1818 News Items

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A96 Dualling Show On The Road

Published: 4 Nov 2013

Local communities are being urged to have their say on the Scottish Government’s ambitious A96 dualling programme at a forthcoming series of roadshows.

A75 - Key bridge lift completed on £17.1m road scheme

Published: 4 Nov 2013

A key milestone in the £17.1 million Dunragit bypass was successfully completed at the weekend when the beams supporting the new road bridge over the Glasgow-Stranraer railway line were lifted into place.

Draft Designs On Show for A9 Dualling Scheme

Published: 1 Nov 2013

Work to remove Aberdeen-Inverness bottleneck

Published: 31 Oct 2013

More progress on A96 Inveramsay Bridge improvement works.

Funding increase for community transport charity

Published: 30 Oct 2013

Transport Minister Keith Brown has announced that Transport Scotland is doubling its funding for a leading community transport charity to help it expand its work in Scotland.

A82 Pulpit Rock construction continues

Published: 24 Oct 2013

The second series of overnight construction works will continue on the £9.2m A82 Pulpit Rock Improvement scheme from 10pm on Monday 4th November.

A77 Improvement Scheme moves apace

Published: 23 Oct 2013

Users of the A77 will see further work on the two flyovers which were lifted into place on the £10.6 million Symington and Bogend Toll scheme.

Scottish road casualty statistics at record low: 2012 finalised data of road injuries, accidents and casualties

Published: 23 Oct 2013

Statistics confirming that road casualties in Scotland have fallen to their lowest level on record have been published, Transport Minister Keith Brown said today.

Reported Road Casualties Scotland 2012

Published: 23 Oct 2013

Reported road accident and casualty statistics are released today by Transport Scotland’s Statistician. This reference document updates provisional figures published in June and presents more detailed analysis, including estimates of drink driving accidents, accident costs, comparisons with other countries and an article on vulnerable road users.

Crowds flocking to bridge learning centre : Bosses urge more to get the inside track at Queensferry Crossing Open Days

Published: 15 Oct 2013

In just six months, thousands of people have taken the opportunity for a closer look at Scotland’s biggest infrastructure project in a generation, it has been revealed.

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