Road Safety Strategic Partnership Board - meeting minutes - 29 June 2022
- Stewart Leggett (SL): Chair, Transport Scotland (TS)
- George Henry (GH): TS
- Dr Graeme Foster (GF): NHS
- Derek Crichton (DC): SOLACE
- DACO Alasdair Perry (AP): Scottish Fire and Rescue
- Walter Scott (WS): SCOTS
In Attendance
- CS Louise Blakelock (LB): Police Scotland
- Andrew Barclay (AB): Police Scotland
- Paul Sloan (PS): TS
- Jonny Moran (JM): TS
- Steven Feeney (SF): TS
- Lorraine Forrester (LF): TS
- Hannah Wood (HW) TS
- Ben McKenna (BM) TS
- ACC Mark Williams (MW): Police Scotland
- Robert Nicol (RN): CoSLA
Welcome and Introductions
The Chair introduced himself and welcomed the Strategic Partnership Board (SPB) members.
Apologies were received for ACC Mark Williams & Robert Nicol.
Minutes of previous meeting and action log
The Chair confirmed that minutes had previously been approved as an accurate record, circulated and published on the Transport Scotland website.
The chair invited SF to comment on outstanding action, Action Point 2 , to explore and if possible develop a process to understand the impact of the Safety Camera Programme on road casualties at camera locations across Scotland.
SF advised that this action has now been complete.
Road Safety Framework – Governance
Operational Partnership Group (OPG) minutes and actions
GH advised that OPG minutes were circulated and published on the TS website and were attached to the papers of the meeting.
Continuing, GH highlighted the importance of setting strategic direction for the OPG, and taking actions forward, possibly around the five pillars of the Safe System. Partners actions are included in the annual delivery plan, with further partner actions detailed in the annual report.
Local Partnership Forums
GH advised that meetings for each area took place in March, and the next meetings are scheduled for September. GH noted that we need to consider how these are operating while breaking down areas for discussions with partners across the board. The LPF’s can remain in their current format for now but highlighting that we can adapt and refine if need. We are ensuring that the LPF’s are feeding into and engaging with OPG members.
Members discussed outstanding actions raised at the LPF’s including:
- Investigate what could be done at a National level to encourage partnerships between schools and other partners at a local level.
- Review National messaging that could encourage personal responsibility.
SL queried what issues are important to the LPFs and what can be done to support?
WS highlighted to members the success of the LPF meetings to date, although noting that more can be done with networking from members, by creating sub groups as discussed and is keen to explore meeting more regularly. WS also commented on the importance that the right people are attending from the respective members, particularly from local authorities. WS added that the LPFs are working well and is open to get strategic direction from members.
LB commented that Police Scotland will ensure that area commanders and supporting officers, where needed, will attend each LPF to ensure that the group is getting the right representation.
GH advised that the LPF West has a rotating chair going forward, so it’s not too TS focussed and suggested that the other areas should consider this. Continuing, GH raised if having the LPF meetings twice a year is enough, noting that this will have to be balanced against resources and if members will attend each meeting. Having the right representation from local authorities is vitally important.
WS advised that the LPF’s members are discussing what they’re already doing by sharing best practices on work they are carrying out, however, there is not much actions that members take away from meetings, highlighting that it would be effective for members to raise any events, conferences etc for others to attend, such as the Road Safety Scotland seminar, which lacked representation from all local authorities. Continuing, WS commented that it would be helpful to know how members, particularly those in local authorities decimate the information received in these meetings within their own organisation.
Action Point 27: Actions from LPF West to be discussed with Road Safety Scotland the OPG
- Investigate what could be done at a National level to encourage partnerships between schools and other partners at a local level.
- Review National messaging that could encourage personal responsibility.
Owner: George Henry
Action Point 28: Activity report to be created from each LPF meeting to feed to the OPG, and formulise a report to SPB for future meetings
Owner: Transport Scotland
Action Point 29: Consider having the LPF’s three times per year and rotating Chair
Owner: Transport Scotland
Action Point 30: Consider more regular touch points with specific work, such as the introduction of the Road Safety Improvement Fund
Owner: Lorraine Forrester
Risk Register
All members had sight of the Risk Register and it was presented at the meeting. GH discussed the risk on the Road Safety Improvement Fund and provided an update to members. The allocation letters have been sent to all local authorities, with these being discussed with CoSLA and SCOTS beforehand. Three webinars are being hosted to discuss this fund W.C. 4th July. GH advised members on the progress that has been made on each risk.
WS commented that the risks are sufficient for the SPB and members are compelled to support the OPG on operational issues and this can be fed back to the Board.
GH asked members on their thoughts on the scoring of the risks, with some yellow in a RAG rating.
SL noted that there has been good progress made but there are still substantial risks, adding that more risks should be scored amber, as opposed to yellow.
WS agreed that even with controls in place, more risks should be amber.
Road Safety Framework - Knowledge & Data Analysis
Management Information Data
LB provided the latest management information data, adding that Police Scotland are continuing to monitor the analytical data to identify trends in activity.
Key Themes (Collision Data & Performance Management dashboard)
PS provided a breakdown of the key themes on the most recent casualty statistics. Casualty stats are positive, however, it is anticipated that these will increase as traffic returns to pre-pandemic levels. PS provided stats on mode and user specific targets such as pedestrian, pedal cyclists and motorcyclists. There was a reduction in active travel casualties, but an increase in motorcycle casualties. These stats are detailed on page 11 of the Key Reported Road Casualties Scotland 2021.
Continuing, PS shared with members the progress towards to the 2030 casualty reduction targets and the intermediate outcome targets, comparing the current figures against both the baseline and the rate of reduction required in order to meet the targets, with all figures detailed in the above link.
National Speed Indicator
PS presented the speed indictor data. The automated reports are currently in development with a contractor, with the first draft of the report ready to issue in 2-3 weeks. The data presented covers 1st July 2021 to 31st May 2022 and shows speed compliance on different roads with a variety of speed limits ranging from 20mph to 70mph.
AP noted that it is disappointing in seeing the % of drivers exceeding the speed limit in the data shown.
Members queried how the data is gathered. GH advised that there are devices on the road, in free flowing conditions to understand speed in certain areas and in different speed limits.
GF queried what we need to do to get more people to embrace 20mph zones as people generally don’t adhere to the limits. It just takes a small number of people to adhere to the speed limit as science shows that everyone else is more likely to fall in to line.
LB added that Police Scotland has done work with driver organisations and hire company’s on awareness of vulnerable road users.
GH highlighted the importance of doing everything we can as early as we can, while working with the Scottish Government Marketing and Insight Unit.
AP provided a partner update, advising members that lithium batteries are still an area for concern for the SFRS, highlighting that it can take some time to put the fire out. The lithium batteries contain a vast amount of energy in a small environment. SFRS are doing a lot of cross functional work and working collectively to tackle the issue.
Action Point 31: Consider doing work with driver organisations/hire company’s on speeding to tackle the data the speed indicator shows
Owner: Transport Scotland
Action Point 32: SL to share the ‘Trunk Road Incident Support Service’ contact details with AP and vice versa.
Owner: Stewart Leggett
Scottish Safety Camera Programme
SF provided an update to members on the 2021/22 performance of the Scottish Safety Camera Programme (the “Programme”) together with an update on plans for 2022/23. The Programme aims to reduce the number of casualties on Scotland’s roads by encouraging improved driver behaviour. Safety cameras are deployed through the Programme primarily where they have the greatest potential to reduce injury collisions, and where there is evidence of both collision and speeding.
SF updated members on the following points:
- A number of mobile deployments were undertaken in response to: emerging issues, one-off/short-term events and in high footfall areas where active travel could be encouraged through enhanced speed limit compliance.
- Target enforcement hours for mobile camera deployments was 24,240 hours, 76% of the targeted level, primarily due to staff absences as a result of the covid pandemic and fleet issues.
- The 6 monthly Driver Attitude and Behaviour survey showed 72% of respondents agreed that safety cameras should continue to be deployed across our road network.
- The Programme budget for 2022/23 is £7.1m which represents an increase of £1.8m on 2021/22 budget level (£5.3m), which was fully utilised. The increase included a significant investment in: mobile and fixed cameras, life expired technology; and increasing staff costs and maintenance liability costs.
- It has been agreed that £700k should be invested in 9 fully electric mobile camera vans, a key step towards supporting the Programme’s transition to net zero emissions.
- Work is underway on a range of contract renewals and new contracts associated with the Programme, which includes contract renewals to ensure the continued essential maintenance of ASC, fixed and red-light technologies.
- A HADECS (Highways Agency Digital Enforcement and Compliance System) has been deployed across a 22km stretch of the M90 between Halbeath and Newbridge, which progressed to live operation on 23 May 2022. The aim of this system is to keep traffic moving over the Forth and make journey times more reliable. It achieves this by encouraging road users to travel at speeds in compliance with the variable mandatory speed limit. SF thanked Police Scotland for their contribution to HADECS.
LB added that the implementation of HADECS appeared to have gone seamlessly. She advised the SCU was primarily a casualty reduction programme and this should remain the priority over active travel however, acknowledged active travel is a SG priority.
SF assured members on the programmes commitment to casualty reduction and agreed there needs to be a balance.
JM noted we need to strike a balance but there are other opportunities to be explored.
SL added that we do want more people to choose more active travel choices but there are barriers, such as people’s perception of safety, noting we need to take a more holistic approach. Continuing, SL advised that there is a need for the Programme to stay relevant with other key policy areas. The group agreed that a wider discussion at the end of summer would be useful.
Action Point 33: SF to provide high level data/research before and after for newer sites, to back up current data with may help support additional funding
Owner: Steven Feeney
Action Point 34: SF to arrange informal discussion involving TS, PS and SCOTS in regards to the Scottish Safety Camera Programme involvement with other key policy areas
Owner: Steven Feeney
Education & Publicity
GH advised members on the following points:
Learning Activity
- Ziggy is going on tour over the Summer with an 18 location roadshow planned over July and August. The books are now available.
- ‘Roadstars’ is a new learning resource for primary aged children, and is now live.
- Work on the new is well underway & hope to launch in early August.
- Work is underway to refresh road safety within a Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) booklet for 2022-23. Copies will be distributed to all schools and nurseries in the new academic year.
- Road Safety Scotland is conducting a review of existing learning resources, to asses suitability for use with children who have mild-moderate ASNs (additional support needs).
- RSS has initiated the renewal of secondary school resources - Your Call and Crash Magnets.
- RSS will have a physical presence at the 2022 SLF on 21 & 22 Sept in the SEC.
- The ICE (In Case of Emergency) card for use with child car seats is now available.
RSS Seminar
The RSS Seminar was held on 23rd March at the EICC and attracted over 170 delegates. Feedback was very positive and the same venue has been reserved for next year’s event. It was held as part of Scottish Road Safety Week and the intention is to have it as the centrepiece of that week in 2023.
- Young Drivers
- Motorbikes
- Seatbelts: Jan/Feb 2022
- Speeding: March 2022
- Fatigue: May 2022
- Vulnerable Road Users: Scheduled to air in Feb/Mar 2023
- Parental Influence: Scheduled to air in Feb/Mar 2023
- Older Road Users: plan to develop a new campaign which will air in Nov/Dec 2022.
Safe System Strategy – Training & Education
TS has been in discussions with two organisations regarding providing Safe System training and education. There is no Safe System training that has been developed internationally, so TS has taken it upon themselves to develop one. We expect this to be in place in the coming months with TS undertaking the training first before it being rolled out across all partners.
WS supports the Safe System training across partners, practitioners, LPFs etc and rolling it out as quickly as we can.
Road Safety Framework Funding & RSIF
GH advised that the latest funding round opened for bids on the 22 January 2022 and closed on 7 March 2022. There was a total of 12 applications received of which 7 applications have been successful and 1 that is with SPB Members to confirm OPG decision.
Funding allocation letters for the Road Safety Improvement Fund were issued to all 32 Councils on Friday 17 June. These were sent by email to Chief Executives – respective road safety policy contacts for councils and roads were also copied to the email.
It’s a capital fund and is to support delivery of the road safety framework to 2030, implementation of the Safe System and casualty reduction.
GH noted that application forms, supporting guidance and invites to information webinars have now been issued and we look forward to working with Roads Authorities going forward.
Road Safety Framework 2030 – Annual Report 2021 & Future Delivery Plan
LF provided members with an update on the progression of the 2021 – 2022 Delivery Plan noting that there were 60 deliverables, 48 of which are on track, 5 are progressing with a slight delay and 7 have not progressed or are significantly delayed.
LF went on to detail the strategic action that each deliverable related to – noting that of the 12 strategic actions, there has been progress made across 11 of them.
The Delivery Plan 2022 – 2023 is now looking to be published at the end of July. Contributions were requested in January from Delivery Partners and all delivery partners have responded with an update on progress and actions to be taken forward.
LF provided members with an overview of Deliverables that have been progressed and their RAG rating.
LF invited members to raise any questions they had relating to progress on deliverables or any actions that they would like to see taken forward.
WS expressed that he does not feel that there are sufficient, specific actions for lead organisations and questioned how the board ensure that we are being as inclusive as possible in terms of the partners and organisation that feed in to supporting the lead authority on the delivery plan.
GH advised that this would be discussed further with WS outwith the SPB meeting and report back.
JM echoed GH noting that the success of the Delivery Plan will come down to the people that are doing the day to day work.
LF went on to update further on the Road Safety Improvement Fund detailing that the fund is now officially open and councils now have received their letter. Effort has been made to ensure everyone was copied in across councils to ensure joined up partnership and a joined up approach.
LF noted that the Road Safety Improvement Fund has a short time scale however want to ensure everyone that we are here to help, support and learn from it. There has been a robust guidance document created which should give everyone all of the information to design and deliver road safety projects going forward.
Next steps include invitations for 3 webinars being issued and added that councils have 4 weeks to complete applications.
LF shared a preview of the webinar with members explaining that this will offer a brief overview of the framework, casualty and risk reduction and then further detail about the Road Safety Improvement Fund.
WS highlighted the importance of being clear and precise that this is the fund for 2022/2023 but that it gives a lot of learning for how we take the fund forward in the future.
LF agreed with WS point noting that we will we will work with councils and that all councils work differently therefore there will be learning to come out of this.
The Chair expressed that the fund is there to assist delivery and encourages local authorities to make the most of it. Adding, that we have shared objectives and we want to make the best of it.
Action Point 35: TS to liaise with SCOTS regarding Annual Delivery Plan and supporting lead authorities
Owner: George Henry
National Speed Management Review (STPR2)
GH provided a brief update on the National Speed Management Review detailing that a review has been undertaken to review speed policies and initiatives across the world.
The report from WSP is expected soon and will be reviewed with any necessary changes being made prior to updating ministers after summer research.
GH advised that once this has been completed the next stage will be identifying what is to happen with road speed limit policies in Scotland and development of a Speed Management plan.
Phase 1 is due to complete very soon and members will be updated accordingly.
Development of a National Strategy for 20 mph (PFG & STPR2)
GH noted that the 20 mph Strategy had been highlighted during earlier discussion regarding the risk register. Transport Scotland have been working with CoSLA and SCOTS and have set up a task group with a number of sub groups to explore place criteria, road assessments, communication, resource and funding.
Funding has been issued to roads authorities to complete road assessments as soon as possible but no later than the end of the financial year. This will identify the number of roads affected and the requirements for implementation which will allow those involved to make an informed decision of the most effective route to meet the 2025 deadline.
GH noted that there are other policy areas within Scottish Government that will benefit from the 20 mph strategy and provided members with a brief overview.
GH added that a lot of work has been done and expressed thanks to the task group and sub groups.
The Chair noted that the guidance and support is good and is glad to hear progress has been made. The Chair questioned if there is a clear view on the pathway of delivery as that will affect the timeline as well.
GH explained that there were various options put to the task group however a decision cannot be made on this until the road assessments are complete.
LB added that Police Scotland don’t have resources to enforce 20s and highlighted the importance that they are self-enforcing.
National Dashcam Safety Portal (PFG)
LB updated members highlighting the following:
- Andy Gibb is now in place as a project manager and has been linking with the Safety Camera Unit.
- Discussions are in place regarding the legalities.
- Andy has been working with Helen Wells for research and guidance and has had two meetings already.
- A finance officer has been assigned to the project.
- Andy has been invited on to the Dashcam working group.
- Research is ongoing to review portals and what would work best.
- Work is ongoing directly with the Prosecutor Fiscal.
- A Sergeant will be starting next week to assist.
LB went on to note that there is a meeting to discuss resourcing and approval for the project.
Road Traffic Diversionary Courses
LB noted that there has been no significant progress on the Speed Awareness Course, however the IT solution (PentIP) that will allow the Speed Awareness Course to be offered has now gone live in 8 of the divisions and another 5 are to go live by September this year.
LB invited members to ask any questions. GH highlighted there hasn’t been a project board for the Speed Awareness course for some time and that he would be keen to see these happening again going forward however to be led by Scottish Government colleagues.
Future Direction
Key Priority Working Groups
Andrew Barclay, who has taken over as the Chair of The Older Road Users North Delivery Board, presented group on ‘Older Road Users’ highlighting:
- The issues highlighted involving older road users including an 85% increase in the number of people killed in collisions involving older drivers 2009/2010 – 2018/2019 and a 39% increase in those seriously injured. 22% of road deaths from 01/04/21 – 13/06/22 involved older road users.
- The main causation factors for these collisions included: drivers failing to look properly, poor turning or manoeuvring, loss of control and drivers failing to judge other drivers paths or speed.
- A population in Scotland also sees an increase in driving licences held by older drivers. Older Drivers are categorised as aged 65 and over.
- The number of licences held in the UK in 2018 was 700k for drivers over 65.
- The aims and targets across road safety in Scotland relating to Older Drivers.
- Police Scotland’s response to the rise of incidents involving Older Drivers including Driver Engagement North, increased awareness and use of roadside eyesight testing, Chairing the Older Road Users Group which is a Police Scotland run group and response and inquiry into collisions involving older road users.
- The Challenges faced including Legislation, Politics, Sensitivities, Perception and Partner buy-in.
- Future plans such as ongoing initiatives and a shared approach to pull the conversation together and drive it on.
The Chair thanks AB for his presentation and highlighted the statistics again and invited to members to add their views.
WS added that it would be good to have a message at the next LPF for local authorities that work on demand responsive transport, as to how they might be presenting the options for older drivers to safely hand over the keys.
GH noted the importance of looking at preventative measures to tackle some of the issues head on and broaden the discussion.
JM noted that there is a campaign planned for Older Drivers in November/December, specifically focusing on the families of Older Drivers and added that the budget for this is something that possibly should be reviewed to be more in line with other campaigns. JM asked members if there is more that everyone can do to flag up the issue.
GH added that from an Older Road User perspective that this group is up and running and another would not be required however proposed that TS could be involved in this group and then feedback to others involved in the Framework.
GH noted areas that have been set up as a focus group, such as the Motorcycle Focus Group and suggested that stakeholders specifically involved in these areas could chair with support from TS.
The Chair added that secretariat support can be discussed separately and supported AB continuing to lead on this key priority with national coverage.
Action Point 37: TS to attend the Older Road Users Group and get involved with partner buy in. Discuss secretariat support for the Older Road Users Group and who should be invited to the group going forward
Owner: Police Scotland & Transport Scotland
The Chair apologised for the meeting running over noting that the remaining agenda items had been included within the papers that attendees had reviewed, and invited members to raise any points and suggested moving on to the AOB.
GH suggested that if the board are content, he will liaise with them individually to create a proposal to change how the OPG is running and get key policy areas involved.
Action Point 38: TS to attend the Older Road Users Group and get involved with partner buy in. Discuss secretariat support for the Older Road Users Group and who should be invited to the group going forward
Owner: Police Scotland & Transport Scotland
Action Point 39: Liaise with members to discuss proposal for reviewing how the OPG is running and those involved including other key policy areas
Owner: George Henry
Action Point 40: Members to be updated accordingly on the previous action by email
Owner: George Henry & Secretariat
AOB & Next Meeting
The Chair invited anyone to add AOB and suggested moving the next meeting to late Autumn/early Winter.
The Chair noted that Michelle Rennie will be taking over as Interim Chief Executive as of Monday 4th July.
Action Point 41: Review date of next meeting.
Owner: Secretariat