Road Safety Framework - Operational Partnership Group (OPG) - meeting minutes - 25 August 2021
- George Henry (GH) (Chair) Transport Scotland Road Safety Policy and Education
- Bertrand Deiss (BD) Transport Scotland Road Safety Policy
- Michelle Little (ML) Transport Scotland Road Safety Policy
- Stuart Wilson (SW) Transport Scotland Safety and Development
- Michael McDonnell (MM) Road Safety Scotland
- Keith Irving (KI) Cycling Scotland
- Neil Greig (NG) IAM RoadSmart
- Stuart Hay (SH) Living Streets
- Karen McDonnell (KM) RoSPA
- Dave Shea (DS) Scottish Community Safety Network
- Karen Armstrong (KA) Transport Scotland
- Martin McKechnie (MMc) Scottish Trauma Network
- Linsay Mackay (LM) Scottish Government
- Alistair Ross (AR) ABI
- Nina Day (ND) Health and Safety Executive
- Craig Love (CL) Transport Scotland Environment & Sustainability
In Attendance
- Jonny Moran (JMo) Transport Scotland Head of Road Operations
- Lorraine Napier (LN) Police Scotland
- Thomas Keay (TK) Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
- Jill Mullholland (JM) Transport Scotland Active Travel
- Lorraine Forrester (LF) Transport Scotland Road Safety Policy
- Andrew Patterson (AP) Transport Scotland Strategy and Analysis
- Hannah Wood (Observer) Transport Scotland Road Safety Policy
- Richard Panton (RP) Scottish Ambulance Service
- Louise Blakelock (LB) Police Scotland
- Lewis Crosbie (LC) COPFS
- Steve Wykes (SWy) Motorcycle Action Group
- Gordon Brown (GB) SCOTS
- Steven Feeney (SF) Transport Scotland Safety Camera Programme
- Jim May (JMa) Transport Scotland
- Patrick Down (PD) Scottish Government
- Helene Mauchlen (HM) British Horse Society
- Kieren Green (KG) Transport Scotland Road Safety Policy
- Ben McKenna (BM) Transport Scotland Road Safety Policy
Welcome and Introductions
The Chair welcomed Operational Partnership Group (OPG) members to the meeting, noting that there are several new faces following the membership review and the publication of the new Road Safety Framework 2030 with the OPG now consisting of core and affiliated members.
Opening Remarks
The Chair expressed the groups sympathies on the sad news on the passing of Carolyn Reid from RoSPA. Carolyn will be known by many at this meeting and will be sadly missed.
Previous Minute and Actions
The minutes of the previous meeting, 29 April 21 were agreed as an accurate record of discussion, all actions stemming from the last OPG meeting have been completed.
Strategic Partnership Board (SPB) Minute and Actions
The SPB met on 28 July 21 and once the Board has agreed the minutes will be circulated to the OPG.
Action Point 1
Secretariat to circulate link to SPB minutes once approved by the Board.
Framework Governance
OPG Membership, Terms of Reference & Remit
The group’s membership has been reviewed and now consists of core and affiliated members. Affiliated members will not be required to attend all OPG meeting. They be invited along to meetings at points when the focus is on their portfolio and their expertise are required or they are wanting to share information wider.
The terms of reference and remit which had been circulated, was agreed by the group. The Chair highlighted that the information shared at the OPG meetings should remain confidential until published This includes the information contained in the applications of the road safety framework fund until they have been formally agreed by the SPB.
Local Partnership Forums (LPFs)
The Chair provided a brief overview of the LPF’s and the background to the initial proposal. There will initially be three LPF’s established across Scotland – North, West and East. Work is well underway with initial feedback from those contacted being positive. Additional ideas stemming from these conversations have been of themed focus groups collaboratively working together to resolve similar issues in cities or rural areas. The first meetings are planned to take place in November 21.
Following the agreement from the SPB to run with the three LPFs initially, the OPG confirmed they would also be content with this proposal, with the meetings to be reviewed to ensure we are achieving the desired outcomes.
Action Point 2
Secretariat to keep the OPG members updated on the outcome of the LPFs.
Action Point 3
LPF’s to be reviewed to ensure they are achieving the desired outcomes.
Knowledge and Data Analysis
Key Reported Road Casualties Scotland 2020
AP presented slides on the Key Reported Road Casualties Scotland, relating to calendar year 2020, highlighting key findings. There has been a decrease in road casualties in 2020, noting the following:
- 35% reduction in total road casualties compared to 2019
- 24% reduction in fatalities compared to 2019
- 19% reduction in serious casualties when compared to 2019.
The decrease is likely to be related to the lower traffic levels during the Covid-19 pandemic. Traffic levels dropped by 23% in Scotland. Highlighting that the Scottish Government has a target to reduce motor traffic by 20% by 2030, we have seen this reduction over 2020 which also resulted in less casualties.
The targets for the framework 2020 were discussed, confirming all five targets of Scotland’s Road Safety Framework to 2020 have been met. Noting that prior to the casualty reductions seen in 2020, we were not on track to meet the two targets relating to serious injuries but had seen a significant improvement.
Mode specific casualties have also reduced, noting that the pandemic and travel restrictions have had an impact on these. AP highlighted that;
- Car casualties down 41%
- Pedestrian casualties down 37%
- Bus casualties down 50%, but bus use was affected during the pandemic with passenger number down 53%
- Motorcycle casualties down 22%
- Cyclists casualties saw a rise by 2%, however on road cycling during the pandemic rose by 46% across the whole of the Great Britain
Reports and Analytical Information
The Performance Management report was discussed, which is the replacement of the previous toolkit indicator. There are a range of layers supporting the new framework including the high level targets, the intermediate measures. The intention is to update this document ahead of the meetings. In addition the information and the charts contained will also be produced for a local level and provided for the LPF’s.
AP highlighted that despite a large decrease in road traffic in the past year we are only just meeting out target for fatal collisions which illustrates the challenges ahead we face.
For the Intermediate Outcome Target the only one heading in the wrong direction is cyclists KSI (killed or seriously injured) which has remain static, but noted that we should be cautious when looking at this given there has been a rise in cycling numbers. Attention was also drawn to the equalities – looking at most deprived, least deprived areas which is also heading in the right direction with regards to road safety.
KPIs (key performance indicators) will also be added to the performance management tool with AP welcoming members to provide any views on the layout or content.
The monitoring which is in place on the Spaces for People schemes was discussed. Local authorities are carrying out evaluations on these schemes to try and better understand the road safety impact.
JM added that Sustrans are leading on an evaluation of these and the whole programme evaluation will be next year. The Spaces for People schemes were put in place as a public health initiative, however individual local authorities can look at schemes they have put in place to gather evidence if they are thinking of making some permanent.
The road safety framework targets and flexing them in response to new evidence was discussed. It was confirmed that although targets have been set in the framework 2030 this will not prevent other research or emerging trends from being considered and acted upon. We will be able to pivot and move in the way we need to through the review of each delivery plan. If there are emerging themes the framework will be able to adapt as the road safety landscape develops over the coming years.
Mode Specific Focus Groups
A brief overview of the focus groups was provided to the group .The focus groups will be small sub-groups of specialists relevant to that area who will look at data to identify trends and measures that can be introduced to try prevent some of the more problematic areas. The information obtain from these groups can be used to develop future strategies within these areas.
The proposed focus groups are:
- Pedestrians
- Cyclists
- Motorcyclists
- Road users ages 70 and over
- Road users aged between 17 to 25
- Inappropriate speed
- Not wearing a seatbelt
- Using a mobile phone while driving
- Drink and drug driving
It was highlighted, with the recent level of motorcycle fatalities across the network that, the first focus group to be established will be on motorcycles. This will be attended by the Transport Minister, Graeme Dey and the key partners relevant to this area. The group will conduct deep dive investigations, looking at various aspects including engineering, education, enforcement, marketing etc.
The Chair welcomed the OPG members to put them name forward as a note of interest to become members of specific groups.
It was suggested that the fatal 4 (mobile phone use, drink and drug drive, speed and not wearing a seatbelt) as well as others could be placed under a focus group of driver behaviour, particularly with one of the main causation factors being failed to look, it would be good to have this included. In addition, SH added that it would be good to apply the behavioural change framework by the Scottish Government, looking at individual beliefs, social norms and material changes to identify the behaviours we are looking to change instead of the norm campaigns that normally fail out of this type of investigations.
SH has offered to supply the behavioural change results Living Streets found when applying them to one of their projects.
The Chair mentioned that there will be similar groups within other organisations, such as Police Scotland. We should try and avoid any duplication and look at how we can support each other through these. The group was made aware of the work the HSE have been carrying out with the University of Manchester on older drivers and would be happy to share this with the group.
JMo encouraged the OPG members to feedback any connections or raise challenges and issues which have been discussed in other forums at this meeting, which can then be considered by this group and we can take any necessary action.
Management Information Data
An update was provided on Police Scotland’s management information data for the period 1 April to 21 August 21.
An update on Police Scotland activity was provided , they are continuing with their national calendar on road safety activity, participated in the global road safety week in May and continue to support Cycling Scotland’s Give Cycle Space campaign through Operation Close Pass, which is a joint operation. The National Seatbelt Campaign took place in June, which was support by the Good Egg Campaign. This was followed by the summer drink and drug drive campaign in July and August and the national speeding campaign.
Motorcycle safety campaigns are continuing to run throughout the summer. These range from short term deployment or weekend long enforcement.
National Speed Indicator Data
A brief background was given to the group. As the new framework was being developed it was recognised there was a data gap in relation to the evidence on speed. Transport Scotland has been working in partnership with local authorities across Scotland to establish a National Speed Indicator. 100 permanent speed survey counters have been installed and configured across both local and trunk road networks.
Currently raw data is been collected from these sites and it is the intention to create standard reports using the findings which will help to evidence the levels of speed compliance and potentially highlight patterns and issues with speed on a specific road type or by vehicle going forward. To gain the groups views which will allow the reports to be created. AP presented a sample report to gain members views on the content. The reports produce the average speed which can be broken down by road type, speed limit, day of week and vehicle type.
The reports can also produce a speed distribution chart which enables us to clearly depict how many vehicles are travelling above or below the speed limit.
NG highlighted recent findings from a DfT report which stated that 56% of cars exceed the speed limit on 30 mph road and motorways and raised concerns around the discrepancy in the data. AP agreed it would be worth him contacting DfT to understand the differences. DfT have very few sites in Scotland which doesn’t yield meaningful results that is why we have went this route.
Action Point 4
Secretariat to circulate the performance management tool which replaces the Toolkit indicator for feedback from the OPG members.
Action Point 5
SH to circulate links to behaviours change framework and the behavioural findings from Living Streets project on 20mph.
Action Point 6
Chair to liaise with Police Scotland on focus groups to ensure no duplication.
Action Point 7
Secretariat to liaise with HSE on older driver data with Manchester.
Action Point 8
OPG members to note an interest in joining any of the focus groups to contact the Secretariat.
Framework Delivery
RSF 2030 Delivery Plan
The Chair expressed his thanks to all partners who provided action points to populate the road safety delivery plan. The final version of the Delivery Plan is currently with the printing company for design and formatting and once cleared by the Transport Minister we will aim to publish in September 21. There will be communications formed around this and possible supporting statements from partners included.
NG noted that things are moving fast with new announcements coming out since the development of this plan, highlighting that this should be reviewed to ensure that the Delivery Plan isn’t see to be dated and fallen behind.
LF added that this Delivery Plan will cover the years 2021/22. The Road Safety Policy Team will be in touch with partners in the new year to discuss the next Delivery Plan, with the SPB monitoring its progress.
JMo clarified that we would not look to use the delivery plan as a platform to make new announcements or policy changes, it will be used as an operational tool.
Framework Funded Projects & Improvement Fund
Members were provided with an update on the road safety improvement fund business case. The strategic action on funding and resourcing of the framework and more generally road safety has moved forward we are preparing a strategic business case to be considered for long term funding going forward Further updates will be shared with the group when we have them.
KG highlighted that the latest round of framework and evaluation funding closed on 6 June with a total of 8 projects received. Noting the current position of each of the projects;
- Police Scotland – BOSCH Vehicle Data (Approved)
- Police Scotland – NDSP (Pending)
- ScORSA (Approved)
- Dumfries and Galloway – Road Safety Mobile App (Pending)
- North Ayrshire Council – Footway Link (Decline)
- Rhu Primary School – Carbon Neutral School (Withdrawn)
- Cycling Scotland – Essential Cycling Skills (Fund)
- Scottish Borders Council – Impact of Trigger Speeds (Decline)
From the previous funding round there are currently two projects ongoing, these being the Motorcycle Safety in North East Scotland and Police Scotland’s Evaluation of New Driver Early Intervention Scheme. These projects are hoping to be finalised in the coming weeks and final evaluation reports will be published on the website and shared with members.
LN added that Police Scotland have received the evaluation report for the New Driver Early Intervention Scheme, which is currently being reviewed and will be sent to Transport Scotland in due course.
Framework Website and Animations
An update was given on the road safety framework microsite, which was launched along with the framework in February. Content has been added to this on a regular basis to tie in with the Police Scotland and Road Safety Scotland campaign calendars to strengthen the messages going out.
KG advised that other articles have been added following announcements from partners and the DfT. KG encouraged members to get in touch to share and highlight messages.
Continuing, KG highlighted that from previous feedback the Safe system and how it fits with road safety is not as widely known as we first though. To start to build on this we are developing 5 short animations on the pillars of the Safe System. The work has progressed well and have recently recorded the voice overs for each and the draft storyboards have been received pending final approval. We will gradually roll each animation out on our website, with additional news articles supporting each short clip. These will also be posted on social media and available for partners to share wider.
It was agreed by the group that the work on the vision zero and the safe system is very important. NG advised a survey carried on IAM members revealed that 82% had never heard of vision zero and recognises there is still a lot of work to be done with limited knowledge on these subjects in the general public. KMc added that the safe system is something ScORSA are looking to weave through their own networks.
JM added communicating the safe system and what it means for individuals will be a challenge. This is going to fundamentally change the way people go about their day job.
National Conversation
The National Conversation is in the very early stages of development, aiming to raise the profile of road safety. As part of the National Conversation, it is our intention to establish a Scottish Road Safety Week, with Transport Scotland colleagues having met to discuss this. A provisional date has been set for this in March 22, with the initial theme potentially focusing on the safe system.
MM confirmed that other dates and event had been considered by the working group, however, felt that more could be gained by having our own specific week and brand it Scotland’s Road Safety Week. LN supported this, noting that Police Scotland’s campaign calendar has more degree of flexibility during this time to support and would welcome further discussions to establish what would be required from Police Scotland.
LF welcomed the OPG members comments and is happy for them to contact her directly.
Education and Publicity
MM began by highlighting the website will undergo a complete rebuilt This will take into account the increasingly different way users access the website.
The campaign activities have continued, with the “Gran” campaign continuing to score well with the targeted audience. A Seat belt Ad, which was delayed due to Covid but will not likely go like in the new year. Motorcycling campaigns continue with “Breath-taking roads” which receive complement from the motorcycling group rating the way we communicate to this area. The next video will involve overtaking and the decision before overtaking.
It was also highlighted that there is a continued disappearance of traditional road safety officers and the need to readdress this in some way. Which could be picked up at the Local Partnership Forums.
Action Point 9
Secretariat to circulate link to final evaluations of completed framework funded projects once available.
Action Point 10
LF and MM to liaise with OPG members and stakeholders on the development on a Scottish Road Safety Week.
Action Point 11
Local road safety officers to be discussed at LPF’s by the respective Chairs.
Framework Delivery Monitoring
Risk Register
Members were asked for their views on the new risk register which will reflect the delivery of the framework and its delivery plan .
The group considered some of the risks contained within the register . The risk in relation to Covid provided mixed views with the group agreeing that this is something we should monitor, with the possibility of looking at the mode shift e.g. decline in bus use as this is one of the safest modes of travel.
JMo added that the risks and wording around each should be reviewed by the OPG to ensure that each risk is specific and appropriate to the group’s work (such that the group is in apposition to influence, mitigate or manage that risk). TS will undertake the initial review before re-circulating to members for comments.
Action Point 12
Secretariat to review risk register and circulate to members for further comment.
Partner Updates
NG began by noting that work has just completed with DfT looking at older drivers and their views on when to give up driving. The key findings from that showed that older drivers are very confident in their ability to continue driving with 82 the average age when start thinking about giving up driving. Those who are still driving are not thinking about driving at all. A link to the research will be shared.
SH advised that a report is due on street audit, looking at active travel within 47 sites. The team in Edinburgh also plan to hold a summit on speed at the end of October.
ND mentioned that HSE have work ongoing which would tie in to what this group is trying to achieve which can be shared in the future.
KI noted work is still ongoing on with Bikeability at primary schools and Practical Cycle Awareness training with large vehicle drivers, looking to increase the delivery rates back up again post pandemic. The ‘Give Cycle Space’ evaluation has shown a large increase in awareness of the Police Scotland Operation Close Pass as well as the legal consequences of dangerous overtakes. In addition the cycling by design new guidance is expected in the Autumn which will also improve infrastructure from a safety point of view.
TK advised that work is ongoing setting up road safety partnerships that will have a clear focus on road safety going forward. There has been a ban on events with all engagement being carried out virtually, but with restrictions easing looking to get fire crews back out engaging with the local community.
KM stated that RoSPA have been working on a number of issues over the summer months. One of the key topics has been driver health, safe drivers, both personal and professional, noting the reduction in skilled drivers. The first ScORSA webinar, takes place on Thursday 26 August which will include a focus on fitness to drive. ScORSA have engaged with the Scottish Gamekeeper Association in regards to quad bike use to ensure that users are trained and wearing the correct equipment and roll over protection.
ScORSA are also reviewing the powered two wheelers for work, given the increase in the sale last year. Would also be looking to have a ScORSA position on e-scooter that would be able to help inform business on the current position in Scotland. Continuing, ScORSA would like to hear from Cycling Scotland with regards to cycle incidents on cattle grids and how to go about raising awareness of these.
KM welcomed OPG members to send any research or information on the use of quad bikes and in particular with rollover protection, powered two wheelers for work and lastly any information with cattle grids and cycling. LN offered the Police Scotland recent messaging released around the use of e-scooters given these are illegal to use on public roads which can be used.
DS added that the SCSN are also working on the relaxation of HGV driver hours, with this been extended to 3 October and would welcome input from members. Additionally, work is ongoing on climate change and its relation to community safety and what impact this will have on road use and traffic level with AGM on 15 September with members welcome to join.
Road Traffic Fatality Study
Police Scotland and Transport Scotland are continuing to work in partnership to establish road traffic fatality research in Scotland. The research will involve a police analyst conducting ‘deep dive’ investigations into all fatal collision on the road network in Scotland. The recruitment for the analysis is underway with applications closing on Friday 27 August. Police Scotland will also provide an additional member of staff to help with the collection of data.
Once in place the group will work to establish the specifics of the reports. Sample reports are being reviewed by the group to gain views on content and structure.
KI asked if the working group membership and remit be circulated to OPG members for information.
National Speed Management Review
Work on a National Speed Management Review is currently underway, with a contractor recently appointed. Updates will be provided to both SPB and OPG as we reach appropriate milestones.
Development of National Strategy for 20 mph
A number of options have been considered for a national strategy on the expansion of 20 mph limits and zones which will inform the development of the implementation plan. The implementation plan will include consideration of the roads criteria and exceptions, the assessment of local roads, the financial impacts on both Local authorities. Communication plans will be developed alongside educational and behavioural campaign . To ensure all views are gain working groups will be set up.
ML welcomed members to get in touch if they are interested in being part of one of the working groups.
Trunk Road Risk Mapping
A risk map is currently being developed for the Trunk Road Network, based on a number of physical attributes. The intent is to finish the risk map of the trunk road network over the next few weeks and to provide it to the STPR2 team to help them inform some of their interventions The map is created using a combination of factors including alignment, road condition, roadside features and environment. By the time of the next OPG we are hoping to have a working model to share with members at next meeting.
MAST Membership
KG began by highlighting that due to the limited number of MAST members we are reviewing the current funding with the intention of withdrawing our membership. Following discussions with local partners however, it was established that many do use MAST when it comes to road safety decision making in their local areas. MAST will be discussed at the LPFs in November to gain views from local partners and if there is limited interest we will withdraw funding the following year.
Highway Code Review
BD advised that on 30 July 2021 the DfT published their response to the review of the Highway Code to improve road safety for pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders following a public consultation. The main alterations to the code being proposed with the majority of respondents to the consultation in favour of all the changes.
Concerns were raised to the DfT by the Road Haulage and freight companies that larger vehicles automatically held responsible if in a collision. The DfT highlighted that all road users have a responsibility for their own safety and this will be emphasised by amended text on the rule.
DfT will work with relevant stakeholders to finalise the alterations to the Highway Code and produce a revised version to set before Parliament expected in mid-September.
Action Point 13
NG to circulate papers to members on work with DfT.
Action Point 14
Members to let KM know if aware of any research has been done on the use and safety on quad bikes.
Action Point 15
KM to share ScORSA position statement on e-scooter with Police Scotland for comment.
Action Point 16
ML/Secretariat to share Road Traffic Fatality Study Working Group members and remit with OPG members.
Action Point 17
Members to consider membership of 20 mph implementation working group and let ML know if interested in joining group.
Action Point 18
SW to share Trunk Road Risk Model Map at next meeting.
Chair advised that Network Rail were keen to be involved with Project EDWARD. They are looking for a bit more detail on safety for their own drivers. The contact to be shared with KM
Date of next meeting
The next OPG would meet on Thursday 24 February 2022, 09:30 – 12:30.
Action Point 19
Secretariat to share Network Rail contact with KM to engage around Project EDWARD – from both MM and Chair.