National Indicator
National Indicator
Further Information:
For further information on the Scottish Government’s National Performance Framework, please visit:
In 2018 the Scottish Government launched a refreshed National Performance Framework (NPF), which sets out a vision for Scotland. The NPF incorporates 11 National Outcomes that reflect this vision of improved wellbeing and quality of life for the people of Scotland.
The refreshed framework includes a National Indicator on ‘Journeys by active travel’, which monitors the proportion of short journeys that are made by the two main active travel modes: walking and cycling.
National Indicator
In 2019, 1.7% of journeys under 5 miles were made by bike (very similar to 1.8% in 2018) and 47.6% of journeys under 2 miles were made on foot (a 4.6% rise from 2018).
Although the proportion of cycling journeys showed little change, the rise in the proportion of walking journeys means that the National Indicator status is determined as Performance Improving.
More information on the indicator, including further details on how performance is assessed can be found on the National Performance Framework website.