National Transport Strategy: Helps deliver inclusive economic growth

This is an excerpt from Scotland's National Transport Strategy, providing an overview of one of the four priorities of NTS2.

Helps deliver inclusive economic growthScotland will have a transport system that will help deliver sustainable and inclusive economic growth enabling the whole country to flourish.

Transport plays a key role in delivering Scotland’s Economic Strategy’s four priority areas of investment, innovation, inclusive growth and internationalisation. It enables firms to have efficient access to suppliers and customers. It allows people fair and affordable access to reach the jobs where they can be most productive and boost both business growth and household incomes through improving access to employment.

Our transport system:

  • Will get people and goods where they need to get to: network and services will be integrated effectively with spatial and land use planning and economic development, and adapt to changing requirements of our citizens, businesses and visitors.
  • Will be reliable, efficient and high quality: everyone needs to be confident about how long a journey will take, and that it will be a simple and comfortable experience. We will be able to plan our lives, to get to work on time, access education and training, and to deliver goods efficiently and keep businesses running smoothly.
  • Will use beneficial innovation: will pioneer and use new products, services and technologies developed from high quality research to improve our transport system. We will secure opportunities and investment for innovation and growth of testing platforms and supply chains to help Scotland be at the forefront of world leading developments in sustainable mobility.

View more National Transport Strategy priorities: