Scotland Low Emission Zone Consultation 2019-2020 Analysis Report
The consultation on 'Scotland's Low Emission Zones: Regulations and Guidance' gave us an opportunity to seek opinions on issues of a technical nature that underpin the operation and delivery of Low Emission Zones (LEZs), including the substantive issue of emission standards, exemptions and penalty charges.
The consultation asked questions relating to the key aspects of LEZ regulations and guidance that derive from the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019.
In total, 305 responses were received for the consultation, and the results can be found here.
The analysis of responses to Transport Scotland’s consultation 'Scotland’s Low Emission Zones: Consultation on Regulations and Guidance' has now been published.
The Scottish Government has committed to introduce LEZs into Scotland’s four biggest cities between 2018 and 2020, and into all other Air Quality Management Areas by 2023, where the National Low Emissions Framework supports this approach.
Low Emission Zones are a form of vehicle access regulation which sets an environmental limit on certain road spaces, to improve air quality by allowing access to only the cleanest vehicles, particularly at locations where there is public exposure.
LEZs are included within the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019 in order to provide the legislative framework to design, establish, and operate nationally consistent LEZs.
This consultation builds upon the 2017 'Building Scotland’s Low Emission Zones' consultation.