Road Safety Framework - Operational Partnership Group (OPG) - meeting minutes - 15 November 2023


  • George Henry (GH) (Chair) Transport Scotland Road Safety Policy and Education
  • Michelle Little (ML) Transport Scotland Road Safety Policy
  • Steven Feeney (SF) Transport Scotland Safety Camera Programme
  • Michael McDonnell (MM) Road Safety Scotland
  • Keith Irving (KI) Cycling Scotland
  • Neil Greig (NG) IAM RoadSmart
  • Stuart Hay (SH) Living Streets Scotland
  • Karen McDonnell (KM) RoSPA
  • Tommy Keay (TK) Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
  • Dave Shea (DS) Scottish Community Safety Network
  • Stuart Colbron (SC) SCOTS
  • Stewart Mackie (SM) Police Scotland

In Attendance

  • Andrew Paterson (AP) Transport Scotland Statistics
  • Katrina Caldwell (KC) Transport Scotland Statistics
  • Stuart Logan (SL) Transport Scotland Active Travel


  • Kieren Green (KG) Transport Scotland Road Safety Policy
  • Ben McKenna (BM) Transport Scotland Road Safety Policy


  • Stuart Wilson (SW) Transport Scotland Safety and Development
  • Fay McNicol (FM) Scottish Ambulance Service
  • Nina Day (ND) Health and Safety Executive
  • Alistair Ross (AR) Association of British Insurers
  • Jill Mulholland (JM) Transport Scotland Sustainable and Active Travel
  • Alan Martin (AM) Transport Scotland Active Travel
  • Helene Mauchlen (HM) British Horse Society
  • Lynne Mason (LM) Road Haulage Association
  • Steve Wykes (SWy) Motorcycle Action Group

Welcome and Introductions

The Chair welcomed the OPG members to the meeting, and proceeded with round the table introductions.

Previous Minute and Actions

The minutes of the previous meeting on 7 June 2023 were agreed as an accurate record of discussion, all actions stemming from the last OPG meeting have been completed.

The Chair highlighted that following the last meeting he has held meetings with SCOTS to discuss the Road Safety Improvement Fund (RSIF) and also local authorities’ deliverables being highlighted within the national delivery plan. The Chair will also attend the next SCOTS meeting.

Further meetings were also held with Livings Streets to discuss pedestrian casualties, with some local areas being highlighted which have a high pedestrian casualty rate. These issues will be taken to the Vulnerable Road Users Priority Group which will look to be set up soon.

Updates from the Governance Groups

Activity Report from SPB & LPFs

The SPB met on 7 November 2023 and, once the Board has agreed the minutes, these will be circulated to the OPG.

Following the last OPG, a note was provided to SPB on the recommendation of the formation of three Key Priority Groups. This decision has now been approved by the SPB and we will look to get these groups established and meet in 2024. The Board also agreed to a road safety summit and would like Transport Scotland and OPG to suggest topics and speakers to help shape the day.

The following was highlighted from the LPF North and East;

North - 15 June 2023

  • Seen an increase in fatalities and back to the 2014/18 average - 20 more fatalities in 2022 (63 in total) than in the previous year.
  • 70 plus age group has seen the biggest increase in casualties & motorcycle KSIs also increased when compared to the other LPF areas.
  • Update on the initiatives run in the north was provided.

LPF East

  • The groups with the highest fatalities in the LPF East are pedestrians (16) and car users (19).
  • The 70+ age group (12) has the most fatalities followed by the 20-29 age group (9).
  • Initiatives that are running in the east to address the two age groups with the highest fatalities were discussed.

Action Point 1: Secretariat to circulate link to SPB minutes once approved by the Board.

Knowledge, Data and Training

Targets, Mode & User - Intermediate Measures/KPIs

AP presented casualty data from the Reported Road Casualties Scotland 2022 publication. An update was provided on progress towards each of the 2030 casualty reduction targets and the mode and user specific targets.

The following was noted;

  • Fatalities went up from 141 to 173 (23%). Overall GB increase in fatalities is 10%
  • 101 fatalities happened on 60 mph roads
  • Total casualties went up from 5,111 to 5,621 (10%) (but third lowest since records began)
  • 70+ has the most fatalities of any age group (47)

It was highlighted as important to bear in mind that, due to changes in police reporting for serious injuries, the figures are adjusted. This is the same methodology which is used across GB.

Police Management Information Data

SM provided the latest management information data, highlighted that Police Scotland is continuing to monitor the analytical data to identify trends in activity and investigate how they can be prevented.

Police Scotland continues to work collectively with partners, including local authorities, to address the recent rise in casualties with a focus on pedestrians in collision hotspots.

Delivery Plan and Monitoring

Delivery Plan Progress and Development

An overview of the deliverables contained in the 2022/23 delivery plan that were red/amber at the time of the last meeting was provided, and an update on the current position of each of those deliverables was given.

When discussing Road Traffic Diversionary Courses, it was noted these have been on the radar since the previous framework. These were being led by Criminal Justice within Police Scotland rather than Roads Policing, with the two relevant Assistance Chief Constables (ACCs) due to meet soon.

It was confirmed that legislation was recently brought in to mitigate some of these issues, however others still remain in terms of resource pressures and, once the ACCs have met, this will give us a clearer understanding of the barriers.

KI queried what the main challenge to introduction has been, asking if this was due to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service and legislation.

The RSIF was also red at the time of last meeting, however, this has now been resolved with funding in place and allocations given to local authorities. The Chair noted this will be discussed further in the agenda.

The deliverable to develop a National Dashcam Safety Portal was also discussed. Police Scotland will not use a national dashcam portal and looking to develop this through the Digital Evidence Sharing Capability (DESC) Programme, currently in pilot in Dundee.

This approach would mean a crime would have to be reported to allow footage to be uploaded. The group raised major concerns around how easy this would be to do and noted the process should be as straightforward as possible.

A ministerial meeting will be held soon to discuss the delivery of this important PfG Commitment and, from that, internal discussions will take place to get to a stage where further announcements can be made and begin the process of a stakeholder management plan.

Deliverables around researching of technology and a review of clinical model by the Scottish Ambulance Service were also in red. It was agreed to keep these as they are, however the Chair will write to the Scottish Ambulance Service to discuss in more depth.

Road Traffic Fatality Research Report

The group shared views on the two recently published reports and expressed its thanks to Police Scotland staff in developing these reports. NG advised that there is already work taking place on some of the recommendations and there are some where IAM RoadSmart can provide assistance, but it would be good to see more around engineering measures.

As this is the first report, feedback is welcome on what else partners feel it would be beneficial to include as this will inform future reports. The Chair highlighted that the working group membership can also be reviewed as this progresses.

Partner Updates

Partners were asked for updates with the following points highlighted;

  • Local authorities continue to review their accident data to inform their decisions. This will be discussed further at the SCOTS meeting in December.
  • Police Scotland continues to run its safety campaigns; it recently held the ‘Get ready for Winter’ launch and will soon move into the festive drink and drug campaign.
  • ScORSA programme is continuing well with a series of events being held; the most recent one was on 20 mph and the benefits to business. KM welcomed OPG input at any events they may wish to support.
  • The Livings Streets evaluation, which was funded through the framework fund, is due to be published. The issue of delivery bikes was also raised and it was agreed it would be good to have a further discussion into these.
  • Last year was the biggest update of Bikeability to date, Cycling Scotland has also continued its cycle awareness training embedding this with both the public and private sector.
  • A range of new safety camera sites is being progressed, consisting of both mobile and fixed locations. The distracted driver technology trial has been delayed and will now be expected to commence in early 2024, a comms plan will also support the launch.
  • Road Safety Scotland has continued work on its marketing campaigns and the review of its learning resources.

Risk Register

The risk register was circulated in advance of the meeting and the Chair sought the views on the current risk to the framework and the scoring of each.

Additional risks to the framework were identified and discussed. These included the impact on road safety should the reduction in car kilometres not be achieved and also the recent increase in pedestrian casualties. It was agreed to add both these to the risk register.

Action Point 2: Chair to write to Scottish Ambulance Service to discuss their deliverables currently in red.

Action Point 3: Secretariat to circulate Road Traffic Fatality Research recommendations table to members for lead partners suggestions.

Action Point 4: Members to review Road Traffic Fatality Research publications and provide any feedback to Secretariat.

Action Point 5: Chair to meet with the new Exec Head of Policy, Campaigns and Public Affairs and Deputy Director Economic Strategy Scotland.

Action Point 6: TK to send Scottish Fire and Rescue Service activity to Secretariat to disseminate to members.

Action Point 7: Secretariat to include new risks on pedestrians and failure to achieve the reduction in car KM and the impact on road safety.

Road Safety Funding

An update on the current framework projects was provided, highlighting that regular contact is kept with each of the project managers and we will keep OPG members updated with progress.

The Chair advised that the Agilysis project for Safe System Training and Capacity Building had sought an increase in funding to cover VAT.

The group was content for this, but asked if further clarification could be had with finance teams ahead of approval being given.

The Road Safety Policy team is also currently developing the next round of framework funding and will be in touch with OPG members ahead of this going live.

In addition, £9.5 million has been dedicated to a RSIF for 2023/24 which will support local authorities to reduce casualties and risks on their roads through the implementation of Safe System measures. All projects will conclude before the end of the financial year – 31 March 2024, and the Road Safety Policy team will look to meet each local authority before the end of the year to discuss their projects.

It was noted that some local authorities are finding it difficult to deliver by the end of the financial year given the funds are unable to be accrued and it would be good to allow flexibility for local authorities to accrue if any delays.

Action Point 8: Chair/Secretariat to discuss with finance the increase in Agilysis grant to cover VAT.

Action Point 9: Secretariat to circulate summary of RSIF bids to members.

Road Safety Summit

The group discussed holding a road safety summit at the last OPG following a rise in casualties. The SPB agreed and asked Transport Scotland and OPG members to shape the summit with suggested topics and speakers.

The summit will be distinctly different from the Road Safety Scotland Seminar and will be aimed at key decision makers. The group highlighted the need to portray the health, economical and social costs the collisions have. It should also highlight the legal obligation that is place on public bodies to improve road safety.

Following the summit, a list of key actions and priorities should be agreed by all those in attendance that can be delivered to improve road safety performance.

The group agreed for Transport Scotland to supply a draft brief for the summit, which will be circulated for the group to feed into.

Action Point 10: Chair/Secretariat to formulise a plan/brief for the road safety summit and circulate to members for views and comment.

AOB and Next Meeting

KI advised that the Scottish Sentencing Councils guidelines have recently been updated regarding those who cause death by dangerous driving.

Published Date 12 Dec 2023 Type Mode of transport Topic