A9 Pass of Birnam to Tay Crossing
The 8.4km section of the A9 from Pass of Birnam to Tay Crossing is being upgraded to dual carriageway as part of a wider programme to improve the A9 between Perth and Inverness.
The preferred route has been identified, and the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) Stage 3 design development and assessment is on-going.
View details of the plans for completion of this project.
Impact on travel
Road users may experience some delays during the construction period. On completion, the upgrade should have a positive effect on driver stress levels.
Environmental impact
There is expected to be a negligible or minor impact on local air and noise quality, mainly during the construction period.
The landscape and visual impacts are predicted to be of moderate impact with opportunity for mitigation and planting.
The driver experience will be enhanced with this modern and safer dualled arrangement. Pedestrian, cycle and equestrian access will be maintained and enhanced in some areas.
An extensive Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) will be undertaken alongside the DMRB Stage 3 scheme development and assessment, with an EIA Report to be published at the same time as the draft Orders for the proposed scheme.
Scheme Development
Strategic Environmental Assessment
Between 2012 and 2014 Transport Scotland completed a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) to inform, at a corridor level, where dualling should take place and some key environmental themes or principles we would follow. The SEA helped inform the division of the programme into a series of projects to help us manage planning issues at a local level.
After the SEA Transport Scotland moved to project level assessment work, set out in the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB). This involves a more localised assessment of constraints and opportunities and the production of route options and assessment of their impacts.
DMRB Stage 2 Assessment and the A9 Co-Creative Process
Following initial identification of route options to be considered at DMRB Stage 2, in Autumn 2016 Transport Scotland, in partnership with the Birnam to Ballinluig A9 Community Group, undertook an A9 Co-Creative Process to bring skills, experience and local knowledge to reach a solution with the community. This commenced in January 2018 and concluded in July 2018 with the identification of the Community’s Preferred Route Option.
Following the conclusion of the A9 Co-Creative Process, scoping work identified a number of challenges and concerns regarding the Community’s Preferred Route Option. As a result of the challenges identified, many of which are difficult to mitigate, three additional route options, taking into account the objectives of the community and the A9 Dualling Programme, were developed and assessed alongside the Community’s Preferred Route Option within the DMRB Stage 2 Route Options Comparative Assessment.
The Preferred Route for the Pass of Birnam to Tay Crossing section of the A9 Dualling Programme was identified and announced on 20 December 2023, with the DMRB Stage 2 Assessment Report published online.
DMRB Stage 3 Design Development and Assessment
The DMRB Stage 3 design development of the Preferred Route Option and subsequent engineering, environmental, economic and traffic assessment is now underway. An extensive Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) will be undertaken alongside the DMRB Stage 3 scheme development and assessment, which will assess the preferred option against a range of topic areas.
Community Engagement Events will be held on 21 and 22 August 2024 in Birnam Arts and Conference Centre. An online exhibition will also be available from 21 August to 6 October 2024. These events will let local communities and road users see the work that has taken place since the preferred route option for the scheme was announced in December 2023, including details on access and side road arrangements, facilities for walkers, wheelers, cyclists and horse-riders, drainage design, and access proposals to Dunkeld and Birnam Railway Station.
Details of the community engagement events:
- Wednesday 21 August, 11am to 8pm
- Thursday 22 August, 10am to 6pm
Birnam Arts and Conference Centre, Station Road, Birnam, PH8 0DS
Community engagement
Community engagement is at the heart of the design and development of all of our major road projects. As part of that engagement, we regularly hold events to consult with local communities, road users, businesses and individuals as our plans are progressed.
A new programme-wide A9 Dualling website featuring more information about the development and construction of the A9 Dualling programme has been launched.
In addition, a StoryMap webpage is regularly updated to provide information and news relating to the Pass of Birnam to Tay Crossing project specifically.
You can find details and exhibition material from engagement events below:
Community Engagement Events - August 2024
Community Engagement Events for the A9 Dualling Pass of Birnam to Tay Crossing project are being held in the Birnam Arts and Conference Centre on 21 and 22 August 2024. An online exhibition will also be available from 21 August to 6 October 2024. These events will let local communities and road users see the work that has taken place since the preferred route option for the scheme was announced in December 2023, including details on access and side road arrangements, facilities for walkers, wheelers, cyclists and horse-riders, drainage design, and access proposals to Dunkeld and Birnam Railway Station.
Details of the community engagement events:
- Wednesday 21 August, 11am to 8pm
- Thursday 22 August, 10am to 6pm
Birnam Arts and Conference Centre, Station Road, Birnam, PH8 0DS
- Visit the virtual event or one of the in-person events
- Further information on the Pass of Birnam to Tay Crossing Story Map
- Materials presented at the event
Public exhibitions - January 2024
Following the announcement of the Preferred Route Option on 20 December 2023, public exhibitions were held on 29 and 30 January 2024 in Birnam Arts Centre. An online exhibition, which included information on the preferred route option and how it was chosen, was available from 20 December 2023 to 17 March 2024, and invited the public to leave feedback on our plans. Following the conclusion of the consultation period, we are now carefully reviewing the feedback received, which will be considered in the next stage of the assessment process where the Preferred Route will be developed and assessed further.
Details of the A9 Dualling Pass of Birnam to Tay Crossing Preferred Route public exhibitions:
- Monday 29 January 2024 11am to 8pm
- Tuesday 30 January 2024 10am to 6pm
Birnam Arts Centre, Station Road, Birnam, Dunkeld, PH8 0DS
Community Drop In Event - May 2019
Community drop in events were held on 16 and 17 May 2019 in Birnam Arts Centre.
These events provided local communities and road users with an update on the design process, and presented a number of whole route options which were developed from the options shown at the March 2019 community engagement events to be assessed alongside the Community’s Preferred Route Option in the DMRB Stage 2 assessment.
Details of the community drop in events:
- Thursday 16 May 2019, 11.00am to 9.00pm
- Friday 17 May 2019, 11.00am to 9.00pm
Birnam Arts Centre, Station Road, Birnam, Dunkeld, PH8 0DS
Community Engagement Event - March 2019
Community Engagement events were held on 26 and 27 March 2019 in Birnam Arts Centre.
These events let local communities and road users see the work that had taken place since the co-creative process identified the Community’s Preferred Route Option.
As part of that work, the various elements of the community option had been examined in consultation with local residents living close to the A9 and key stakeholders.
Details of the community engagement events:
- Tuesday 26 March 2019, 11.00am to 9.00pm
- Wednesday 27 March 2019, 11.00am to 9.00pm
Birnam Arts Centre, Station Road, Birnam, Dunkeld, PH8 0DS
January 2016
June 2013, June 2014
Public Exhibitions were also held in June 2013 and June 2014 at various locations along the route. Additionally, since 2013 a number of drop-in sessions were held to offer the community the opportunity to speak to the project team and to raise any points or queries they may have in relation to the Pass of Birnam to Tay Crossing scheme.
January/February 2012
We hosted an exhibition in January/February 2012 to give everybody the opportunity to see potential route options.
The exhibition boards are available in two parts:
See also the scheme leaflet.
Co-creative process
In 2017, a partnership between Transport Scotland and the Birnam to Ballinluig A9 Community Group initiated a co-creative process to identify the community’s preferred route. The process was open to everyone, and the community group has been involved in each stage.
From January 2018, through a five stage co-creative process the community, including children and young people, suggested ideas for the A9 dualling and associated infrastructure, and the most popular of these ideas, as voted for by the community, were used to create a short-list of four ‘Whole Route Options’. In the final stage, Stage 5, members of the public were invited to rank the four short-listed routes in order of preference and to vote for one of three related junction options at Birnam/Murthly Castle.
The four whole route options selected for the final voting were:
- three ‘online’ routes (Routes A, B and D) which would follow the line of the existing A9 (but partly at lower level involving a cut and cover tunnel or underpass) with junctions at Dunkeld, Dalguise and the Hermitage, and the retention of the Dunkeld & Birnam railway station
- one ‘offline’ route (Route C) which consisted of a 2.8km tunnel to the west of the existing A9 with junctions at Dalguise and the Hermitage, and the retention of the Dunkeld & Birnam station.
The online options had varying lengths of tunnel with Route A incorporating a 1.5km tunnel, Route B a 450m tunnel and Route D an underpass of up to 150m.
To complete the whole route, three options for junctions at the Birnam and Murthly Castle end of this section were also offered:
- a restricted movement grade-separated junction at Birnam
- a full movement grade-separated junction adjacent to the current access at Murthly Castle
- or a roundabout at Birnam.
Over the voting period, between 23 June and 2 July 2018, 720 people voted online or submitted voting cards. Voting was open to the public and the number of votes received represented a very strong turnout relative to the size of the community. The rankings were aggregated into total scores for each of the four short-listed routes to determine the preferred route.
Voting results
The online route (Route A) incorporating a 1.5km tunnel commencing in the area of the existing junction of the A9 with the B867 and Perth Road at Birnam and terminating in the area of the existing junction with the A923 and A822 at Little Dunkeld (See diagram, below) came out on top with the highest score, attracting 37.4% of the total of all scores across the four routes and also attracting 45% of the first place votes recorded.
Routes B, C and D attracted 23%, 22.3% and 17.3% of the total of all scores respectively. The full voting figures and scores can be found in the Stage 5 Ranking Summary Report, link included below.
To complete the whole route, voters expressed a clear preference to incorporate a full movement grade-separated junction at Murthly Castle, to the south of Birnam, to replace the existing Birnam junction. This option attracted 68% of the votes for junctions compatible with that route.
The community’s preferred route was announced on 13 August 2018.
Stage 5 ranking summary report, factsheets and plans
- View Stage 5 Ranking Summary Report Paper.pdf
- View Stage 5 Co-Creative Process Fact Sheet - Route A.pdf
- View Stage 5 Co-Creative Process Plan - Route A.pdf
- View Stage 5 Co-Creative Process Fact Sheet - Route B.pdf
- View Stage 5 Co-Creative Process Plan - Route B.pdf
- View Stage 5 Co-Creative Process Fact Sheet - Route C.pdf
- View Stage 5 Co-Creative Process Plan - Route C.pdf
- View Stage 5 Co-Creative Process Fact Sheet - Route D.pdf
- View Stage 5 Co-Creative Process Plan - Route D.pdf
Stage5 - Drive through visualisations
Next Steps
Following the result of the vote, further work is needed before a decision can be taken by the Scottish Ministers on the preferred option for the project and this work is currently ongoing. The design will be worked up by Transport Scotland to the same level of detail as is required for all major trunk road projects to allow the Scottish Ministers to make an informed decision and with the confidence that it can be delivered successfully through the planning process.
More detailed information about key aspects such as buildability, noise and other environmental impacts, traffic and economic impacts will be investigated to ensure a robust and deliverable design is identified.
During this period Transport Scotland will be consulting with stakeholders and people who may be directly affected by the community’s preferred option as chosen at the Big Decide.
In Autumn 2016, Transport Scotland agreed to engage in a Co-creative Process with the Dunkeld and Birnam Community. The purpose of this process is to bring skills, experience and local knowledge together to reach a solution with the community.
As background, the usual assessment process for trunk road projects is being followed for this project.
Between 2012 and 2014 we completed a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) to inform, at a corridor level, where dualling should take place and some key environmental themes or principles we would follow. The SEA helped inform the division of the programme into a series of projects to help us manage planning issues at a local level.
After the SEA we moved to project level assessment work, set out in the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB). This involves a more localised assessment of constraints and opportunities and the production of route options and assessment of their impacts.
In this area, as with the other A9 projects, we have been undertaking DMRB Stage 2 (route options) assessments. Some of that work will now be revisited as part of the co-creative process, taking into account community and programme objectives. In order to support the process, and as part of the DMRB work done to date, we have produced our assessment of the baseline (existing) conditions in the local area. This covers the usual DMRB topics.
As part of the initial community led phases a number of questions about the level of assessment to be eventually undertaken have been raised. At the end of the process, once we have a preferred option, we'll produce an Environmental Statement (ES) which assesses the preferred option against a range of topic areas. To help illustrate the level of detail that will eventually be produced, see the A9 Luncarty to Birnam ES. This document is typical of those produced for trunk road, and other developments.