Road Safety Framework - Operational Partnership Group (OPG) - meeting minutes - 24 February 2022
- George Henry (GH) (Chair) Transport Scotland Road Safety Policy/Education
- Bertrand Deiss (BD) Transport Scotland Road Safety Policy
- Michelle Little (ML) Transport Scotland Road Safety Policy
- Stuart Wilson (SW) Transport Scotland Safety and Development
- Michael McDonnell (MM) Road Safety Scotland
- Keith Irving (KI) Cycling Scotland
- Neil Greig (NG) IAM RoadSmart
- Stuart Hay (SH) Living Streets Scotland
- Karen McDonnell (KM) RoSPA
- Dave Shea (DS) Scottish Community Safety Network
- Nina Day (ND) Health and Safety Executive
- Steve Wykes (SWy) Motorcycle Action Group
- Niall MacLennan (NM) Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
- Steven Feeney (SF) Transport Scotland Safety Camera Programme
In Attendance
- Jo McPherson (JM) Police Scotland
- Lorraine Forrester (LF) Transport Scotland Road Safety Policy
- Andrew Patterson (AP) Transport Scotland Strategy and Analysis
- Tia Simanovic (TSi) Transport Scotland Strategy and Analysis
- Karen Furey (KF) Transport Scotland Sustainable and Active Travel
- Sophie Arnold (SA) British Horse Society
- Alasdair Sim (AS) Transport Scotland Network Area Manager
- Paul Sloan (PS) Transport Scotland Strategy and Analysis
- Kieren Green (KG) Transport Scotland Road Safety Policy
- Ben McKenna (BM) Transport Scotland Road Safety Policy
- Louise Blakelock (LB) Police Scotland
- Gordon Brown (GB) SCOTS
- Alistair Ross (AR) ABI
- Helene Mauchlen (HM) British Horse Society
- Louise Moules (LM) Road Haulage Association
- Jill Mulholland (JM) Transport Scotland Sustainable and Active Travel
Welcome and Introductions
The Chair welcomed Operational Partnership Group (OPG) members to the meeting, and proceeded with round the table introductions.
Previous Minute and Actions
The minutes of the previous meeting, 25 August 21 were agreed as an accurate record of discussion, all actions stemming from the last OPG meeting have been completed.
Updates from the Governance Groups
SPB Minutes and Actions
The Strategic Partnership Board (SPB) met on 4 February 2022 and once the Board has agreed the minutes these will be circulated to the OPG. An action from SPB to OPG was for members to identify suitable areas to represent Key Priority focus groups. This will be covered under item 6.
The Chair noted to members that SCOTS have been invited to become a member of the SPB.
LPF Minutes and Actions
The first Local Partnership Forums (LPFs) took place in November 2021. All minutes have been complete and are available on the Transport Scotland website. The next meetings will be held in March 2022. The feedback has been well receive from all those involved.
Action Point 1
Secretariat to circulate link to SPB minutes once approved by the Board.
Knowledge and Data Analysis
Insights from Reported Road Casualties 2020
AP shared the current casualty stats and provided an update on each of the indicators. An over view of the interim targets was provided. We are currently on track to reach our casualty reduction targets, but noted caution around this due to the less vehicles on the road over the pandemic (23% less vehicles).
Cycling casualties have seen an increase in all overall casualties in 2020, however, cycling saw a sharp rise over the summer lockdowns with the rate of those cycling up 50% according to DfT estimates.
E-scooters were also mentioned as the popularity increases. It was noted that prior to 2018 there had been no collisions where an e-scooter was involved, however was three recorded in 2020.
From 2024 there will be a change in the way e-scooters are recorded. Currently if they are involved in a collision this is listed as ‘other’, however from 2024 there will be a new category called ‘personal transport devices’ in which e-scooters will be placed.
AP further provided stats on SIMD (Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation), highlighting that the more deprived the area, the higher the casualty stats.
National Speed Compliance Data
Presenting data on speed indicators, AP noted that the sites have been collecting data since summer 2021 and provide automatic reports which our contractors then interpret.
The group noted that:
- Cars/small vans were most likely to speed in 20 mph and 30 mph locations, with bus being least likely to speed in a 20 mph and 30 mph having better speed compliance than 20 mph.
- Motorcycles are the most likely to speed within 40 and 50 mph limit areas.
- Artic HGVs most likely to speed within 60 mph limits with cars/small vans being least likely.
AP further provided stats on the Intermediate Measures and the KPI’s, including; mobile phone use (which is shown as low), seat belt compliance (which is high) and drink and drug driving (where the self-reporting is low).
NG highlighted that the DfT recently published drink/drug drive figures for 2020 which showed a substantial rise in the rate of drivers being detected and this may be something to keep an eye on. Looking at the figures it was noted by the group that the figures are not dissimilar from previous years.
KI raised having a separate category to monitor e-scooters. AP confirmed a change in 2024 will introduce a category named personal powered transported device. In the meantime there has been guidance released for e-scooter to be recorded as ‘other’.
Close Following Collisions
AS communicated an issue highlighted by roads operating companies, he highlighted that close following has been an issue raised as part of the report on the A76. One of the recommendation is for a national campaign.
There has been trial infrastructure installed on the A701 and A72 to try and raise awareness of the issue and remind motorists to leave an appropriate gap. These are currently being monitored to gauge the effectiveness.
Operating companies identified lack of overtaking opportunities, another motorists pulling into a gap or bullying/tailgating as contributory factors. It was noted that this issue may be more prevalent than speeding.
National Highways have run a campaign called ‘Space Invaders’ which highlight, in England, 1 in 8 collisions could be contributed to close following.
AS is keen to hear any views and ideas on what we can do to get the message across to driver behaviours.
SH questioned if the stats also include damage only data or only when an injury has been reported.
AS advised that the stats may underrepresent the problem as these are only the injury reported data whereas damage only is likely to be much higher. It is also very difficult to record as a contributory factor without witnesses.
NG added that IAM are happy to do any partnership with campaigns, noting there may be camera technology which TRL had been looking at to monitor this that TS may want to get involved in.
SW highlighted that there are vehicle activated signs on the trunk road to notify drivers that they are driving to close to the vehicle in front. Adding that new technology is being introduced, noting the importance of this being deployed in the right area.
DS added that the National Dashcam Safety Portal (NDSP) has a roll to play in help enforce this especially with the number of users with dashcams increasing.
The Chair noted that the group should be updated on any further developments.
Management Information Data
JM advised on the campaigns that Police Scotland have been/will carry out for the first part of the year. The national speeding campaign was ran in January and the national mobile phone campaign was replaced by the seat belt campaign running from 21-27 February. The next campaign will be the commercial vehicle week which will be run from 1-20 March.
Action Point 2
Secretariat to circulate the AP presentation to members.
Action Point 3
AS to liaise with SW on possible trial sites to introduce close following detection technology.
Research, Education and Training
Road Casualties and Deprivation
PS advised members that literature reviews show the increase in the link between casualties and areas of deprivation but they are not clear on the reasons why that might be. The research team in Transport Scotland are working on why there is this link and are looking for views from the group on how to go about the analysis.
PS added that there are three options to proceed with:
- work with local partnerships and understand where the key areas are
- identify potential hotspots where there is a particular issue
- have a broader aspect through a procurement route
Continuing, PS highlighted that there is not much benefit of doing this at a national level as we know that the link is there but we need to work out why it is there and asked members where the value lies.
KM agreed that work conducted through LPFs will be of benefit, adding that there was similar work conducted by Glasgow City Council which was focused on from a working/business point of view, such as what can people who drive in the area do to reduce risk.
ML highlighted that we should look wider than just road safety which may bring better results or give a wider understanding on the issues in areas of deprivation. It was noted by KMc that Public Health Scotland are now involved with ScORSA and agreed that a holistic approach may give us data we don’t currently have.
PS agreed the need to look broader to not only include road safety but other areas as well as including the behaviours and attitudes. This feedback would be taken away, PS agreed to set out what we are trying to achieve and proposing to do to share with members.
Safe System Training
Transport Scotland Road Safety Policy Team launched five short animations on the Safe System pillars. The feedback from these have been really positive and has been promoted on the framework website and TS social media.
The Trunk Road Casualty Reduction has commission a consultancy to develop a training course that will be delivered at Director level, Directorate level and Supply chain level within TS and at Director level, Departmental level and Practitioner level within local authorities.
The Chair added that the Safe System has been implemented in other countries but there is no ‘off the shelf’ training that we can adopt. We can look to be the first country to host and carry out Safe System training for free.
KM agreed that if Safe System training doesn’t exist then it makes perfect sense for Scotland to create and lead on this.
NG advised that this has been looked at elsewhere and highlighted difficulties in reaching that individual level, so everyone knows their role.
Education and Publicity
MM advised that (RSS) is currently undertaking a complete rebuild of its website to ensure it remains accessible across all devices, contains up-to-date content and is easy to navigate. It is anticipated that all this work will be complete by April 2022.
MM provided an update on the campaigns RSS are running throughout the year:
- Young Drivers: Drive Like Gran’s in the Car continues to resonate with the target audience with new campaign material ready to go out soon looking at mobile phone use and speeding.
- Motorcyclists: Live Fast Die Old continues to evaluate well with bikers and a new Breathtaking Roads video is being developed.
- Seatbelts: A new seatbelt campaign was developed and is currently on air.
- Speed: New speeding campaign is also being planned to run throughout March.
- Police Scotland: PS has drafted its campaign calendar for 2022/23 and, as far as possible, RSS will align its campaigns with PS activity.
- Going forward, RSS will look to develop campaigns to support the issues in the framework.
RSS will also run a campaign on the new Highway Code changes to raise public awareness in Scotland.
The Chair asked members if we should have a road safety campaign for each of the focus groups that are proposed. The group consensus from the group was to focus on one campaign at a time, then evaluate it before delivering the next, highlighting that there is already a lot of messaging on road safety.
Action point 4
KM to share the research conducted by GCC to PS.
Action Point 5
PS to produce paper for members to determine the best option on review of casualties in areas of deprivation.
Framework Delivery Monitoring
No comments were received on the risk register. However members were asked to review and provide any comment along with the minutes.
Action Point 6
Secretariat to circulate risk register along with minute and seek members views.
Framework Delivery
RSF 2030 Delivery Plan 2022/23
LF thanked all partners who have provided and update on their current deliverables contained within the Delivery Plan 2021/22. Initial contact has been made with Delivery Partners to request contribution to the Delivery Plan 2022/23, which we will aim to publish around mid- April 2022.
National Speed Management Review
BD advised that, WSP, on behalf of Transport Scotland, are undertaking a comprehensive review covering all types of speed management initiatives including speed limits, enforcement, education, behaviour including nudge psychology, with a literature review nearly finished.
WSP are about to start the consultation process with TS, LA’s and other stakeholders including CEDR and ETSC to understand the baseline conditions and would aim to establish the current status of speed management across Scotland and potential initiatives that could form part of a national policy. It will take the form of multiple presentations to larger groups followed by the issuance of a questionnaire to obtain additional/specific information on speed management policies and initiatives.
National Conversation/Road Safety Week
As part of raising the profile of road safety and a National Conversation, we are establishing a Scottish Road Safety Week (SRSW). TS are looking to create a brand for the week and there will be a designated page on the RSS website for updates on the SRSW.
A working group for SRSW has been formed made up of Transport Scotland and several external organisations. A week in the calendar has been set for the first Scottish Road Safety Week being held, 21-25 March, with the Road Safety Scotland Annual Seminar on Wednesday 23 March 2022.
MM asked partners if they are doing work for this week to brand it as the ‘SRSW’ and promote within their respective organisations.
Key Priority Focus Groups
The second meeting of the Motorcycle Focus Group took place on 23 February and is assisting in mapping out exactly what is being delivered in Scotland as well as identifying gaps or areas to help partners focus to reduce these casualties.
The Chair sought members views on the development of other mode specific groups and their thoughts on partners Chairing these groups, with TS continuing to provide secretariat support.
SH agreed that these focus groups will be of benefit and it will be good to hear of the experts in the respective groups, particularly from local authorities who deliver the policy.
KI added that for cycling there is already clear policies that exists on what needs to be done, the need is more for an implementation group which can share challenges and solutions. There are already implementation groups in existence such as the cycling forum and it may be of benefit to get more out of these groups.
NG suggested that maybe what is needed are focus groups based on the five Safe System pillars, as well as by mode or topic.
ML highlighted that a potential risk of the focus groups is that the governance groups may miss out on information and on wider discussions, as some members won’t be in attendance.
Chair proposed to look at the remit for each of these groups and share with members to seek their views. KI highlighted importance of looking at existing groups that are already in place and of having the key outcomes of the groups shared with all members from OPG/SPB.
Trunk Road Risk Mapping
SW advised that the trunk road – route risk scoring is developing, with the trunk road network able to be broken down into 500 metre sections and given a risk score.
The risk score will be produced based on a roads alignment, environment, roadside features and the condition. Early data suggests that alignment, which takes into account bends and junctions accounts for almost half of the risk on the network, with environment only contributing to around 4% of risk.
The risk score data is compared with collision data this ensures that there is confidence in the data and that the risks being monitored are helping to contribute to the RSF2030 targets.
NG highlighted the traffic mix noting that more motorcycle/HGV prominent roads may skew figures and asked if this has been taking into consideration.
SW confirmed that work is taking place on how TS manage motorcyclists behavioural aspects, which will moderate the influence. By making the routes safe for motorcyclists we will also be making them safe for all road users.
SH asked if this risk mapping also includes roads with crossings, footways and higher pedestrian areas. It was confirmed that no areas of the network have been excluded, and trial routes have included villages, these have become a higher risk score due to the number of junctions in a relatively short space. A separate approach is being considered for towns and villages as these have different characteristics when compared to other parts of the network.
Action Point 7
Chair/Secretariat to look into the creation of the focus groups, while considering groups that are already in place perhaps trialling another one group.
Framework Funding
Framework Funding and Projects
KG advised members that the funding for the framework fund has been extended to 7 March 2022, and advised on the number of applications received to date. A summary of these will be circulated to members in the coming weeks for consideration.
A written update on projects that received funding in 2021 as well as those that have been funded since the launch of the Framework and Evaluation Fund was provided in the papers.
RSF Improvement Fund
The Chair advised that Transport Scotland is currently considering the implementation of the RSIF which will assist partners in meeting the challenging targets of the framework and to implement the Safe System across their road network.
£15 million of capital funding is expected to be made available from late April 2022.
KI welcomed the fund and asked if the RSIF money will go towards local authorities and queried the duration, stating it should be for multiple years rather than one.
The Chair confirmed that it will mainly be local authorities but all partners are eligible. The fund is for one year but discussions are ongoing to increase further for the following years. Discussion are taking place between, CoSLA, SCOTS and SOLACE, which will help to understand the initiatives that are taking place locally.
Partner Updates
KF advised partners that the Active Travel budget has increased, and can help support the Road Safety Framework.
KI advised Cycling Scotland are running a pilot with the Active Nation Commissioner on overtaking signage, with the aim to reduce dangerous overtaking. There is a desire to carry out further but highlighted the importance of evaluating the data as they go.
JM advised that Police Scotland are looking to expand Rider Refinement North, working in partnership with Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.
NM advised that Scottish Fire and Rescue Service are looking to carry out more engagement and develop the Biker Down Initiative.
NG highlighted that IAM RoadSmart has a new interim Chief Executive who took over on 9 February.
DS noted support for the SRSW and offered SCSN support for this. The SCSN development team are also undertaking a Scottish road show, visiting every local authority and will highlight the importance of road safety during these engagements.
SWy noted Welcoming Roads and that this is gathering pace with DfT.
SF advised partners that in terms of active travel, the Safety Camera Programme can help delivery national priorities. There are discussions with the safety camera units to establish collision cluster sites, with the aim to implement mobile cameras on these sites.
There will also be eight new fixed camera sites, that will be officially announced next week. Finally, noting that the M90 HADECS Camera System, along Queensferry Crossing, will become active.
Strategic Transport Projects Review 2
The Chair advised the second Strategic Transport Projects Review (STPR2) will inform the Scottish Government’s transport investment programme in Scotland over the next 20 years.
SW also advised that the TRCR team have also commissioned the same consultant who developed STPR2 to develop the new Strategic Road Safety Plan with the challenge to them on the delivery of the plan. This will take place over the spring and summer with engagement with partners of OPG involved.
Highway Code Changes
BD advised members of the changes made to the Highway Code that came into effect on 29 January 2022 with the DfT intending to communicate the changes in two phases:
- An awareness-raising campaign in mid-February, alerting road users to the changes as they come into effect.
- A broader behaviour change campaign in May/June, to align with seasonal increases in active travel, to help embed the changes and encourage understanding and uptake of the new guidance.
A stakeholder toolkit has also be developed for those wishing to support the campaign, making it easy to share and amplify the campaign messages and materials through their own channel. TS is also working with partners on an awareness-raising campaign through our Road Safety Scotland team and SG Marketing. This comprises a three-week campaign started on 15 February using radio and social media assets.
SWy raised concerns on the lack of consideration to motorcyclists on the new Highway Code changes as well as a potential issues around the new hierarchy of road users meaning that some road users may not behave responsibly.
Presumed liability also has potential to cause frustration between road users.
Action Point 8
Secretariat to invite STPR2 colleagues along to next meeting.
Older driver data – Manchester
ND advised members on data received for older drivers highlighting that particularly HGV/LGV drivers are getting older, and there are more physical and mental demands of the job, resulting in more stress and fatigue, which doesn’t contribute to a healthy workforce.
Older drivers are less likely to take risks, however, have more visual defects and can get complacent while driving. Technology can sometimes be seen to provide assistance, but it can cause more of a distraction within older drivers who are unfamiliar with this.
BD informed members of the introduction of the DfT Road Traffic Investigation Branch. Scottish Ministers will respond if they wish to implement this in Scotland.
Action Point 9
Secretariat to liaise with Police Scotland on mode specific groups to identify the Chief Inspector portfolio holder with older road users having the lead in the North Command area.
Action Point 10
Secretariat to circulate links to ND reports.
Action Point 11
BD to update members on the DfT Road Traffic Investigation Branch at the next OPG meeting.