Strategic Transport Projects Review



The Strategic Transport Projects Review (STPR), published in December 2008, sets out the Scottish Government's 29 transport investment priorities over the period to 2032. 


The STPR identifies those recommendations that most effectively contribute towards the Government's Purpose of increasing sustainable economic growth. This Purpose and its supporting objectives are set out in the Scottish Government's Economic Strategy published in 2007.

The STPR has been undertaken using an objective-led, evidence-based approach to appraise potential means of addressing transport issues. This approach is compatible with Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidance (STAG) methodology. This approach ensures that the Government's priorities of a Wealthier and Fairer, Healthier, Safer and Stronger, Smarter and Greener Scotland are met and that investment is targeted on those recommendations that most effectively support improving Scotland’s sustainable economic development.

The STPR supports both the National Planning Framework 2 and the delivery of the three strategic outcomes identified in the National Transport Strategy:

  • improving journey times and connections – to tackle congestion and the lack of integration and connections in transport which impact on our high level objectives for economic growth, social inclusion, integration and safety
  • reducing emissions – to tackle the issues of climate change, air quality and health improvement which impact on our high level objective for protecting the environment and improving health, and
  • improving quality, accessibility and affordability – to give people a choice of public transport, where availability means better quality transport services and value for money or an alternative to the car.

The National Planning Framework 3 published earlier this year also makes reference to the STPR in providing the evidence base for much of the transport investment outlined in the Infrastructure Investment Plan 2011.

The outcomes of the STPR are structured on a tiered approach to investment, based around the priorities of:

  • maintaining and safely operating existing assets
  • promoting a range of measures, including innovative solutions, that make better use of existing capacity; and
  • promoting targeted infrastructure improvements where these are necessary, affordable and practicable.

This approach makes best use of limited resources. It also ensures that new infrastructure is identified only after other approaches have been appraised and considered. It promotes and supports a more sustainable transport network by encouraging efficient use of existing road and rail resources, encouraging sustainable mode choices through targeted rail enhancements and providing better opportunities for strategic public transport and freight movements.

A range of delivery partners will be needed for measures which address both national and local objectives. The STPR does not specifically include recommendations that are the responsibility of Local Authorities and Regional Transport Partnerships to develop and deliver. 

STPR - Publications

A number of documents are available setting out the stages of the STPR and its findings. The documents are accessible via the links below:

STPR next steps

Ministers have identified 4 priorities from the 29 recommendations proposed by the STPR. These are:

These are progressing well.

In addition to these major projects, there is a clear commitment within the  Infrastructure Investment Plan 2011 to complete the A9 dualling Perth to Inverness by 2025 and the A96 dualling Inverness to Aberdeen by 2030.

We are also continuing to work with partners and other stakeholders to take forward the development and design of some of the other recommendations arising from the STPR, including the A96 Inveramsay Bridge Improvement Works, the A737 Dalry Bypass and the A77 Maybole Bypass.

The remaining recommendations will be taken forward in line with the resources available from future spending reviews.