Road Safety Strategic Partnership Board - meeting minutes - 4 February 2022
- Stewart Leggett (SL) Transport Scotland (Chair)
- George Henry (GH) TS
- Dr Graeme Foster (GF) NHS
- Derek Crichton (DC) SOLACE
- Robert Nicol (RN) CoSLA
- CS Louise Blakelock (LB) Police Scotland
In Attendance
- Gordon Pryde (GP) Scottish Fire and Rescue
- Andrew Paterson (AP) TS
- Paul Sloan (PS) TS
- Jonny Moran (JM) TS
- Steven Feeney (SF) TS
- Hannah Wood (HW) TS
- Ben McKenna (BM) TS
- ACC Mark Williams (MW) Police Scotland
- DACO Alasdair Perry (AP) Scottish Fire and Rescue
Welcome and Introductions
The Chair introduced himself and welcomed the Strategic Partnership Board (SPB) members and started with round table introductions.
Apologies were received for ACC Mark Williams & DACO Alasdair Perry.
Minutes of previous meeting and action log
The Chair confirmed that minutes had previously been approved as an accurate record, circulated and published on the Transport Scotland website.
Previous actions were mostly complete. The chair invited SF to comment on one outstanding action, to explore and if possible develop a process to understand the impact of the Safety Camera Programme on road casualties at camera locations across Scotland.
SF advised that the resource is in place and work will now commence to take the action forward.
GH updated that remaining actions will be captured within the agenda.
Road Safety Framework – Governance
Operational Partnership Group (OPG) minutes and actions
GH advised that OPG minutes were circulated and published on the Transport Scotland website. The biggest discussion point at the last meeting was that OPG members are now made up of Core Members and also Affiliated Members, who will only attend as and when required.
Local Partnership Forums (LPFs) were also discussed with initial meetings taking place in November 2021. Next meetings are scheduled for March where membership will be fully confirmed. GH highlighted that the feedback received from the LPFs has been great and noted that it is important for the SPB to set the strategic direction for the OPG to feed to LPFs to ensure delivery in these areas.
SPB Membership and Local Partnership Forums
GH explained that SCOTS has expressed interest in becoming a SPB member and invited members to share their views.
Members are content with SCOTS being invited to join the SPB. The Chair will arrange directly with SCOTS, detailing that it will highlighted that they must ensure to pick the right representative to attend.
Action point 8
The Chair is to arrange a meeting with SCOTS to discuss their membership to the SPB.
Owner: Stewart Leggett
Risk Register
GH confirmed that all members have had site of the Risk Register that was included with the papers sent out in advance of the meeting.
The Chair noted that there is potentially a risk with regards to resources and maximising the Road Safety Improvement Fund that should be focused on.
GH agreed with the Chair and that a risk should be added in line with this.
GH also noted that a risk should be added for the delivery of the 20 mph Strategy due to legislative timetables. This will be discussed further in the agenda.
Action point 9
Draft risks to be added to the Risk Register, specifically for the Road Safety Improvement Fund and the 20 mph Strategy. Review any further risks that should be added.
Owner: George Henry and Stewart Leggett
Action point 10
Risk Register to be sent to members with minutes.
Owner: Secretariat
Road Safety Framework - Knowledge and Data Analysis
Key Themes (Collision Data & Performance Management dashboard)
AP presented members with updated figures relating to the Road Safety Framework 2030 interim targets emphasising the following:
- As a result of less traffic due to the pandemic, we are on track to meet the 2030 casualty reduction targets.
- AP has been researching hospital admission data and explained that it shows that in 2021 emergency admissions dropped by 20%, according to hospital data, whereas with police recorded information there is a drop of 35%. Department for Transport (DfT) have suggested that during the pandemic people were less likely to contact the police for less serious collisions.
AP highlighted selected interim targets, providing members with an overview on current progress towards meeting the targets for the new framework over the next 10 years.
Action point 11
Presentation to be distributed to members along with minutes of the meeting.
Owner: Secretariat
National Speed Indicator
AP noted that speed sites are in operation and collecting data. Initial data shows that Scotland is getting better speed compliance than DfT, however, noted the discrepancies in measuring the data.
The reports are currently being reviewed to produce the data in a user friendly format as previously agreed by members.
The Chair thanks AP for presenting this information and asked, in terms of global comparison for the framework vision, how is this tracked?
AP explained that it is essentially measured by the number of fatalities. This is either measured by rate per mile travelled or per head of population.
The Chair suggested that it may be helpful at future meetings to include data on one of those metrics to see what improvement is needed to meet the Road Safety Framework 2030 vision.
Action point 12
Global comparison for number of fatalities to be included for future meetings.
Owner: Andrew Paterson
The Chair asked if the data relating to deprived areas included a subset on child casualties in these areas?
AP explained that this information isn’t included but that this can be arranged. PS further explained that this is to be researched in more depth.
The Chair noted that the fatal accident report highlights that a lot of pedestrians are being injured at night and asked if there is anything that tracks intoxication?
LB explained that this is picked up in toxicology reports if the collision is fatal and that the in-depth fatality study will also cover this.
Management Information Data
LB began by noting a comparison to last year and highlighted that last year’s casualty figures were impacted by the pandemic.
LB added that Police Scotland are continuing to monitor the analytical data to identify trends in activity and different road users that require a focus.
Scottish Safety Camera Programme
SF provided members with an overview of performance during 2020/21 including highlighting the below points:
- The impact of Covid-19 on the programme
- 2021 stakeholder engagement
- The budget of £4.65 million was fully utilised
- Progression was made towards delivery of six sites which were a mix of fixed, mobile, red light and Average Speed across the local road network
- Supporting Active Travel: The first tranche of camera deployments specifically in support of active travel
- Performance vs KPIS: Fixed Camera Enforcement Hours and Mobile Camera Enforcement Hours
SF noted that 2020/21 was an exceptional year in terms of Covid-19, lockdowns and the impact on staffing as well as that 2021/22 performance vs target is much closer to the usual trend.
Action point 13
Note the Performance of the Programme in 2020/21 and agree that the annual report is published.
Owner: Members
SF discussed activity during 2021/22 including an increased budget of 14%, a contract for eight new fixed camera sits involving new fixed camera technology and arising matters, particularly those associated with the SCP handbook.
Action point 14
Note the work underway in 2021/22 and agree the revisions to the SSCP Handbook contained at Annex B within the papers.
Owner: Members
Looking ahead at 2022/23, SF updated members that the programme is looking to further enhance its role by aligning the key national priorities. This included investigating how the programme can support broader priorities such as Scotland’s transition to net zero emissions, active travel and reducing inequalities.
Action point 15
Note the considerations underway to support broader national priorities in 2022/23 and offer any questions, comments or suggestions.
Owner: Members
The Chair commended what was achieved in 2020/21, when staffing and other priorities have been at the forefront and noted that it is good to hear that performance is getting back to where we want it to be now.
LB shared support to the changes in the handbook and asked whether the potential deployment of camera resources in support of national active travel would be evidence based to ensure that we are not detracting from core duties unless necessary. SF confirmed this would be the case and the Board confirmed they were in agreement with this. LB confirmed she was content with the principle that this be explored.
DC commented that it was an interesting discussion and that there is two aspects to the conversation, education and lifestyle – encouraging people to change their lifestyle to be more active in and around villages and towns. DC also noted that there also needs to be a discussion around resourcing and supported this being evidence based.
Education and Publicity (Scotland’s Road Safety Week and National Conversation)
GH update that group that since the publication of the new framework, Road Safety Scotland (RSS) has reviewed the way that they carry out their duties, working under the Safe Road Users pillar of the Safe System.
GH noted that RSS have developed a suite of learning resources for 3-18 year-olds available to all online. The site is currently undergoing a complete rebuild and a number of the resources are being renewed to ensure they continue to be up-to-date, and serve the needs of those who use them particularly for teachers who promote them via the ‘Road Safety within Curriculum for Excellence’ guide.
Current campaigns channelled through RSS, working closely with colleagues in the SG Marketing and Insight Team, include activity on topics such as: seatbelts, national campaign launched on 24 January until 31 January featuring a 40” advert; young drivers; motorcycles; speed; fatigue; vulnerable road users; impairment; and distraction.
As a response to the changes to the Highway Code which came in to force on 29 January 2022, Transport Scotland has agreed a plan with DfT for a three-week promotion across Britain.
GH advised that RSS is continuing to take part in a number of events to promote resources, and encourage Safe Road Use. These include: the Scottish Motorcycle Show; Scottish Festival of Motoring; Scottish Learning Festival; and Children in Scotland Conference.
GH highlighted that it is our responsibility to raise road safety higher up the agenda to ensure casualty reduction. As part of the National Conversation, we are establishing a Scottish Road Safety Week (SRSW). This is a Scottish specific week which we will own and it won’t be tied into other such events.
To date, a working group for SRSW has been formed, made up of Transport Scotland staff and several external organisations including Police Scotland, Scottish Fire & Rescue, RoSPA and IAM Roadsmart. The 21-25 March has been held in the calendar for the first Scottish Road Safety Week, with the Road Safety Scotland Annual Seminar on Wednesday 23 March 2022 at the EICC in Edinburgh. There have been 120 notes of interest so far and formal invites will be sent out next week.
GH explained that the focus will be around road safety stakeholder engagement and that they have been working with the Scottish Government Marketing and Insights Unit on a draft communication strategy for activity to support both the SRSW and a wider national conversation on the Safe System.
There are 5 animations completed which will be utilised where appropriate to widen the awareness of the 5 pillars of the Safe System.
Action point 16
Share initiatives that will be taken forward as part of the National Conversation at relevant milestones and seek members views to ensure members are content.
Owner: Lorraine Forrester
The Chair commented that the Seatbelt campaign is an excellent, hard hitting and modern piece.
DC offered his full support and suggested that a joint initiative with the Scottish Government and CoSLA to put this as a national Scottish priority and reach the grass roots.
LB echoed the support and notes that it is important for everyone to get behind.
Safe System Strategy
GH advised that when speaking to stakeholders about the Safe System, it became apparent that improvements could be made in how the Safe System is explained and what is expected from partners; we need to make changes to education and learning. There is no set Safe System training in other countries therefore there has been a paper developed with the aim of proposing to partners a strategy for the development and rollout of the Safe Strategy actions across Scotland.
The paper was sent to members prior to the meeting. GH asked members if they have had sight of the paper. Members advised they have.
Partners are to work to agree on a National Safe Systems Development and Deployment Strategy Plan for Scotland with an outline in place by April 2022 followed by a draft deployment plan for the board to consider by the end of July 2022.
The Chair added that it is critical and helps to join up relevant strands to come together if we are going to achieve objectives, and work together to get a greater understanding of the Safe System approach. There is a shortage of training in that space so whether it is through a Scottish education body or other road safety group it would be welcomed to develop that or improve understanding.
LB supported the idea but commented that the timeline would be a concern.
Action point 17
Partners to work to agree on a National Safe Systems Development and Deployment Strategy for Scotland.
Owner: George Henry
Road Safety Framework - Delivery
Road Safety Framework Funding
GH advised that the call for bids went live on Monday 22nd November and closes on 7th March. This round of funding is to contribute directly to Safe Road Use and anything that would support this pillar. GH noted that the current number of applications are low and asked members to recirculate information about the fund.
The Chair queried why the number of applications are low.
GH noted that Covid recovery may play a part in this and possibly the 50% match funding.
LB highlighted that the initiatives needs to be new and innovative, which may play a part. LB noted that Police Scotland looked at extending Rider Refinement North.
SL advised that we shouldn’t be ruling out these initiatives just because they are not new.
GP echoed this and noted that we need to spend money in the right way and effectively. If we fund existing projects in a new area, this may be a good way to get this up and running and become sustainable.
Action point 18
Members to share information about the Road Safety Framework Fund to any relevant bodies.
Owner: Members
Action point 19
RN to promote the framework fund around the SCOTS network.
Owner: Robert Nicol
Road Safety Improvement Fund
GH advised that through the public consultation it was identified that one of the key challenges was inadequate funding. To mitigate this, the Road Safety Improvement Fund (RSIF) was explored. The road safety budget has now been increased which will be allocated to the RSIF.
GH explained that they are currently investigating other funds to identify the best opportunity of distributing the RSIF to improve road safety and reduce casualties. The fund will need to be signed of at Ministerial level, however GH would like to seek members views.
The Chair expressed support of the RSIF, noted that targets would not be achieved unless we see improvements across local authority areas as well and is keen to hear members views on how the group can collectively energise the community to get the investment where it is most needed and prioritising schemes that have the biggest cost benefit.
RN noted that the proposal will be processed through the CoSLA structure to distribute it to local authorities, recognising that not all councils will be in a position to put together a bid application.
GH also noted that SCOTS are putting together information from local authorities to see if there are any potential schemes that would be suitable for the RSIF.
Action point 20
Initial plans for the development of the RSIF to be sent via email to members to seek views and opinions in response, as quickly as possible.
Owner: Bertrand Deiss
Road Safety Framework 2020 Annual Report and Evaluation
GH explained that the Annual Report 2020 and Evaluation report of Scotland’s Road Safety Framework to 2020 have been completed and issued via the Transport Scotland website, noting that members have fed into these reports already.
Casualty reduction targets were successfully met and the 97 commitments of the last framework were delivered. Some will be ongoing year on year and some have made their way onto the first annual delivery plan of the new framework.
The Chair added that the feedback from the annual reviews have all fed into the new 2030 framework and expressed congratulations and thanks on the success of delivering the previous framework.
Annual Delivery Plans (2021-2022 and 2022-2023)
GH provided members with an overview of the first delivery plan of the new framework highlighting that his team are monitoring the progress of these deliverables, working with delivery partners to ensure that progress is being made and everything is progressing as expected.
Initial contact has been made with delivery partners to request contribution for the second delivery plan of the framework with the aim to publish this in April 2022.
GH expressed his thanks to all road safety partners for what they have already delivered and their continued work going forward.
GH explained that the OPG has put forward actions to be included in the delivery plan and will monitor these in detail at the next OPG meeting. At this meeting the OPG will consider the strategic direction that the SPB has passed to the OPG and how they implement that. There are also wider Transport Scotland initiatives that have a road safety benefit captured within the delivery plan.
The Chair requested that GH arranges for someone to present an overview of the wider initiatives included at the next SPB meeting in order for the SPB to decide if they would like to give a steer to the OPG.
Action point 21
Members to be presented with an overview of wider Transport Scotland initiatives that contribute to the annual Delivery Plan.
Owner: George Henry
LB noted that Supt Simon Bradshaw is to be replaced by Supt Stewart Mackie as Delivery lead going forward.
National Speed Management Review (STPR2)
GH advised that WSP, on behalf of Transport Scotland ,are undertaking a comprehensive review covering all types of speed management initiatives including speed limits, enforcement and education.
The initial review on current speed management in Scotland and review of speed management used in other countries has been completed. Data analysis has been delayed because WSP did not get casualty and speed causation data required by TS. This is being addressed as a matter of priority by TS analytical colleagues.
WSP are about to start the consultation process with other areas of TS, LA’s and other stakeholders including CEDR and ETSC to understand the baseline conditions and would aim to establish the current status of speed management across Scotland and potential initiatives that could form part of a national policy.
GH explained that it will take the form of multiple presentations to larger groups followed by the issuance of a questionnaire to obtain additional/specific information going forward. Project delivery has been postponed from end of March to 6 June.
The Chair clarified what happens on the 6 June when the report is available.
GH confirmed that key findings will be discussed with members before moving on to the next phase.
Development of a National Strategy for 20 mph (PFG and STPR2)
GH highlighted that the development of a National Strategy for 20 mph is a Programme for Government commitment and that a task group was formed to identify the most appropriate route to implement 20 mph in Scotland.
The first meeting of the national strategy 20 mph task group met in December, various options for the most appropriate route to implement 20 mph across Scotland were discussed.
The task group agreed that the immediate and initial priority issues are mainly road authority-specific (e.g. reviews to demonstrate how many roads would be affected in each area). The position of 20 mph speed limits across Scotland is currently being sought.
SCOTS is preparing a questionnaire to be circulated to all 32 local authorities to facilitate an assessment of the roads. This has not been circulated yet, however GH highlighted the importance of sending this out as we need to get the relevant information from each local authority so the task group are relevantly informed before their next meeting on 15 March.
RN noted the importance but queried the timeline of this needing to be done before the next task group meeting.
GH responded that we don’t have the information from local authorities on their aspirations for 20’s and that the task group can’t progress without this.
GH added that the National Strategy for 20 mph should be included on the Risk Register as it is a big commitment that supports a lot of other areas that we need to take forward.
Action point 22
Add the National Strategy for 20 mph to the SPB Risk Register.
Owner: Secretariat
Action point 23
Liaise with CoSLA as and when required on 20 mph Strategy.
Owner: George Henry / Transport Scotland
National Dashcam Safety Portal (PFG)
LB updated the group on the National Dashcam Safety Portal, explaining that the initiative is being supported through the Road Safety Framework Fund.
Supt Simon Bradshaw, who was originally leading this project has now retired. PI Andy Gibb will now lead with support from CI Mark Paterson who will be overseeing the project.
The next stage is for Police Scotland to get IT resources in place internally.
SF offered support from the Safety Camera Programme and asked if there is any idea on timings?
LB advised that the initial pilot will be a 6 month pilot that they hope to have up and running ASAP but there is no specific date at the minute. The biggest part of the project is to manage demand and ensure that incidents sent for review are relevant.
Road Traffic Diversionary Courses
LB reminded the group that the Road Traffic Diversionary Courses currently sit with Criminal Justice and that they have made great progress to date. The IT system (PentiP) has been rolled out to 6 divisions with a further 2 are left to go.
The project lead has retired and there are discussions ongoing for a replacement. Greater Manchester is the preferred model in terms of the size of the force and what could be accommodated.
Future Direction
Key Priority Working Groups
GH explained that the framework now includes mode and user specific targets for key priority groups and advised that we are seeking members direction on setting up more of these focus group. Last year the Motorcycle Focus Group was set up with an initial meeting taking place. At the meeting, the most recent casualty traffic volume data was discussed and the group looked at the work completed to date and how successful it has been. The group is due to meet this month and will be bringing a number of initiatives forward.
GH asked if members would support the creation of key priority groups, who should be attending the groups and who should chair them? GH noted that this may be something that the SPB could pass on to the OPG to look at from an operational point of view.
The Chair asked if GH has a view of the structure as well as expressing support of the focus groups. The Chair suggested having an industry lead to chair each group but TS would offer secretariat support.
LB offered support for the focus group as well as having an industry lead. Having a strategic group would be a good intervention and hugely beneficial.
GH noted that there may be groups that have met previously that could be rebranded around the new framework to go forward.
The Chair suggested that this is planned out and research made into what priority groups have already been create and then share this with the group.
Action point 24
Review what groups are in place in relation to key priority working groups and share this with members.
Owner: George Henry
Relationships with Policy Areas
When the Road Safety Framework was developed with partners, it was discussed how road safety plays such an important part in different policy areas such as Public Health, Active Travel and Climate Change.
GH highlighted discussion points including:
- How do we get that working in practice to develop a crosscutting policy to deliver?
- What existing groups are meeting – these might be out with Scottish Government that may be suitable for road safety to be involved in?
- How do we set up discussions to form an approach in other policy areas?
GH asked members for their views and if they were attending meetings in other areas that they felt road safety is not discussed as much as it possibly could be.
LB agreed with GH points and noted that they have started to do this internally at Police Scotland.
GH lead into the Research and Technology element and gave the example that there isn’t research to allow us to understand the impacts of wearing a cycle helmet. If more people are cycling, are more people visiting the hospital? GH questioned if we are using health data to the best of our ability to prevent collisions from happening. Is there other research topics that we should be looking at or other ways to better inform our knowledge?
The Chair suggested that each key priority group will have links with different policy areas and this should be mapped out.
GH agreed this would be useful to give direction to look at how the groups would be formed and who would attend as well as look across the policy areas.
Action point 25
OPG to identify policy areas that represent key priority working groups.
Owner: OPG / George Henry
Research and Technology
GH noted that he had already commented on the cycle helmet research and noted that there are the Road Research Board, TS stats team could take research projects forward.
GH invited the group to share anything that they would like to see taken forward as a research topic.
The Chair advised that he would like to understand what could be done through artificial intelligence and that is a new area. The Chair suggested that it would be good to reach out to some of the European road safety groups and ask if anybody is looking at this particularly around research and technology.
AOB and Next Meeting
The Chair invited members to add AOB.
The Chair asked that the next meeting is brought forward before the school holidays.
Action point 26
Secretariat to review date of the next meeting and bring forward before school holidays.
Owner: Secretariat