-22 ave 423 222 313 890 32 66 27 1,974
2030 target 308 133 194 607 30 46 12 1,385
Percent changes:
2022 on 2021 22 -8 1 15 -26 2 11 10
2022 on 2014-18 average -40 -32 -25 -32 -67 -40 66 -36
Reported children (0-15) killed by mode of transport
Pedestrian Pedal cycle Motor cycle Car Bus/ coach Goods1 Other2 All road users
2014-18 average 2.4 0.4 0.2 1.6 - - - 5.6
2014 3 - - 4 - - - 7
2015 3 1 - - - - - 4
2016 3 1 1 7 - - - 12
2017 2 - - - - - - 2
2018 2 - - 1 - - - 3
2019 2 - - - - - - 2
2020 3 1 - 2 - - - 6
2021 1 1 - 3 - - - 5
2022 1 - - 1 - - 1 3
18-22 ave 1.8 0.4 - 1.4 - - 0.2 3.8
2030 target 1 0 0 1 - - - 3
20-22 ave 1.7 0.7 - 2.0 - - 0.3 4.7
Percent changes:
18-2022 on 2014-18 average -31 67 -100 25 n/a n/a n/a -16.7
Adjusted child (0-15) seriously injured casualties by mode of transport
Pedestrian Pedal cycle Motor cycle Car Bus/ coach Goods1 Other2 All road users
2014-18 average 162 23 4 59 4 2 0 264
2014 191 30 8 55 4 2 2 292
2015 170 22 2 55 4 1 1 255
2016 181 16 5 75 3 3 0 284
2017 167 21 5 54 8 4 - 259
2018 146 25 2 55 1 1 1 230
2019 146 30 4 55 2 0 - 238
2020 80 24 5 30 1 - 4 144
2021 94 17 1 25 2 - 1 140
2022 115 12 6 27 6 1 9 176
18-22 ave 116 22 4 38 2 0 3 186
2030 target 97 14 2 35 2 1 0 158
Percent changes:
2022 on 2021 22 -29 500 8 200 n/a 800 26
2022 on 2014-18 average -29 -47 60 -54 69 -44 2,547 -33
Adjusted slight casualties by mode of transport
Pedestrian Pedal cycle Motor cycle Car Bus/ coach Goods1 Other2 All road users Traffic Slight casualty rate
numbers mill veh-km per 100 mill veh-km
2014-18 average 850 480 402 4,867 235 334 42 7,208 46,645 15.52
2014 982 589 481 5,387 234 347 60 8,078 44,776 18.04
2015 947 503 436 5,387 253 360 46 7,931 45,374 17.48
2016 947 504 422 5,263 227 363 37 7,763 46,843 16.57
2017 722 434 354 4,444 292 309 38 6,593 48,045 13.72
2018 650 372 314 3,854 169 290 28 5,677 48,187 11.78
2019 609 321 284 3,315 154 206 39 4,927 48,713 10.12
2020 455 353 216 2,097 66 157 42 3,386 37,883 8.94
2021 431 306 204 2,161 51 156 47 3,356 43,410 7.73
2022 512 298 222 2,290 97 185 68 3,672 47,379 7.75
18-22 ave 531 330 248 2,743 107 199 45 4,204 45,114 9.32
2030 target 13.97
Percent changes:
2022 on 2021 19 -3 9 6 90 19 45 9 9 0
2022 on 2014-18 average -40 -38 -45 -53 -59 -45 63 -49 2 -50

1. Light goods vehicles and heavy goods vehicles.

2. Taxis, minibuses and other modes of transport

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