Road Safety Framework - Operational Partnership Group (OPG) - meeting minutes - 29 April 2021
- George Henry (GH) (Chair) Transport Scotland - Road Safety Policy and Education
- Bertrand Deiss (BD) Transport Scotland - Road Safety Policy
- Michelle Little (ML) Transport Scotland - Road Safety Policy
- Stuart Wilson (SW) Transport Scotland - Safety and Development
- Michael McDonnell (MM) Road Safety Scotland
- Keith Irving (KI) Cycling Scotland
- Neil Greig (NG) IAM RoadSmart
- Stuart Hay (SH) Living Streets
- Tamara Thorne (TT) Transport Scotland - Researcher
- Alasdair Perry (APe) Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
- Karen McDonnell (KM) RoSPA
In attendance
- Jonny Moran (JMo) Transport Scotland - Head of Road Operations
- Lorraine Napier (LN) Police Scotland
- Niall MacLennan (NM) Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
- Jill Mullholland (JM) Transport Scotland - Active Travel
- Lorraine Forrester (LF) Transport Scotland - Road Safety Policy
- Andrew Patterson (AP) Transport Scotland - Strategy and Analysis
- David McKenzie (DM) Transport Scotland - Project Manager
- Alex Stedmon (AS) Open Road Simulation
- Richard Panton (RP) Scottish Ambulance Service
- Louise Blakelock (LB) Police Scotland
- Martin Reid (MR) Road Haulage Association
- Barry Baker (BB) Health and Safety Executive
- Alistair Ross (AR) ABI
- Lewis Crosbie (LC) COPFS
- Steve Wykes (SWy) Motorcycle Action Group
- Gordon Brown (GB) SCOTS
- Steven Feeney (SF) Transport Scotland Safety Camera Programme
- Kieren Green (KG) Transport Scotland - Road Safety Policy
- Ben McKenna (BM) Transport Scotland - Road Safety Policy
Welcome and Introductions
The Chair welcomed Operational Partnership Group (OPG) Members to the meeting and proceeded with round the table introductions.
Opening Remarks
The Chair expressed his thanks to the group on the commitment and push on the 2020 framework and on the development of Scotland’s Road Safety Framework 2030. Noting that this group is key in keeping the momentum going to support road safety delivery.
Agenda item 1 - Previous Minute and Actions
The minutes of the previous meeting, 10 Dec 20 were agreed as an accurate record of discussion, all actions stemming from the last OPG meeting have been completed.
Agenda Item 2 - Strategic Partnership Board (SPB) Minute and Actions
The SPB met on 28 April 21 and once the Board has agreed the minutes these will be circulated to OPG.
Action Point
Secretariat to circulate link to SPB minutes once approved by the Board.
Agenda Item 3 – Framework 2020 Outcomes
The group discussed finalising the road safety framework to 2020, Transport Scotland will carry out an in house evaluation this year (2021) this will begin after the publication of the Reported Road Casualties. It was confirmed both overall casualty reduction as well as performance management will be included. The evaluation will be showcase all the good work that have been delivered over the course of the framework 2020 and the positive steps we will continue to take.
Agenda Item 4 – Risk Register and the Toolkit Indicator
As the last framework has now ended the group were asked to consider the risks contained in the old risk register, if they are still fit for purpose and should be moved to the new register or what is their views on creating an new one to align with the new framework.
It was highlighted that potential risks stemming from the pandemic may now have to be considered as a risk to the new framework, such as increases in walking and cycling. This is something to be mindful of when creating the new risk register. The group agreed that there may have been a shift in road safety issues during the pandemic and now that we are beginning to come out the other side these may become more apparent.
It was noted the any new risk register must include speed, this issue has not seen much change but to meet the targets of the next framework we will need to tackle this area. The risk may be that there is limited means to make a dent in speeding either through Local Authorities or Police enforcement.
The group also agreed that it was essential to include driving for work which was not covered in the last risk register as well as the different casualty patterns that are happening now as opposed to when the original register was created. Pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists make up larger proportion of fatalities currently and key that a risk register reflects this. In addition driver and rider personal health and resilience.
Funding, resources and delivery were discussed as an issue and it was agreed those aspects should be included in the risk register, they are also highlighted in the new framework. Especially following the impact of Covid-19 on partners resource and priorities.
JM advised that for Active Travel they are unlikely to see any reduction in the budget and there is funding available to those who are looking for capital funding.
The was a few suggestions on how the risk register was to be redeveloped , taking into consideration the five outcomes, 12 strategic actions and the first annual delivery plan into account. The framework clearly sets out some of the key risks and challenges over the next 10 years, this is what we should use within our risk register. A suggestion was also made to break these risks down by overarching themes such as technology, driving for work, environment, vehicle mix and resilience.
One of the biggest risk that can be identified is the implementation of the safe system over the next 10 year which we will have to monitor going forward. It was clear with responses coming back from the public consultation and engagement with stakeholders that it is fundamental for training to be carried out so everyone is fully aware of what it is and how to achieve this goal and delivering success.
It was agreed the OPG Secretariat will create a first draft risk register and circulate to the group for consideration and input.
The groups views where sought on the toolkit indicator which was previously used to identify work carried out under the commitments of the last framework and the key priority areas and whether we continue to use this format or is there a better way to measure what stakeholders are delivering. It was suggested to replace the toolkit with an action register which would tie into the risk register and monitor progress on delivery of this framework. This could be reviewed at each meeting and referred to the SPB, it would also assist in evaluating the framework at certain points.
The Chair advised the new framework is more strategic with 12 strategic actions supported by annual delivery plans. This group has to monitor the progress of the annual delivery plans, with the framework being evaluated on a yearly basis. The SPB, the OPG and now the LPF should all be focused and the delivery monitored in some way. We will be evaluating this framework as we go to ensure we are delivering in the right areas and if we are not we are able to move quickly to rectify that.
KI agreed that the toolkit would need to change with the new framework. It may be far more useful highlighting the trends and emerging challenges. Stating that the delivery plan should track the actions, however should be careful on how actions are presented as some may have a big impact on road safety with other being crucial but won’t have an immediate effect.
The Chair highlighted that it is important to look ahead and that data will be invaluable going forward in the monitoring of the framework delivery . The data will be used to identify themes and if trends are emerging allow road safety partners to move on these as quickly as possible.
Action Points
- Secretariat to review and create new risk register which aligns to overall Transport Scotland and SPB risk registers.
- Secretariat to create new action/monitoring tool to replace current toolkit indicator.
Agenda Item 5 – Framework to 2030
Police Scotland Management Information Data
An update was provided from April 20 to March 21 noting that that year has been like no other for road safety, with fewer vehicles on the roads over the restrictions of Covid-19 as resulted in fewer casualties on the network. Highlighting the point that this is something we need to remember when comparing to other years as it is a year like no other.
With travel restrictions easing and the likelihood of more staycations it is anticipated that traffic volumes will see a large increase and traffic levels are expected to return to normal levels. The group agreed this is likely and this should be something which is monitored.
Police Scotland have continued the campaign calendar, with the motorcycle campaign to commenced on 5 April and will run until 30 September. Operation close pass was ran in April and there are numerous events for road safety throughout the year. All campaigns over the lockdown period were conducted via social media.
The group commented that having data by mode for serious injury would be of interest for members. It was agreed that as the new framework now has mode specific targets, it would be essential to have reports produced for the framework governance boards which monitor casualty trends by mode. Is there a report were both TS and PS analytical areas can come together to provide a standardised report.
AP commented that all the indicators within the framework analytical services would monitor and produce a summary for the governance boards. However, Police Scotland have the most recent data so may be of benefit to also include this to gain the latest trends.
The group discussed the data which is currently received to monitor road safety and highlighted the difficulties to get an accurate picture of road safety performance with the delay in official statistics being published. The question was asked if it was possible to receive the information earlier.
AP noted that Police Scotland are really good at publishing their Management Information Data each quarter which also includes the latest figures.
KI agreed that it would be beneficial to gain the latest trends by including the Police Scotland quarterly reports. However, highlighted that all modes of transport have seen a decrease in fatality numbers except cyclists and we should use this data to highlight where there are increasing road safety risks.
NG raised the point that there may be a need to review how we obtain latest figures, especially with the pandemic and having to wait a year before we are able to understand its effects on road safety. This may be an opportunity for Scotland to lead the way on using data in a more streamlined fashion and being able to act more quickly.
It was accepted by the group that the use of the early figures contained in the published Police data would be good to use to gain early indications. Dash cam footage was also discussed, which is still at early stages but is moving forward.
Framework Microsite
An update was given on the new road safety framework microsite launched along with the framework on 25 February. Content has been added to this on a regular basis to tie in with the Police Scotland and Road Safety Scotland campaign calendars to strengthen the messages going out.
The ScORSA newsletter is also being added to the site and KG sought views from members on what other content they would like to promote via this channel.
KG also advised that work has started on developing 5 short animations on the pillars of the Safe System. Given that the last animation was well received, gained a lot of promotion and from the public consultation and when carrying out engagement with stakeholders many were not aware of the Safe System or how it fits into road safety.
Framework Funded Projects
An update on the current framework funded projects and evaluations was given. A few of these were paused due to Covid-19 and the restrictions put in place but are now progressing.
The evaluation for Police Scotland, New Driver Scheme will be completed by Research Scotland August 2021. With the evaluation – Motorcycle Safety in the North East of Scotland to be concluded this year.
A new call for funded bids closes on 23 May, members were encouraged to share as much as possible.
Funding in general was discussed, the business case on an improvement fund will be progressed. we hope to provide high level funding to allow stakeholder to take forward interventions. Once a new government is formed this case will be presented to the Cabinet Secretary/Minister.
RSF 2030 Delivery Plan
The publication of the 2030 framework, work is underway to develop the first delivery plan that will take us up to 2022 with some actions being delivered over a number of years.
The Road Safety Policy Team had contacted all partners asking what they are delivering for road safety on a national basis which will be incorporated into the final document.
Governance and Membership
The membership of the OPG was discussed, stating that this is a longstanding group and views were sought on the representation which is needed. It was noted that local authorities are represented at the OPG through SCOTS and with the introduction of Local Partnership Forums (LPFs) this will enable better communication and local authorities to feed up to the OPG as this area will be fundamental to the delivery of the framework going forward.
The point was made that some members of this group did not attend as much as they should or provide a deputy to attend in their absence and this may be because they do not find the topics relevant to their own areas. Going forward we should be mindful of this. One area suggested was public health which plays highly within the framework.
It was also suggested that the offer of funding may become a lure or having themed meetings relating to wider policy areas would be of benefit to encourage wider attendance. Having core members and affiliates who only attend when required may be beneficial to keep members engaged. A suggestion on having the Scottish Trauma Network for membership of the SPB was also made.
The group were advised that the terms of reference and remits for the governance will be reviewed and circulated to the group for their views.
National Speed Indicator
Transport Scotland have continued to work with the operating companies and local authorities to install 100 speed indicators. The indicators are now configured to start collected data which will be used to evidence speed compliance on Scotland roads and can be broken down by road type and vehicle type.
The data will also assist in the delivery of a Safe System, through Safe Speed and Safe Roads and Roadside and is beneficial in the development of the National Speed Management Review. The reports are at an early stage and currently being developed. These will be circulated around OPG to gain views and comments on the type of information that is contained.
Fatality Study
Transport Scotland has set up a working group with Police Scotland to delivery road traffic fatality research within Scotland. Data will be gathered over a range of 5 year period (2015 onwards) with a Police Scotland analysist conducting a deep dive investigation into all fatalities. The finalised information to be included within the reports is still to be determined, however will include a wide range of information collected in the investigate of fatal collisions, far greater than what can be provided through STATS19 alone.
The initial report will be a network analysis considering all fatalities. Following on from that the group is considering a thematic analysis on particular collision types, road user groups or hotspot analysis. The reports will provide recommendation and offer countermeasures to be implemented. The group would consider the recommendations and determine if these countermeasures are possible and who would take them forward. If all going well we should see reports being produced early 2022.
The group welcomed this work, stating that the key thing is that the findings from this group are transparent and made public as much as possible. It was noted that the group has discussed publishing the reports in the public domain, but these discussion are at an early stage. However the reports will be shared with this group to aid in the delivery of the recommendations.
It was also noted that in the discovery phase of this research many discussions were had with both TRL and Highways England on their fatality research. This research has grown from these discussions and the investigations into the data we hold in Scotland was used as a comparison before decisions were made to proceed.
Identifying fatalities of people who are driving for work or caused by driver health would be a valuable resource which would give evidence in these areas and identify measures which can assist if they prove to be an issue. It was confirmed that this information is included within the original police investigation and could be captured within these reports.
Action Points
- Secretariat to liaise with AP on the development of mode specific reports for framework governance boards.
- Secretariat to circulate link to final evaluations of completed framework funded projects.
- Secretariat to circulate draft RSF 2030 Delivery Plan to members once finalised.
- ML to circulate speed indicator reports to members for their views.
Agenda Item 6 – Road Safety Schemes
PRIME Motorcycle Markings
Professor Alex Stedmon and David McKenzie were invited to this meeting to provide information on PRIME. A short presentation was provided to the group. Highlighting the road markings and signs are part of a new approach on casualty reduction for motorcyclists. Motorcyclists accounts for 2.2% of register vehicles in Scotland but represent 14% of KSIs in 2019. The pilots have taken place in popular motorcycle routes and the data was collected before and after the installation of markings to capture any changes in rider behaviour.
AS advised the gateways are produced as a tool for motorcycle riders to use based on the conditions, which can be adapted to different road/weather conditions. This would be reviewed over the course of 2021-22.
Public communication with regard to the markers and evaluation was discussed. The group were advise communication hasn’t taken place as the markings are design to be intuitive and the trail is to establish what rider behaviour is when they see these markings. In the evaluation these changes will be highlighted and may result in behaviour change.
As stated that regardless of a type of motorcycle the behaviour through these bends and markings should be similar. Continuing, AS noted that it would be interesting to research how these road markings effect other road users by warning that motorcyclists are in the area. It was highlighted that given the framework has specific casualty reduction target for motorcyclists it is important to understand what is going on with collision and the impact these schemes have.
It was also confirmed that the PRIME markings will not impact in car technology such as lane departure warnings.
Trunk Road Scoring
The work is ongoing to develop a trunk road scoring model which is based around a combination of environment, condition and roadside. A basis will be established on the Trunk Road Network where these can be mapped in combination and assign every 500 meter section a score based on these.
The aim is to have the trunk road fully mapped by the summer 2021 and would then be able to identify locations that are high risk. A Safe System approach requires us to understand where should be given priority.
Action Point
SW to present risk mapping at next meeting.
Agenda Item 7 – Strategic Transport Project Review 2 (STR2)
National Speed Management Review
A National Speed Management Review will be undertaken in 2021 and 2022. It will look at the appropriate speeds for roads in Scotland and recommend changes to national speed limits accordingly. It supports a range of policies that assist government national outcomes and indicators. Related policy drivers include better road safety and health outcomes, promotion of active travel, climate change mitigation, place making and economic growth.
As part of the review the current guidance will be considered to establish if these are still fit for purpose to enable delivery of these policy outcomes.
Concerns were raised around possible difference in limits compared to England which could lead to road user confusion. It was agreed that we would want to avoid road user confusion and noted that there is already some difference in speed limits when it comes to HGVs between Scotland and England. Managing speed is crucial to the delivery of a Safe System.
Development and Delivery of Active Freeways
From the Low Carbon Fund, £50 million was allocated to active freeways. These are high quality active travel corridors which provide sustainable transport infrastructure between settlements and major trip attractors.
The active freeways are seen as key to enable a modal shift from vehicles to active travel, providing high quality segregated networks of routes for people walking, cycling and wheeling, helping to promote healthy, sustainable and inclusive travel choices.
Development of National Strategy for 20 mph
The development of a national strategy for 20 mph zones and limits to support a range of policies that assist key government outcomes was discussed. Identifying some policy drivers including better road safety and health outcomes, promotion of active travel, climate change mitigation and place-making.
The strategy looks to identify a number of outcomes to assist in the further delivery of 20 mph zones and limits on those roads where it is appropriate to do so. It also seeks to reduce perceptions of road danger, encourage people to walk and cycle, and create more pleasant streets and neighbourhoods.
Agenda Item 8 – AOB
RSF Annual Report
The publication of the Road Safety Framework Annual Report which is normally publish in the April will now be move to November. This allows for the final previous years statistics to be included which are published in October. No comments from the group.
Daylight Savings Time
KM highlighted that daylight savings is one of RoSPA’s campaigns and asked if the group had any views. One effect discussed was the effect to discourage people using active travel to attend school. The daylight saving campaign is something IAM RoadSmart are supportive of.
KI queried if Transport Scotland would be taking a view on the DfT announcement on automatic lane keeping system and fed into the review of Stats19. It was confirmed that Transport Scotland has been involved with Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles and will continue to engage with them going forward.
Chair highlighted the proposal of LPFs which had been circulated to the group and advised if members haven’t provided their views there is still an opportunity to do so. The group supported the proposed three LPFs and the alignment with Police Scotland command areas stating that these can be reviewed and more introduced if needed.
Date of next meeting
The next SPB was meeting is in July and proposed that the OPG meet again in August then every 6 months after that.
Action Point
Secretariat to arrange next OPG in August and six monthly thereafter.