Road Safety Strategic Partnership Board - meeting minutes - 17 November 2022


  • Stewart Leggett (SL): Chair, Transport Scotland (TS)
  • Dr Graeme Foster (GF): NHS
  • Derek Crichton (DC): SOLACE
  • Robert Nicol (RN): CoSLA

In Attendance

  • CS Louise Blakelock (LB): Police Scotland (PS)
  • Jonny Moran (JM): JM
  • Steven Feeney (SF): TS
  • Lorraine Forrester (LF): TS
  • Cathy Barlow (CW): Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS)
  • Ivet Gazova (IG): TS      


  • George Henry: TS
  • DACO Alasdair Perry: SFRS
  • Walter Scott: SCOTS
  • ACC Williams: Police Scotland


Jacqueline MacKenzie (JMac): TS

Welcome and Introductions

The Chair introduced himself and welcomed the Strategic Partnership Board (SPB) members. New members to the meeting introduced themselves.

Apologies were received for George Henry, DACO Alasdair Perry, ACC Williams and Walter Scott.

Previous Minutes and Actions

The Chair confirmed that minutes had previously been approved as an accurate record, circulated and published on the Transport Scotland website.

The Chair proceeded with comments on outstanding action points and the following is noted:

Road Safety Framework – Governance

OPG Minutes and Actions

JM advised that OPG minutes were circulated and published on the TS website and were attached to the papers of the meeting. JM advised that SCOTS have formally been approved as a members of SPB. JM informed the board he would look to set up a senior level meeting with SCOTS. JM advised that OPG governance is continuing successfully with delivery element via LF and the team.

Action Point 42

JM to set up a senior level meeting with SCOTS and the team to keep momentum.

Owner: George Henry

Local Partnership Forums

LF advised that the LPF North meeting took place as planned. The West LPF and East LPF meetings were delayed due to Operation Unicorn. The West LPF minutes will be published once comments have been received.

Update on action point 37 (complete) regarding Older Drivers and Foreign Drivers – LPF North has taken this forward. LFP West – discussed this action with PS in detail and agreed this will remain as a standing agenda item. LPF East took the action forward and provided detailed output, which is in papers received prior to this meeting. All meetings have been well attended and are progressing well.

LB advised that from a policing perspective, feedback is reasonably good, and the meetings are proving very worthwhile. Area Commanders (Chief Inspectors) always try to be in attendance which provides consistency. Any issues with meetings to be discussed at OPG.

LF informed members that ideas and connections are being shared across local forums. Activity reports will be provided to SPB by each LPF going forward.

Update to action point 29 is that a mixed response has been received from LPF’s to meetings occurring three times each year.

Action Point 43

Going forward LPF’s to provide an activity report to SPB.

Owner: Transport Scotland

Risk Register

JM advised that the current risk and target risk figures are not in the correct columns and require review and correction and noted it feels a little bit light.  Scores will be corrected and re-circulated.

All members had sight of the risk register which was presented at the meeting. JM advised that TS is monitoring delivery of the framework and requested that all of us as Framework partners look at this with OPG in terms of how each organisation is staffing towards the Framework’s delivery.

Risk register reference 21.2 should be added on to the Roads Directorate risk register.  Wording of ‘adequately resourced’ needs to take into account current staffing issues – JM suggested tweaking this to prioritise.

21.3 – SPB members and budgets – it is vital to recognise that Road Safety Improvement Fund is not a replacement of Councils and Partners’ continued improvement in Road Safety, it is in addition.

Road safety needs to be recognised regarding Council funding - a lot of things have to be balanced and this sits within the broader Transport policy, which also applies to Scottish Government.

Action Point 44

Once risk register scores have been corrected and the risk register re-circulated, the risk register is to include a review the Board’s views and be re-issued within one week of this meeting (17 November 2022).

Owner: Secretariat

Action Point 45

Risk register reference 21.2 to be added to the Roads Directorate risk register and wording to be tweaked.

Owner: Transport Scotland

Road Safety Framework - Knowledge and Data Analysis

Management Information Data

LB advised that PS are looking at figures over last 5 years to take into consideration lockdown during covid which impacted significantly on the number of collisions. There is an improving picture for some vulnerable groups however, there have been some multiple fatalities collisions particularly in Highlands. She advised that medical deaths on the roads continue to increase and these collisions along with suicides on the road network are being monitored closely.

A9 safety issues remain a current focus in the press. TS are continuing with engagement across the network.

SL updated that the Minister for Transport (MfT) would like to attend the next meeting. SL suggested that a meeting with the MfT be set up with SPB partners in February for each to update MfT on what they are doing to deliver the RSF30. A following SPB would then follow normal agenda without MfT. Members agreed.

Action Point 46

MfT to be invited to a meeting with SPB around February.

Owner: Secretariat

Key Themes (Collision Data & Performance Management dashboard)

Presentation given by Ivet Gazova. Final Data for 2021 just published. In 2021 fatalities on track.  Incomplete data for 2022.  Presentation will be circulated along with Minutes.

Motorcycle fatalities are highly seasonal.

A discussion took place with the following noted - older driver statistics is a concern.  Consider potential for graduated driving licences and medical checks. A lot of the population is chronologically older, but not necessarily more frail. Regarding medical checks – consider current pressures on the NHS.

LB advised from a policing perspective this is a major issue.

Do we have any data from DVLA / Insurance Bureau regarding how many people over 55 are passing their test?  Also consider the transition to electric vehicles which tend to be automatic so a different driving style may improve statistics.

LB highlighted that PS are using Older Road Users Group 65 plus for stats and TS were using 70 plus which is the intermediate target. Additionally, RoSPA use 55 plus. LB and IG will discuss the stats out with this meeting. Is there a need to standardise across the groups and how do we qualify this?

Action Point 47

Police Scotland and Transport Scotland statistics to discuss the any need for standardising age group across road safety partners

Owner: Transport Scotland

National Speed Indicator

In reference to 20 and 30 mph limits there is not much difference in July 2022 from July 2021 figures.

Scottish Safety Camera Programme (SCP)

SF advised the members on how site prioritisation was realised: most recently concluded site selection process looked at mix of trunk and local roads which involved extensive engagement between local policing units and authorities with SCP. Annual process for 2022 has begun with speed surveys being commissioned at sites subject to funding being available.

Examples of where we are in terms of receiving casualty reduction aims are as follows:

  • Board asked for data on impact of camera deployment on casualties. Across all sites the proportion of injury collisions has reduced.
  • Programme performance against Key Performance Indicators: report provided at end of financial year with current performance levels. The age of current Mobile Camera Vans (MCV) is impacting on the ability to meet enforcement national target and this is being addressed. 8 new MCVs have been purchased this year, reset in 2023/24. There is a need for ongoing investment.

Budgetary update: £7.1M at start of year. Revised down to £6.1M identified by MCV funding which is being closely monitored. Likely for additional underspend in this financial year.

What we are doing and work underway:

  • Supporting broader national priorities. Discussion held in October between PS/TS in response to second Board action from last meeting: it was agreed that the programme’s focus is to continue as casualty reduction.
  • Work is underway to explore reconfiguration of camera resource and location where that resource can be deployed.
  • Looking at speed limit compliance as a way to improve air quality.
  • Generally running at around a 5% vacancy resource.

Action Point 48

Provide the Board with data on the impact of camera deployment on casualties - Paper to be sent out following this meeting.

Owner: Steven Feeney

Education & Publicity (Scotland’s Road Safety Week & National Conversation)

JM advised members on the following points:

  • Road Safety week is scheduled for week commencing 20 March 2023 including proposals for the Road Safety Scotland (RSS) seminar on 21 March 2023.
  • Campaign elements: – Driving Fatigue and Drive On The Left campaigns are the priority. A number of campaigns for this year is on pause due to current budget position. Also providing support to the Drink Drive over Xmas campaign.
  • Education resources – many thanks to team and Partners. Road Safety website refreshed. TS will share link to all.

Action Point 49

Road Safety website link to be shared with members.

Owner: Secretariat

Regarding older drivers and fitness to drive – consider encouraging people / families regarding people surrendering their licences / families to encourage older drivers/ those with medical issues. PS had previously tried to do a campaign regarding older drivers which was paused due to lockdown. Very much tied in with RSS and NHS regarding overall fitness to drive. The Roads Fatalities Research Group will be used to identify trends and we can bring to the SPB.

Scottish Fire and Rescue Service have their own campaigns – how might that impact road safety e.g. not changing tyres – is this a consideration?  PS has this on the agenda and Tactical Operations Working Group (TOWG)/ PS are addressing this. 

Action Point 50

Give consideration to what campaigns we might do in the next 12-24 months. 

Owner: Transport Scotland

Safe System Strategy – Training and Education

Safe Systems drives what we do. Key piece of work is bringing in consultancy support from Agilisys on the Safe System Training & Education programme which includes 4 main themes: Training Development, Cultural Maturity, Data Collection and Safe System Training Manual. Tapping into this information as to how to bring this to Scotland.

Road Expo conference is being held on 29th and 30th November in the SEC Glasgow – link will be shared to group. Presentation this year is ‘What Safe Systems looks like.’ All welcome to join us.

TS will be approaching Partners in 2023 regarding Road Safety Framework policy – JM confirmed Safe System talk is on Tuesday, 29 November at 4.00pm.

Wider strategy: how do we bring this into the teams?

Action Point 51

Road Expo link to be shared with the group before 29 November 2022.

Owner: Secretaria

Road Safety Framework – Delivery

Road Safety Framework Funding and Road Safety Improvement Fund

JM summarised: RSIF – many thanks to partners and local authorities. LF and team were phenomenal in turning this around. All £10M was bid for but budget element currently on pause presently. Excellent buy-in and bids from local authority partners. JM happy to update all once clarity is gained.

Road Safety Framework Fund is a resource budget and 8 applications were received. Funded 5 resource projects and three were Infrastructure projects funded through capital money. Grant offer letters have gone out and TS continuing to work with Project Managers to get these delivered and get invoices paid.

Road Safety Framework 2030 – Annual Report 2021 and Future Delivery Plan

Annual Report with JM for approval. To be published at end of the year.

Second delivery plan for RSF includes 51 deliverables – 19 of which are long term (60 deliverables in first delivery plan).  Consider whether the 6 deliverables which were not taken forward are going to have any impacts?  Board to be reassured we are learning with every reiteration with this year’s one to be more tailored, naming individual organisations so they can approach their engineer, etc to change thinking and making it more of a deliverable plan. On us is for us all to share with our teams.  Whilst the final delivery plan is being published later in the year, work is progressing with all of the deliverables in this second plan.

National Speed Management Review (STPR2)

JM advised this is progressing very well.  Milestone 2 report received and recommendations being reviewed before presenting to MfT by year end if business permits. Degree of modelling to be done and then consultation. If there is a proposal it will have to go to some degree of public consultation.

Development of a National Strategy for 20 mph (PfG & STPR2)

JM informed members this was going very well, and all down to engagement from partners – thanks were extended to all. By end of March 2023 all local authorities will have advised appropriate roads, providing us with information regarding costs/timescales. Assessment ongoing currently for all road network by end of March 2023. We are also discussing the option of local authorities coming on board as early adopters to promote 20's ahead of the 2025 deadline.  We have also been working with Scottish Government Marketing and Insights Unit (SGMIU) to develop a pre and post communications strategy for the implementation of 20 mph. An update will be provided at the next meeting.

Action Point 52

Update to be provided on the progress of local authorities’ road assessments for the next SPB meeting.

Owner: Transport Scotland

National Dashcam Safety Portal (PFG)

LB advised members that significant resourcing and financial challenges have resulted in projects being paused in PS, although still very much committed to this.  Announcement regarding budget expected in December 2022.  Funding was received for a Project Manager, however internal support for the necessary project resources including ICT support could not be secured. There have been Parliamentary questions around this issue.

Road Traffic Diversionary Courses

LB confirmed that the Speed Awareness course comes under Criminal Justice and likewise with the Digital Dashcam Safety Portal this has been temporarily paused.  Awaiting budget announcement expected in December 2022. Discussions are ongoing.

With regard to referrals that PS do through Procurator Fiscal: PS can refer drivers for driver improvement if suitable and PS have had 57 referrals this year. Careless rather than dangerous is causation.

New Fixed Penalties which are replacing Conditional Offers will be introduced in 2023.

Action Point 53

LB to look into possibility of stats/feedback regarding charges resulting from Highway Code changes and feedback to members at next SPB meeting.

Owner: Police Scotland

Future Direction

Key Priority Working Groups

JM updated members that the Secretariat is going to review and collate what working groups are already established. Update to be provided to Board once assessment has taken place – expected update February 2023. These will be reviewed for suitability for key priority working groups from Feb 2023. There are lots of different groups happening across the whole of Scotland and to avoid duplication we need to look to determine which groups are stand alone or whether specific group required for older drivers. Discussions with OPG members has been held by Police Scotland. Next motorcycle focus group by TS is scheduled to take place in December 2022. 

Action Point 54

Secretariat to review and collate what working groups are already established. Update to be provided to Board once assessment has taken place – expected update February 2023.

Owner: Secretariat

Action Point 55

Collate and review key priority working groups for suitability from Feb 2023. Look to determine which groups are stand alone or whether a specific group is required for older drivers. Avoid duplication.

Owner: SPB

Relationships with Policy Areas

Policy areas have been visited by George Henry and the team. Public Health Scotland discussions were held where George introduced the Framework and this has been successful. Re-engagement with industry group suggested to see if insurance group can engage with sharing data. If partners have any other ideas of groups or sector industries, please advise.

Action Point 56

Re-engagement with industry group suggested to see if insurance group can engage with sharing data.

Owner: Transport Scotland

Research and Technology

Members discussion took place. LF advised members there is an opportunity for more delivery partners and welcomed any ideas from Partners’ which can be shared e.g. Fire & Rescue colleagues are dealing with lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles.

TS’ Safety Camera Programme has been sticking with new camera technology which is proving advantageous over existing technology and also providing cost benefits.

It is recommended that TS will lead with this subject at the next meeting. It has been recognised that post-lockdown behaviours and trends are disappointing.

Action Point 57

Discussion on framework deliverables that have not been taken forward to be discussed at next meeting.

Owner: Transport Scotland

Any other business (AOB) and Next Meeting

As previously mentioned, the MfT is keen to attend SPB at its next meeting. Consider if we could hold a ministerial session with the SPB and what format this would take. SL suggested a shorter meeting of one hour in February 2023 to give an opportunity to update the MfT beforehand, leaving us on a six-monthly cycle for the Board. Partners agreed to support this opportunity.

26 July 2023 is next SPB meeting date. Re-arrange to before school holidays at end of June 2023.

Action Point 58

Early date to be circulated for meeting with MfT.

Owner: Secretariat

Action Point 59

Next meeting with MfT to be shortened to 1 hour.

Owner: Secretariat

Action Point 60

Re-arrange July 2023 SPB meeting to before end of June 2023.

Owner: Secretariat

Published Date 22 Feb 2023 Type Mode of transport Topic