1 Introduction

1 Introduction

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1.1 The Proposals

Transport Scotland1 is proposing to bypass the village of Crianlarich with a western bypass which would leave the A82 near the southern edge of the town (National Grid Reference (NGR) 384 247) and rejoin the A82 immediately west of the village (NGR 378 257) (see Figure 1.1 and Photograph 1, Annex E).

This environmental statement (ES) presents the findings of an environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the proposals (see Section 1.2). In the ES the new bypass is called the A82(T) and other roads (see Figure 6.1) are described as follows:

  • the Callander Road - the existing A85 between the T-junction with the A82 and the eastern edge of the village;
  • the Tyndrum Road — from the T-junction with the A82 to the north western edge of the village and includes Tyndrum Terrace; and
  • the Glenfalloch Road — from the T-junction with the A85 to the southern edge of the village.

Railway lines in the area of the proposals (see Figure 6.1) and referred to in the text are described as follows:

  • the West Highland Line — the line running from Glasgow in the south;
  • the Oban Branch Line — the branch of the West Highland Line that runs north west out of the village; and
  • the Fort William Branch Line - the branch of the West Highland Line that runs north out of the village over the River Fillan.

1.2 Statutory Context

1.2.1 Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 and Environmental Impact Assessment (Scotland) Regulations

The proposals require EIA under the provisions of Section 20A and 55A of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 as amended by Part III of the Environmental Impact Assessment (Scotland) Regulations 1999 and The Environmental Impact Assessment (Scotland) Regulations 2006. The EIA Regulations set out development for which EIA is mandatory (Schedule 1 development) and that for which EIA may be required because of the scale of development or sensitivity of the location (Schedule 2 developments).

Construction of a new road which is of four lanes or more and 10km or more in continuous length falls into Schedule 1. The proposals for the bypass in this ES are less than 10km in length and single carriageway and therefore do not fall within Schedule 1 development. The area of the works does however exceed the threshold for Schedule 2 development which is that the area of the works exceeds one hectare (ha) and therefore the need for EIA should be considered. It is considered that the proposals have potential for significant effects on the environment because the scheme is located within the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park (LLTNP) and is in proximity to the River Tay Special Area of Conservation (SAC) a site of European importance for nature conservation and a formal EIA has therefore been undertaken.

This ES has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the 1999 Regulations and the Environmental Impact Assessment (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2006 which implement EC Directive 85/337/EEC (as amended by EC Directive 97/11EEC) on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment. The EIA has also been informed by consultations with a wide range of bodies and interested parties (see Annex A and Section 1.6.3).

The ES reports the findings of the EIA (including measures that would be implemented to avoid, reduce or remedy adverse impacts) and has been prepared to inform all those with an interest in the scheme (the public, the Scottish Ministers, and organisations with statutory and non-statutory interests in the environment) of the likely effects of the proposals. The ES is being published at the same time as the draft Road Orders and the draft Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO)2 which are being promoted by Transport Scotland. The CPO is required to allow the acquisition of land for the proposed works and for areas of essential mitigation3.

The Regulations require that the public and certain statutory bodies must be given the opportunity to express an opinion before the project is considered by Scottish Ministers. Notification is given of publication of the ES, the venues where the ES can be inspected free of charge and the closing date for representations to Transport Scotland in the Public Notice advertising the scheme (see also Section 1.7).

1.2.2 The Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994

Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) has requested that information is collated as part of the EIA process to inform an appraisal of the potential effects of the proposals on the River Fillan, part of the River Tay catchment area, which is designated for its European nature conservation interests (see Section 9.5.3). The Habitats Regulations 1994 place a statutory duty on the competent authority (that is the authority which has powers to grant permission for the development, in this case Scottish Ministers under the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984), to meet the requirements of Directive 92/43/EEC on the Conservation of Natural Habitats and of Wild Flora and Fauna (the Habitats Directive). Where it is considered that a plan or project could have a significant effect on a site designated for its European nature conservation interests and that the plan or project is not directly connected with the site, such sites are protected by the duties placed on competent authorities to make an Appropriate Assessment of the implications for the site in view of the site’s conservation objectives and, in general terms, to agree to the plan or project only after having ascertained that it would not affect the integrity4 of the site. Information in the ES is provided to inform the Appropriate Assessment as recommended by the Scottish Government5,6 and requested by SNH.

Table 1.1 indicates where information relevant to the Appropriate Assessment can be found in the ES. Table 9.7 summarises the effects of construction of the proposals on European site. Relevant information to inform the Appropriate Assessment (IIAA) is collated in Annex B.

Table 1.1: Location of Information in the Environmental Statement relevant to the Appropriate Assessment of the Effects of the Proposals on the River Tay SAC (see also Annex B)

Information Relevant to the Appropriate Assessment

Location of Relevant Information in the ES

River Tay SAC

Description of the Proposals

Chapter 3

Description of the Qualifying Features of the SAC:

  • Oligotrophic to mesotrophic standing waters with vegetation of the Littorelletea uniflorea and/or of the Isoëto-Nanojuncetea

Chapter 9

  • Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
  • Sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus)
  • Brook lamprey (Lampetra planeri)
  • River lamprey (Lampreta fluviatilis)
  • Otter (Lutra lutra)

Conservation Objectives: To ensure for the qualifying habitats and species that the following are maintained in the long term:

  • Extent of the habitat on site

Chapter 8 and 9

  • Distribution of the habitat within site

Chapter 9

  • Structure and function of the habitat

Chapter 9

  • Processes supporting the habitat

Chapters 8 and 9

  • Distribution of species

Chapter 9

  • Viability of species

Chapter 9

  • No significant disturbance of species

Chapter 9

Relevant Operations (i.e. those that could cause damage to the qualifying features)

  • Civil engineering

Chapters 3 and 9

  • Discharges (run-off from the road)

Chapters 3, 8 and 9

1.3 The Project Team

The EIA has been managed and collated by Natural Capital Ltd for, and in partnership with, consulting engineers Grontmij (formerly the Carl Bro Group). Grontmij has provided inputs to the geology and soils and road drainage and water environment chapters as well as the traffic and construction assumptions. Further specialist inputs have been provided by:

  • ECOS Countryside Services: ecological surveys;
  • Envision: visualisations;
  • Kirkdale Archaeology: archaeology and cultural heritage;
  • PPCA Ltd: landscape and visual appraisal;
  • RTS Forestry: advice on forestry; and
  • WSP Environmental: air quality and noise.

1.4 Background to the Scheme

In 1994 Carl Bro produced a Stage 2 Scheme Assessment Report7 documenting an assessment of route options for bypassing the village. The recommended option, a western bypass, was an element of ‘The Crianlarich Project’, which also involved traffic calming of the Callander Road in the village and construction of a ‘transport interchange’. Only the traffic calming elements were constructed in 1997/8. The other elements, including the western bypass, were not taken forward following appraisal in the Strategic Roads Review8 in 1999. The A82 Route Action Plan (RAP)9 prepared by Scott Wilson consultants on behalf of Transport Scotland was published in 2006. Amongst its recommendations, was further consideration of a western bypass at Crianlarich.

As a consequence of the findings of the A82 RAP, in June 2006 Transport Scotland instructed Grontmij (then Carl Bro) to proceed with the development of the Crianlarich Bypass towards the preparation of draft Orders for the scheme. The initial stage of this work was to review and update the Stage 2 route options process and in particular the assessments contained in the Stage 2 Scheme Assessment Report. The findings of this review and update were reported in the Stage 2 Addendum Report10. The preferred option, a western bypass, the same as in 1994, was identified to be taken forward to Stage 3 assessment and environmental impact assessment. A small scheme STAG11 appraisal was also undertaken to confirm that the proposed scheme is consistent with current Government transport objectives. The western bypass has been appraised in detail in this ES.

1.5 The Scheme

The proposed scheme would connect with the A82 at the south of the village of Crianlarich (see Photograph 2, Annex E) via a new roundabout. Crianlarich is a small village built around the railway lines and the junction of the A82/A85 to the south of the River Fillan. The new road would run to the west of the village, between the village and Ewich Forest, through an area of wet heath and acid grassland. It would connect with the Tyndrum Road (existing A82) at the western edge of Crianlarich via a second new roundabout. Further information on the scheme is detailed in Section 3.2.

1.6 Approach to the Assessment

1.6.1 Objectives of the Environmental Statement

The objectives of the ES can be summarised as follows:

  • to identify the potential environmental impacts from construction and operation of the proposals, taking into account the characteristics of the development, the sensitivities of the local environment and the concerns of interested parties;
  • to identify and describe measures which would be taken to mitigate identified potentially adverse environmental impacts and deliver environmental benefits;
  • to predict and evaluate the extent and significance of residual effects taking into account the agreed mitigation; and also
  • to provide information to inform the Appropriate Assessment of potential effects on the River Fillan (see Section 1.2.2 and Annex B).

1.6.2 Sources of Information

The following sources of information have informed the EIA:

  • technical information, plans and drawings from the project team;
  • published information including relevant planning documents;
  • statutory organisations and other relevant bodies and individuals consulted on the proposals (see Section 1.6.3 and Annex A);
  • unpublished information made available by consultees;
  • relevant Ordnance Survey (OS) maps; and
  • site survey work.

Other specific technical information, guidance sources and reports which have been used for the EIA are referenced in the appropriate sections of the ES.

1.6.3 Consultations

In accordance with good practice in EIA, individuals and organisations whose interests might be affected by the proposed developments have been consulted for their views and to obtain any relevant information during the course of preparing the Stage 2 Addendum and this ES. These consultations have helped to identify key issues, opportunities and constraints and helped to define the scope of the EIA.

A list of organisations and individuals who were consulted and a summary of, and comment on, their responses are provided in Annex A together with an indication of how that information and comments have been used in the EIA and in collating the ES.

If the project progresses to construction, consultation and discussions would continue with all key parties to ensure commitments are delivered appropriately.

1.6.4 Approach to the Assessment

This ES has been prepared to meet the requirements of the EIA Regulations and broadly following guidance in the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) Volume 11. The DMRB recommends a three-stage approach to scheme development:

  • Stage 1 - scoping of the environmental, engineering, economic and traffic constraints;
  • Stage 2 - consideration of broad corridor options and identification of a preferred corridor; and
  • Stage 3 - identification of a preferred alignment and assessment of the preferred scheme.

The EIA has made best use of information gathered in the different stages of the progress of the scheme to date and updated the information as required. The approach has also been informed by other Scottish Government and EIA guidance12,13. Tables 1.2 and 1.3 (at the end of this chapter) summarise where the information required by the EIA Regulations can be found in the ES and Table 1.1 identifies where in the ES the relevant information can be found to inform the Appropriate Assessment as required by the Habitats Regulations. The individual technical assessments14 have been carried out with reference to relevant legislative and policy requirements and current best practice. The focus and scope of the EIA was informed by the comments from consultees (see Section 1.6.3 and Annex A).

In the EIA a common approach has been used for the assessment of each environmental topic. This has included:

  • establishing the baseline conditions through a combination of desk review, consultations and site surveys taking account of any committed development projects etc which could change the baseline in the future;
  • identifying potential environmental impacts15 which could result from development of the proposals;
  • identification of mitigation measures to prevent, reduce and, where possible offset any impacts which could either by themselves, or in combination with other impacts have a significant adverse effect; and
  • assessment of the level of significance of all residual effects (direct and indirect, adverse and beneficial, short-term and long-term, permanent and temporary) taking account of committed mitigation measures.

Potential impacts have been taken into account in the iterative development of the proposals. Where the potential for a significant adverse effect has been identified resulting from an impact either by itself or in combination with other impacts, the environmental team has fed back concerns to the design team who have taken account of the issues in refining the design for the scheme and the construction methodology.

All mitigation measures have been discussed with Transport Scotland and have only been taken into account in assessments after commitment has been given to their delivery. A collated list of mitigation measures is included in Annex C.

Permanent effects have been considered as effects associated with permanent development and use of land for the project such as visual changes or loss of habitat. These effects would occur even if the road was never used.

Short-term effects from construction are evaluated and operational long-term effects from use of the bypass are considered.

The EIA Regulations require significant effects to be described (see Schedule 4). Significance is not defined in the Regulations. The definition of a significant effect, which has been adopted in this assessment, is one which the project team considers, in isolation or in combination with others, is material16 to the environment and should be taken into account in the decision-making process.

The significance of an effect results from the interaction between its magnitude (which is related to the extent of the physical change, its special extent, duration and frequency) and the value of the resource or the number and sensitivity of those people who might be affected.

The process of assessing significance includes:

  • selecting criteria (for each discipline) from recognised sources (including legal standards, policy and best practice guidance and accepted practice) against which effects have been assessed (assessment criteria);
  • establishing significance thresholds drawing on the above sources, consultations and experience etc17;
  • comparing the predicted impacts with the significance thresholds and defining the nature of residual effect.

In this ES, where relevant18, effects have been categorised into:

  • none: no detectable change to the environment;
  • minor: a detectable but non-material change to the environment;
  • moderate: a material but non-fundamental change to the environment;
  • major: a fundamental change to the environment.

A summary of the effects of the scheme proposals is included in the Environmental Impact Tables presented in Annex D.

Effects categorised as being moderate or major (adverse or beneficial) are considered in this ES to be significant. Cumulative effects are also considered in terms of the overall importance for a wider area of effects of a similar nature occurring at different locations or in terms of overall importance of effects of a different nature occurring at the same location. In addition the potential for effects from this project to occur at the same time as those from another development which has been approved has also been considered.

1.6.5 Limitations of the EIA

Any limitations to the EIA are summarised in each technical chapter, where relevant, together with the means proposed to mitigate these.

The EIA has been based on assumptions about an outline design for the scheme (see Section 3.2). Where details of the project have still to be finalised (such as detailed construction methods etc) assumptions have been made in the ES to allow potential impacts to be considered and appropriate mitigation to be identified. If as the detailed proposals are developed, any significant adverse effects are identified which are considered greater than those reported in this ES, an addendum to the ES would be published for public consultation and comment and further consideration by Transport Scotland.

1.7 Review and Comments

The ES and copies of the draft Orders can be viewed during normal working hours at:

Transport Scotland
Major Transport Infrastructure Projects
Buchanan House
58 Port Dundas Road

(0830-1700 (Monday-Thursday) and 0830-1630 (Friday).

The offices of Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Headquarters
National Park Headquarters
Carrochan Road
G83 8EG

The offices of Stirling Council
Stirling Council

08.45-16.45 (Mon-Fri);

Crianlarich Post Office
Station Road
FK20 8QN

9.00-12.30 and 13.30-17.30 (Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri)
9.00-13.00 (Wed) and 9.00-12.30 (Sat).

The ES can also be viewed on Transport Scotland website: www.transportscotland.org.uk

The ES comprises the main text and also a Non-Technical Summary (NTS) which is bound into the front of the main text and is also available as a free-standing document.

Copies of the ES are available in hard copy for £150 or on CD for £10 (both including postage and packing). VAT is chargeable on CDs. The NTS (which is available free of charge) and the main ES are available from the Director of Major Transport Infrastructure Projects at Transport Scotland (address as above).

Comments on the proposals or their environmental effects can be sent in writing to the Director of Major Transport Infrastructure Projects at Transport Scotland within six weeks of the date of publication of the notice for the Environmental Statement.

1.8 Scope and Structure of the ES

This document is the main text of the ES. The remainder of this report is structured as follows:

  • Chapter 2 explains the need for the scheme, its objectives and the alternatives which have been considered;
  • Chapter 3 describes the project proposals and the assumed construction and maintenance activities;
  • Chapter 4 summarises the traffic appraisal work that has been undertaken and the key findings;
  • Chapter 5 sets out the policy and planning framework for the proposals.

The remaining chapters set out the appraisals of the environmental effects of the proposals as follows:

Figures for relevant chapters are included at the end of each chapter with the exception of Chapters 5 and 12 where they are included within the text of the chapter.

Appendices for relevant chapters are included after the figures at the end of each chapter.

Supporting information is provided in the following annexes:

  • Annex A: Consultation Responses
  • Annex B: Information to Inform the Appropriate Assessment
  • Annex C: Collated Mitigation Measures
  • Annex D: Environmental Impact Tables
  • Annex E: Gazetteer of Photographs (photographs of key locations along the scheme mentioned in the text numbered from south to north)

Table 1.2: Matters for Inclusion in Environmental Statements as required by Schedule 4, Part I of The Environmental Impact Assessment (Scotland) Regulations 1999


Location of Information in the ES

Part I

1 Description of the development, including in particular:


(a) a description of the physical characteristics of the whole development and the land-use requirements during the construction and operational phases;

Chapter 3 (Section 3.2) and Sections 6.8

(b) a description of the main characteristics of the production process, for instance, nature and quantity of the materials used;

Section 3.3 describes construction

(c) an estimate by type and quantity, of expected residues and emissions (water, air, and soil pollution, noise, vibration, light, heat, radiation etc) resulting from the operation of the proposed development.

Chapters 7; 8; 10; 13 and 14 in Assessment of Residual Effects (Operational)

2 An outline of the main alternatives studied by the applicant or appellant and an indication of the main reasons for his choice, taking into account the environmental effects.

Chapter 2 (Section 2.4)

3 A description of the aspects of the environment likely to be significantly affected by the development, including, in particular:

Chapters 6 to 16

  • population

Chapters 6, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 (Sections 6.4, 10.9, 12.4 13.5, 14.5, 15.4 and 16.4)

  • fauna and flora

Chapters 8 and 9 (Sections 8.5, 8.9, 9.5, 9.6 and 9.10)

  • soil

Chapter 7 (Sections 7.3 and 7.7)

  • water

Chapters 8 (Sections 8.5 and 8.9)

  • air and climatic factors

Chapter 14 (Sections 14.5 and 14.9)

  • material assets, including the architectural and archaeological heritage

Chapters 6 and 11 (Sections 6.4, 6.8, 11.4 and 11.8)

  • landscape

Chapter 10 (Sections 10.4 and 10.8 and 10.9)

  • the inter-relationship between the above factors

Chapters 6 to 17

4 A description of the likely significant effects of the development on the environment, which should cover the direct effects and any indirect, secondary or cumulative, short, medium and long-term, permanent and temporary, positive and negative effects of the development resulting from:

Chapters 6 to 17

(a) the existence of the development;

Chapters 3 - 17

(b) the use of natural resources;

Chapters 6-11

(c) the emission of pollutants, the creation of nuisances and the elimination of waste;

Chapters 3, 7, 8, 13 and 14 (Sections 3.5, 7.7, 8.9, 13.8 and 14.9)

(d) and the description by the applicant or appellant of the forecasting methods used to assess the effects on the environment.

Chapters 1 and 6-16 (Sections 1.6, 6.5, 7.4, 8.6, 9.7, 10.5, 11.5, 12.5, 13.4, 14.6, 15.5 and 16.5

5 A description of the measures envisaged to prevent, reduce and where possible offset any significant adverse effects on the environment.

Collated mitigation in Annex C (taken From Chapters 3 and 6-16)

6 A non-technical summary of the information provided under Paragraphs 1 —5 of this Part.

Non-Technical Summary

7 An indication of any difficulties (technical deficiencies or lack of know-how) encountered by the applicant or appellant in compiling the required information.

Chapter 1, (Section 1.6.5) and in relevant sections of technical chapters

Table 1.3: Matters for Inclusion in Environmental Statements as required by Schedule 4, Part II of The Environmental Impact Assessment (Scotland) Regulations 1999


Location of Information in the ES

Part II

1 A description of the development comprising information on the site, design and size of the development.

Chapter 3

2 A description of the measures envisaged in order to avoid, reduce and, if possible, remedy significant adverse impacts.

Collated mitigation in Annex B (taken From Chapters 3 and 6-17)

3 The data required to identify and assess the main effects that the development is likely to have on the environment.

Chapters 4-17, (Sections 4.2, 5.4, 5.5, 6.4, 7.3, 8.5, 9.5, 10.4, 11.4, 12.4, 13.5, 14.5, 15.4 and 16.4)

4 The main alternatives studied by the applicant and an indication of the main reasons for his choice, taking into account the environmental effects.

Chapter 2, (Section 2.4)

5 A non-technical summary of the information provided under Paragraphs 1 — 4 of this Part.

Non-Technical Summary