Reported Road Casualties Scotland 2022

Final figures on accidents, casualties by severity, casualties by type of road, casualties by mode of transport, and child casualties, including trends in recent years and progress towards the casualty reduction targets for the year 2030. Also figures by police force division and local authority.

ISBN: 978-1-911672-34-0


Supporting Information

The status of the statistics

Changes in severity reporting and 'adjustments' to figures

The years covered in the tables

Road casualty reduction targets

Estimates of the total volume of road traffic

Review of Stats 19

Office for Statistics Regulation compliance check

Other Scottish Transport Statistics

Trends in the reported numbers of Injury Road Collisions and Casualties

Main Points

Reported Collisions

Reported Casualties

Reported Collisions by road type and severity

Reported casualties by type of road

Motorists, breath testing and drink-driving

Comparisons of Scottish figures against those of other countries

Casualty rates: against England & Wales

Road deaths: International comparison 2021 and 2022 (provisional)

Casualty Reduction Targets: Scotland's Road Safety Framework to 2030



The likely range of random year-to-year variation in road collision and casualty numbers for Scotland as a whole

Contributory factors to reported road collisions



Background: The collection of Contributory Factor data

List of Figures and Tables


Collision Costs: Details of Calculations

Drink-drive collisions and casualties

Drink-drive estimates: background

Appendix A: Calendar of events affecting road traffic

Appendix C: Consultation and reviews

Appendix D: Definitions and points to note

Appendix E: Local Government Reorganisation and the Trunk Road Network

Appendix G: Calculations of the likely range of random year-to-year variation in road collision and casualty numbers

Errors in the previous edition

A National Statistics Publication for Scotland

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Published Date 1 Nov 2023 Type Mode of transport Topic