National Transport Strategy: Reduces inequalities
This is an excerpt from Scotland's National Transport Strategy, providing an overview of one of the four priorities of NTS2.
Everyone in Scotland will share in the benefits of a modern and accessible transport system. Transport plays an important part in delivering the fully inclusive society we want. While we tackle inequalities, our actions will simultaneously reduce poverty, in particular child poverty.
Our transport system:
- Will provide fair access to services we need: we have a duty to reduce inequalities and advance equality of opportunity and outcome, including the protected characteristics of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. We will ensure that our disadvantaged communities and individuals have fair access to the transport services they need. The transport system will enable everyone to access a wide range of services and to realise their human rights.
- Will be easy to use for all: people have different needs and capabilities. Our transport system will recognise these and work to ensure that everyone can use the system with as few barriers as possible.
- Will be affordable for all: people have different incomes and our transport system will not exclude people from mobility by making it unaffordable. We will target actions to deliver the Strategy towards those needing most help, including those living in poverty.
View more National Transport Strategy priorities: