Annex B
Transport and Travel in Scotland Results from the Scottish Household Survey
Annex B
The Scottish Access to Bus Indicator (SABI) gives a score for the accessibility of bus services in each data zone and provides an objective measure of accessibility to public transport by bus in Scotland.
The analysis was based on Traveline data, which was used to find all bus stops within a 400 meter walking distance, by path or road, of each 2011 Census Output Area Centroid in Scotland. For each centroid, the total frequency of buses per hour for each bus stop within 400 meter was summed. This resulted in a total average number of buses per hour accessible within 400 meter of each output area centroid, on both weekdays and at the weekend. Transport Scotland chose the 400 meter distance to walk to a bus stop, in line with DfT work and wider public transport planning guidance.
The indicator provides separate scores for weekday and weekend services. The output areas are aggregated to data zones using a population weighted average. The datazones are then ordered by quintile and decile, from least to most accessible.
The analysis was first conducted for 2017, with the results reported in Transport and Travel in Scotland 2016