Scottish Trunk Road Infrastructure Project Evaluation 1YA Evaluation Report for A9(T) Crubenmore Extension
ISBN 978 1 909948 37 2
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1.1 Operational Indicators - How is the scheme operating?
1.2 Process Indicators - How well was the scheme implemented?
1.3 Objectives - Is the scheme on track to meet its objectives?
1.4 Costs to Government - Is the scheme delivering value for money?
2.1 Background to Project Evaluation
2.2 Evaluation Reporting
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Evaluation Methodology
3.3 The operation of the scheme and process evaluation
3.4 Environment
3.5 Safety
3.6 Economy
3.7 Accessibility & Social Inclusion
3.8 Cost to Government
3.9 Value for Money
3.10 Progress Towards Achieving Objectives
Annex A: Methodology and Data Sources
A.1 Overview
A.2 Network Traffic Indicators
A.3 Environmental
A.4 Safety
A.5 Economy
A.6 Integration
A.7 Accessibility & Social Inclusion
A.8 Costs to Government
A.9 Value for Money
A.10 Achievement of Objectives
Annex B: Environmental Analysis
Table 2.1 Summary Details - A9(T) Crubenmore Extension
Table 3.1: A9(T) Crubenmore Extension - ATC Data
Table 3.2: A9(T) Crubenmore Extension - Traffic Analysis Summary
Table 3.3: A9(T) Crubenmore Extension - Travel Time Data
Table 3.4: A9(T) Crubenmore Extension - Predicted vs Actual Travel Time Summary
Table 3.5: A9(T) Crubenmore Extension - Accident Data Summary
Table 3.6: A9(T) Crubenmore Extension - Project Cost Summary
Table 3.7: A9(T) Crubenmore Extension - Progress Towards Achieving Objectives
Figure 2.1: Locations of Projects Evaluated
Figure 3.1: A9(T) Crubenmore Extension - General Location Plan
Figure 3.2: A9(T) Crubenmore Extension - Journey Time Survey Plan
Figure 3.3a: A9(T) Crubenmore Extension - 3 Years Before Opening Accidents
Figure 3.3b: A9(T) Crubenmore Extension - 1 Year After Opening Accidents
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