FRC neighbourhood notifications
This document library section provides information on neighbourhood notifications issued as part of the Forth Replacement Crossing project.
Contractor: FCBC | Letter to Residents
Summary: Flyer 127, Notice of planned remedial works on the Queensferry Crossing’s South Approach Viaduct, which involves the continuation of final painting of the steelwork from suspended temporary under deck platforms.
The necessary works will be ongoing over the next couple of months with the underdeck platform being fully encapsulated to allow the final painting works to be completed without disruption to local traffic
To facilitate the assembly and removal of the underdeck platforms, temporary traffic management restrictions will be required on Society Road, out with peak traffic times, on an intermittent basis from 21 May.
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours in the vicinity of the works described above.
Issue Date: 17 May 2019
Contractor: FCBC | Letter to Residents
Summary: Flyer 126, Notice of planned remedial works on the Queensferry Crossing’s South Approach Viaduct, which involves final painting of the steelwork from suspended temporary under deck platforms.
These necessary works will commence between 30 April 2019 to 20 May 2019, temporary traffic management restrictions will be required on Society Road between the hours of 8pm and 6am on an intermittent basis.
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours in the vicinity of the works described above.
Issue Date: 23 April 2019
Contractor: FCBC | Letter to Residents
Summary: Flyer 125, Notice of planned remedial works on the Queensferry Crossing involving resurfacing works around the expansion joints at the north and south ends of both carriageways.
These works will commence at 10pm on Thursday 30th November 2017 and finish by 6am on Wednesday 6 December 2017.
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours in the vicinity of the works described above.
Issue Date: 30 November 2017
Contractor: FCBC | Letter to Residents
Summary: Flyer 124, Notice of imminent works, which will include temporary traffic diversions affecting the residents of Linn Mill on the evenings of 28 and 29 July.
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours in the vicinity of the works described above
Issue Date: 21 July 2017
Contractor: FCBC | Letter to Residents
Summary: Flyer 123, Notice of planned works on the south bound A90 opposite Selvage Street and Hillwood Terrace commencing on the evening of 6 July 2017 at 8pm going into the morning of 7 July at 6am and 7 July at 8pm going into the morning of 8 July 2017 at 6am.
The work will involve the installation of traffic detection loops within the road surface. This work will include the use of a floor saw, site vans and a site lorry. Additionally, we are carrying out paint repairs to a sign gantry in the same area and that will involve the use of a crane lorry (Hiab), a cherry-picker and, if required, an angle grinder.
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours in the vicinity of the works described above
Issue Date: 5 July 2017
Contractor: FCBC | Letter to Residents
Summary: Flyer 122, Notice of contractor working on the Forth Replacement Crossing principal contract on behalf of Transport Scotland, will involve the installing of scour protection (rock armour) around Pier S5. This work is tidal and will be carried out between 22 June 2017 and 27 June 2017 (inclusive) in the evenings and into the night.
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours in the vicinity of the works described above
Issue Date: 21 June 2017
Contractor: FCBC | Letter to Residents
Summary: Flyer 121, Notice of contractor working on the Forth Replacement Crossing principal contract on behalf of Transport Scotland, will be carrying out work, on Monday 26 June 2017 for two weeks to complete. The works will involve the removal of the temporary close boarded fence to the rear of properties in these locations to allow completion of the works and restoration of the area.
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours in the vicinity of the works described above
Issue Date: 9 June 2017
Contractor: FCBC | Letter to Residents
Summary: Flyer 120, Notice of contractor working on the Forth Replacement Crossing principal contract on behalf of Transport Scotland, will be carrying out, on Monday 28 May and July 2017. The works result from a request by the community to extend the new footpath on Society Road to the Linn Mill junction. The works involve saw cutting and removing kerbs, excavating for a new footway, installing edging kerb, breaking out and installing new road gullies, excavating and replacing road kerbs, laying mono bloc and precast concrete slabs, and preparing and surfacing the new footpath.
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours in the vicinity of the works described above
Issue Date: 28 May 2017
Contractor: FCBC | Letter to Residents
Summary: Flyer 119, Notice of contractor working on the Forth Replacement Crossing principal contract on behalf of Transport Scotland, will be carrying out, on Saturday 13th May and Sunday 14th May 2017, a survey, to inspect the concrete repairs carried out two years ago on both the A90 Standingstane Road underbridge and the A90 Dalmeny Railway underbridge.
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours in the vicinity of the works described above
Issue Date: 10 May 2017
Contractor: FCBC | Letter to Residents
Summary: Flyer 118, Notice of planned nightshift works on the Forth Replacement Crossing (FRC) on the verges and footpaths of the B800, between the existing Echline Roundabout through Ferrymuir Roundabout and the new B800 bridge.
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours in the vicinity of the works described above
Issue Date: 2 May 2017
Contractor: FCBC | Letter to Residents
Summary: Flyer 117, Notice of update of planned nightshift and dayshift works on the Forth Replacement Crossing (FRC) on the A90 Admiralty merge and encroaching onto the mainline southbound carriageway over two weekends.
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours in the vicinity of the works described above
Issue Date: Monday 22 March 2017
Contractor: FCBC | Letter to Residents
Summary: Flyer 116, Notice of update of planned nightshift and dayshift works on the Forth Replacement Crossing (FRC) on Hope Street, Inverkeithing, between the Ferry Toll Junction and Ferryhills Road (resulting in the temporary closure of the Park & Ride),
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours in the vicinity of the works described above
Issue Date: Monday 22 March 2017
Contractor: FCBC | Letter to Residents
Summary: Flyer 115, Notice of update of planned works on the Forth Replacement Crossing (FRC) on the A90 near Scotstoun, South Queensferry.
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours in the vicinity of the works described above
Issue Date: Monday 22 March 2017
Contractor: FCBC | Letter to Residents
Summary: Flyer 114, Notice of planned works on the Forth Replacement Crossing (FRC) in the temporary storage area between the south abutment of the Queensferry Crossing and Springfield.
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours in the vicinity of the works described above
Issue Date: Monday 6 March 2017
Contractor: FCBC | Letter to Residents
Summary: Flyer 113, Notice of planned nightshift works on the Forth Replacement Crossing (FRC) on the A90 at the northbound diverge (exit) which leads to Admiralty Roundabout. The work will involve road planning, re-surfacing and the road markings and will be carried out between 8pm on Friday 3rd March 2017 and 6pm on Sunday 5th March 2017 inclusive.
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours in the vicinity of the works described above
Issue Date: Friday 24 February 2017
Contractor: FCBC | Letter to Residents
Summary: Flyer 112, Notice of planned works on the Forth Replacement Crossing (FRC) on the southbound A90 at Dalmeny. The work involves the widening of the A90 embankment to allow the construction of a new south bound bus lane across the two existing structures and to tie in the new bus lane into the existing bus lane.
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours in the vicinity of the works described above
Issue Date: Friday 16 December 2016
Contractor: FCBC | Letter to Residents
Summary: Flyer 111, Notice of planned evening works on the Forth Replacement Crossing (FRC) in the Ferrymuir area, in two separate areas. The two areas are:-
- Junction of the proposed North Bound Public Transport Link and the B800, opposite Dundas Castle entrance
- Tesco delivery access off the B800 between Ferrymuir roundabout and Echline roundabout.
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours in the vicinity of the works described above
Issue Date: Friday 2 December 2016
Contractor: FCBC | Letter to Residents
Summary: Flyer 110, Further to our issuing Flyer Ref F108 earlier this week we write to inform you that, due to circumstances outwith our control, the planned works described in that flyer have been delayed and will now go ahead on each night between Sunday 27 November 2016 and Wednesday 30 November 2016 inclusive, commencing 21:00 each night and finishing at 05:00 the following morning.
In addition we have planned follow-on works on the night of Friday 9th December 2016 and the weekend commencing Friday 16th December 2016.
As previously described, the works will involve road surfacing, road markings and installation of temporary barriers. The plant involved will be a road paver, lorries, crane, site vans, generators, temporary lighting, compressors and compressed air tools.
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours in the vicinity of the works described above
Issue Date: Friday 25 November 2016
Contractor: FCBC | Letter to Residents
Summary: Flyer 109, Notice of planned overnight works on the Forth Replacement Crossing (FRC), on the A90 between Admiralty and Ferrytoll.
Involving road surfacing, road markings and installation of temporary barriers and will be carried out working between Sunday 27 November 2016 and Wednesday 30 November 2016 inclusive, commencing 21:00 each night and finishing at 05:00 the following morning.
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours in the vicinity of the works described above
Issue Date: Friday 25 November 2016
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 108, Notice of planned overnight works on the Forth Replacement Crossing (FRC), on the A90 between Admiralty and Ferrytoll. Involving road surfacing, road markings and installation of temporary barriers and will be carried out working continuously from 20:00 Friday 25 November 2016 to 06:00 Monday 28 November 2016.
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours in the vicinity of the works described above
Issue Date: Tuesday 22 November 2016
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 106, Notice of planned overnight works on the Forth Replacement Crossing (FRC), on the A90 between Admiralty and Ferrytoll. involving the installation of gantries and will be carried out on the nights of Saturday 12 November and Sunday 13 November 2016. The works will commence each night at 21:00 and finish at 05:00 the following morning.
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours in the vicinity of the works described above
Issue Date: Tuesday 8 November 2016
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 105, Notice of planned overnight and daytime works on the Forth Replacement Crossing in the Ferrymuir area involving the resurfacing of the Ferrymuir Roundabout over this coming weekend between Friday 28 October 20:00 to Tuesday 1 November 06:00.
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours in the vicinity of the works described above
Issue Date: Wednesday 26 October 2016
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 104, Notice of planned overnight and daytime works on the Forth Replacement Crossing (FRC) in the Ferrymuir area over two weekends, from 8pm Saturday 15th October and 6am on Monday 17th October and 8pm on Saturday 22nd October and 6am on Monday 24th October, will have a short term but significant impact on road users.
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours in the vicinity of the works described above
Issue Date: Friday 30 September 2016
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 103, Notice of nightshift works from Friday 30 September through to Monday 02 October 2016, to complete the surfacing of the southbound ‘emergency link’ tie in from the existing A90 to the new southbound (Edinburgh bound) carriageway requiring traffic management on the A90 south of Echline roundabout.
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours in the vicinity of the works described above
Issue Date: Tuesday 27 September 2016
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 102, Notice of nightshift works between Ferrymuir Roundabout and Echline Roundabout on the B800. The contractors will start at 20:00 tonight (22 September 2016), and the same time tomorrow night 23 September 2016 and will aim to finish by 02.30 the following morning in each case.
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours in the vicinity of the works described above
Issue Date: Thursday 22 September 2016
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 101, Supersedes Flyer 95: Notice of extension to Sunday working from Sunday 4 September 2016 to Sunday 30 October 2016, to allow for continuous surfacing of the new mainline carriageway from the B800 bridge to the south approach abutment in order to minimise the number of construction joints.
Areas to Deliver: Residents adjacent to the works in Linn Mill, Clufflat, Springfield, Echline, Dundas Home Farm and Scotstoun.
Issue Date: Wednesday 7 September 2016
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 100 - Notice of planned overnight and evening works in the area between north of Dunfermline Wynd south to opposite Whinnyhill Crescent on the southbound diverge of the A90. This involves removing the surface from the existing road.
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours in the vicinity of the works described above.
Issue Date: Thursday 11 August 2016
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 99 - Notice of planned overnight and evening works on the Forth Replacement Crossing to carrying out paint repairs and steelfixing on the Approach Viaduct South from Pier S7 (immediately to the south of Society Road) heading north to meet the cable stayed bridge.
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours in the vicinity of the works described above.
Issue Date: Friday 5 August 2016
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 98: Notice of planned overnight and dayshift works on the Forth Replacement Crossing to facilitate the installation of service ducting commencing the evening of Friday 12 August 2016 at 1900hrs and finishing at 0600hrs, the following day, on Saturday 13 August, in the Ferrymuir area.
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours in the vicinity of the works described above.
Issue Date: Thursday 28 July 2016
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 95: Notice of Sunday working from Sunday 31 July 2016 through to Sunday 4 September 2016, to allow for continuous surfacing of the new mainline carriageway from the B800 bridge to the south approach abutment in order to minimise the number of construction joints.
Areas to Deliver: Residents adjacent to the works in Linn Mill, Clufflat, Springfield, Echline, Dundas Home Farm and Scotstoun.
Issue Date: Thursday 14 July 2016
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 94: Notice of extended working hours from Friday 12 May 2016 through to Monday 20 June 2016, to recover time created by the temporary closure of the Forth Road Bridge to Heavy Goods Vehicles from December 2015 through to 20th February 2016 inclusive.
Areas to Deliver: Residents adjacent to the works in Inverkeithing
Issue Date: Wednesday 11 May 2016
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 93: Notice of planned Sunday working on the Vehicle Restraint System and gantry rails on the Approach Viaduct South
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours adjacent to the works in Linn Mill and Clufflat
Issue Date: Tuesday 10 May 2016
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 92: Update - Notice of planned works associated with concrete pours on the Approach Viaduct South deck above Society Road
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours adjacent to the works in Linn Mill and Clufflat
Issue Date: Wednesday 4 May 2016
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 91 - Notice of planned works associated with concrete pours on the Approach Viaduct South deck above Society Road
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours adjacent to the works in Linn Mill and Hopetoun Estate
Issue Date: Friday 24 March 2016
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 90 - Notice of planned works associated with utility diversions in Hope Street, Inverkeithing.
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours adjacent to the works in Hope Street area.
Issue Date: Friday 11 March 2016
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 89, Supersedes Flyer 88 - Notice of planned works associated with reconstructing the junction with Dundas Home Farm access road and the B800.
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours adjacent to the works in Dundas Home Farm area.
Issue Date: Thursday 10 March 2016
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 88 - Notice of planned works associated with reconstructing the junction with Dundas Home Farm access road and the B800.
Areas to Deliver: Neighbours adjacent to the works in Dundas Home Farm area.
Issue Date: Tuesday 23 February 2016
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 89 - Notice of planned evening and night time works associated with the switch of the A90 south bound lanes to temporary alignments.
Areas to Deliver: Residents adjacent to the works in Inverkeithing
Issue Date: Friday 19 February 2016
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 87, Supersedes Flyer 84 - Notice of planned works associated with the demolition of the wing walls of the north most underpass of Ferrytoll roundabout
Areas to Deliver: Residents adjecent to the works in Inverkeithing and Rosyth
Issue Date: Thursday 7 January 2016
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 85, Supersedes Flyer 83 - Notice of planned works associated with switching of traffic from the current lane configurations between Ferry Toll and Admiralty to new temporary lane configurations and the installation of temporary average speed cameras.
Areas to Deliver: Residents adjecent to the works in Inverkeithing and Rosyth
Issue Date: Thursday 3 December 2015
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 84, Superseded Flyer 87 - Notice of planned works associated with the demolition of the wing walls of the north most underpass of Ferrytoll roundabout.
Areas to Deliver: Residents adjacent to the works in Inverkeithing and Rosyth.
Issue Date: Monday 23 November 2015
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 83, Superseded Flyer 85 - Notice of planned works associated with switching of traffic from the current lane configurations between Ferry Toll and Admiralty to new temporary lane configurations and the installation of temporary average speed cameras.
Areas To Deliver: Residents adjacent to the works in Inverkeithing and Rosyth.
Issue Date: Monday 20 November 2015
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 82, Superseded Flyer 84 - Notice of planned works associated with demolition of the wing walls of the north most underpass of Ferrytoll roundabout.
Areas To Deliver: Residents adjacent to the works in Inverkeithing and local community councils.
Issue Date: Monday 16 November 2015
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 80, Superseded Flyer 83 - Notice of planned works associated with switching of traffic from the current lane configurations between Ferry Toll and Admiralty to new temporary lane configurations and the installation of temporary average speed cameras.
Areas To Deliver: Residents adjacent to the works in Inverkeithing and Rosyth.
Issue Date: Monday 16 November 2015
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 79, Notice of planned Parking Restrictions regarding the works associated with the demolishing of the old B800 bridge.
Areas To Deliver: Residents adjacent to the parking restrictions.
Issue Date: Saturday 24 October 2015
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 77, Notice of planned works associated with the demolishing of the old B800 bridge and A90 weekend and overnight closures.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the works at Dundas Home Farm and Scotstoun.
Issue Date: Tuesday 6 October 2015
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 76, Notice of FRC project phasing works at Dalmeny Railway overbridge and Standingstane Road Underpass – Phase 3 Dalmeny Bridge repair
Areas To Deliver: Residents in Dalmeny adjacent to the works
Issue Date: Wednesday 1 July 2015
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 75, B800 Bridge and Approach roads - Temporary Traffic Management Plans
Areas To Deliver: Residents of Dundas Castle, Dundas Estate and Dundas Home Farm.
Issue Date: Wednesday, 24 June, 2015
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 74, Notice of FRC project phasing works at Dalmeny Railway overbridge and Standingstane Road Underpass
Areas To Deliver: Residents in Dalmeny adjacent to the works
Issue Date: Friday, 5 June 2015
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 73, Notice of Testing works on the Ferrymuir roundabout
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the works described at Scotstoun, QDCC and BRIGS.
Issue Date: Friday, 5 June 2015
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 72, Notice of FRC project planned works to construct new Access
Areas To Deliver: Residents in South Queensferry adjacent to the works and Queensferry Community Council.
Issue Date: Thursday, 27 April 2015
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 71, Notice of FRC project planned works to the Dalmeny Railway Bridge, Standingstone underpass and installation of Vehicle Restrain System on the A90. – Phase 2
Areas To Deliver: Residents in Dalmeny adjacent to the works.
Issue Date: Thursday, 23 April 2015
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 70, Notice of FRC project planned works to the Dalmeny Railway Bridge, Standingstone underpass and installation of Vehicle Restrain System on the A90.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in Dalmeny adjacent to the works.
Issue Date: Friday, 10 April 2015
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 68, Notice of planned works associated with the Forth Replacement Crossing on the B800 and A90.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the works at Scotstoun, Dalmeny Railway Bridge (A90) and Dundas Home Farm, QDCC and BRIGS.
Issue Date: Tuesday 14 October 2014
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 67A, revised information on earthworks and roadworks on Hope Street, Inverkeithing, starting 10 October 2014
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the works at Shamrock Terrace and Ferryhills Road, NQCC and members of the North Community Forum.
Issue Date: Monday, 6 October 2014
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 67, Earthworks and roadworks on Hope Street, Inverkeithing, starting 10 October 2014
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the works at Shamrock Terrace and Ferryhills Road, NQCC and members of the North Community Forum.
Issue Date: Friday, 3 October 2014
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 66, Works near Ferrymuir Roundabout during the night of Monday 13th October and Tuesday 14th October 2014.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in South Queensferry adjacent to the works, QDCC and BRIGS.
Issue Date: Tuesday 30 September 2014
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 65, Specialist service protection works on the evenings of Monday 1st and Wednesday 3rd September 2014 and also Tuesday 16th and Thursday 18th September 2014.
Areas To Deliver: Residents of Newbigging Lodge, Ashley Cottages and Dundas Home Farm.
Issue Date: Tuesday 26 August 2014
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 64, Notice of planned works associated with the Forth Replacement Crossing (FRC), Hope Street (B981).
Areas To Deliver: Residents of Shamrock Terrace and Ferryhills Road near the proposed works and to NQCC, Inverkeithing CC, Rosyth CC and members of the North Community Forum .
Issue Date: Wednesday, 20 August 2014
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents, Plan
Summary: Flyer 63, Notice of planned works associated with the Forth Replacement Crossing (FRC), surfacing works on the U221 and at the junction of the U221 and the A904.
Areas To Deliver: Residents on the U221 in the vicinity of the diversion described, Newton Community Council, Queensferry Community Council and BRIGS.
Issue Date: Wednesday, 6 August 2014
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: 62 (revised), Notice of planned works associated with the Forth Replacement Crossing (FRC), on the B800, between Echline Roundabout and Dundas Golf Club entrance.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the works at Scotstoun and Dundas Home Farm, QDCC and BRIGS.
Issue Date: Monday, 11 August 2014
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 62, Notice of planned works associated with the Forth Replacement Crossing (FRC), on the B800, between Echline Roundabout and Dundas Golf Club entrance.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the works at Scotstoun and Dundas Home Farm, QDCC and BRIGS.
Issue Date: Monday, 4 August 2014
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 61, Update to Flyer F60.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the south shore in Society Road, Linn Mill, Clufflat, Springfield, QDCC and BRIGS.
Issue Date: Friday, 25 July 2014
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 60, Further information of work on the south side of the Forth Estuary, on Saturday 2nd August and Sunday 3rd August 2014.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the south shore in Society Road, Linn Mill, Clufflat, Springfield, QDCC and BRIGS.
Issue Date: Thursday, 24 July 2014
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents and Enclosure
Summary: Flyer 59, Temporary footpath arrangements between Echline Farmhouse access and the east end of Echline Farm Cottages access.
Areas To Deliver: Residents of Echline Farmhouse, Echline Farm Cottages and Nos 17 and 19 Echline, QDCC and BRIGS.
Issue Date: Thursday, 21 July 2014
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 58, Planned works on the Forth Replacement Crossing (FRC) in the vicinity of the A904 (east tie-in), the proposed new Queensferry Gyratory and Echline Corner.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the works at Echline Corner, QDCC and LMRA.
Issue Date: Thursday, 17 July 2014
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 57, Site clearance, earthworks, roadworks
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the works at Hillwood Terrace, Selvage Street and Fairykirk Road, Rosyth Community Council
Issue Date: Wednesday, 4 June 2014
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 56, Preparatory works for Gantry 16
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the works described at Hillwood Terrace, Selvage Street and Fairykirk Road and Rosyth Community Council.
Issue Date: Friday 23 May 2014
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 55, Sheet piling works
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the works described at Dundas Farm and Scotstoun, QDCC and BRIGS
Issue Date: Tuesday, 6 May 2014
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 53, Installation of service ducts
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the works described at Echline, QDCC and BRIGS
Issue Date: Thursday 13 February 2014
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 52, Sheet Piling in the location of the South abutment of the new B800 bridge
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the works described at Dundas Home Farm and Scotstoun, QDCC and Brigs
Issue Date: Thursday 6 February 2014
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 51 We are writing to provide you with notice of planned works associated with the Forth Replacement Crossing (FRC). FCBC, the Principal Contractor working on the FRC on behalf of Transport Scotland will soon be carrying out nightshift works to provide a temporary slip road between the B980 Castlandhill Road and the north bound carriageway of the A90
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the works described in Inverkeithing and members of the North Community Forum
Issue Date: Friday 10 January 2014
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 50 - Scotstoun Junction – Initial Intelligent Transport System Gantries
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the works described in South Queensferry, Dalmeny, QDCC and BRIGS
Issue Date: Monday 27 January 2014
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 49 - APPROACH VIADUCT SOUTH –LAUNCH STEELWORK. We are writing to provide you with notice of planned works associated with the Forth Replacement Crossing (FRC). FCBC, the Principal Contractor working on the FRC on behalf of Transport Scotland is intending to extend the working hours on welding activities on the Approach Viaduct South steelwork.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the works described at Linn Mill, Clufflat and Springfield and LMRA, QDCC and BRIGS
Issue Date: Friday 22 November 2013
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 48 - NEW QUEENSFERRY JUNCTION - A904 EASTERN TIE- IN WORKS white lining works at the east end of the A904 between Echline Corner and Echline Cottages.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the works described at Echline, QDCC and BRIGS
Issue Date: Friday 01 November 2013
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents and Enclosure
Summary: Flyer F47 - final surfacing works on Society Road between Clufflat and the western extremity of the Forth Replacement Crossing site.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the works described at Linn Mill, Society Road, Clufflat, LMRA, QDCC, BRIGS, Newton CC and Hopetoun
Issue Date: Wednesday 30 October 2013
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer F46 - Progressing new roadworks between the proposed new Queensferry Junction and the A904 opposite Echline Farm Cottages.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the works described at Echline, QDCC and BRIGS
Issue Date: Wednesday 30 October 2013
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer F45 - Concrete pour to construct part of the foundation of Pier S4 of the South Approach Viaduct.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the south shore in Society Road, Linn Mill, Clufflat, Springfield, QDCC and BRIGS
Issue Date: Wednesday 16 October 2013
Contractor: FCBC | Letter Drop to Residents and Enclosures
Summary: Flyer 44 - Notification of final surfacing works on Society Road between Clufflat and the western extremity of the Forth Replacement Crossing site.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the works described at Linn Mill, Society Road, Clufflat, QDCC, BRIGS, Newton CC and Hopetoun.
Issue Date: Thursday 19 September 2013
Contractor: FCBC | Title: Letter Drop to Residents
Summary: Flyer 42 - FCBC, the Principal Contractor working on the FRC on behalf of Transport Scotland will, in the next few weeks, be commencing piling works on the south side of the Forth Estuary.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the works described at Linn Mill, Society Road, Clufflat, and Springfield, QDCC and BRIGS.
Issue Date: Tuesday 10 September 2013
Contractor: FCBC | Letter Drop to Residents
Summary: Flyer 41 - FCBC, the Principal Contractor working on the FRC on behalf of Transport Scotland will, between Thursday 12th September 2013 and Monday 30th September 2013, be completing piling works required to support the tower crane platform at the North Tower of the main crossing.
Areas To Deliver: NQCC and residents in the vicinity of the works described at Ferry Road, Ferry Barns Court and Inchcolm Drive, North Queensferry.
Issue Date: Tuesday 10 September 2013
Contractor: FCBC | Letter Drop to Residents and Enclosure
Summary: Flyer F40 - Carrying out works on the U221 and at the junction of the U221 and the A904 which will involve the temporary closure of the U221, between the A904 and the White Lodge, for these five days and nights and lane closures on the A904 under traffic lights on 12th and 13th September 2013.
Areas To Deliver: Residents on the U221 in the vicinity of the diversion described, Newton Community Council, Queensferry Community Council and BRIGS.
Issue Date: 26 August 2013
Contractor: FCBC | Letter Drop to Residents
Summary: Flyer F36 - Notice of revised arrangements for the underwater concrete works for Pier S4 of the South Approach Viaduct on the Forth Replacement Crossing (FRC). New arrangements for one of the following two possible dates namely, Friday 2nd August 2013 OR Thursday 8th August 2013. On either date the operation shall be continuous and last up to 26 hours.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the south shore in Society Road, Linn Mill, Clufflat, Springfield, LMRA, QDCC and BRIGS.
Issue Date: 1 August 2013
Contractor: Crummock (Scotland) Ltd | Letter Drop to Residents
Summary: Notice of intention to carry out works to signalise the junction of Main Street / Duddingston Terrace and to construct a 3 space parking lay-by on the A904 Main Street.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in Newton and Woodend.
Issue Date: 30 July 2013
Contractor: FCBC | Letter Drop to Residents
Summary: Flyer F34 - Confirmation that the Pier S4 underwater concrete pour (referred to in that flier) has had to be postponed. Involves a large mass concrete pour to construct part of the foundation of Pier S4 of the South Approach Viaduct. Pier S4 is located approximately 170 metres out in the estuary north of the south shoreline.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the works in Society Road, Clufflat, Linn Mill, Hopetoun Estate, QDCC, Newton Community Council and BRIGS.
Issue Date: 28 June 2013
Contractor: FCBC | Letter Drop to Residents & Enclosure
Summary: Flyer 35 - Notice of intention to carry out earthworks on the line of the new M90 from the existing B800 bridge through to the Dakota Hotel area. June to September 2013.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of Scotstoun (in Queensferry) QDCC and BRIGS.
Issue Date: 24 June 2013
Contractor: FCBC | Letter Drop to Residents
Summary: Flyer F33 - Notice of installation of Temporary Traffic Management on Society Road between Clufflat and Linn Mill Bridge, to enable the upgrading of Society Road between these points. Work is scheduled to commence on 15th July 2013 and it is envisaged that we will have Temporary Traffic Management in place from 15th July 2013 through to the end of October/early November 2013.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the south shore in Society Road, Linn Mill, Clufflat, Springfield, QDCC and BRIGS.
Issue Date: 24 May 2013
Contractor: FCBC | Letter Drop to Residents
Summary: Flyer F32 - works to enable traffic to be diverted off the existing U221 between the A904 and the White Lodge onto a new section of realigned U221. The removal of the existing section of the U221 will enable earthmoving activities on the line of the proposed new motorway in that area.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the U221, QDCC, BRIGS and Newton CC.
Issue Date: 17 May 2013
Contractor: FCBC | Letter Drop to Residents
Summary: Notification of snagging works on M9 J1a on Thursday 6 June 2013 and Sunday 9 June 2013.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the Buie Rigg, Kirkliston.
Issue Date: 4 June 2013
Contractor: FCBC | Letter Drop to Residents
Summary: Flyer 31 - Notification of a large mass concrete pour to construct part of the foundation of Pier S4 of the South Approach Viaduct.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the south shore in Society Road, Linn Mill, Clufflat, Springfield, QDCC and BRIGS.
Issue Date: 17 May 2013
Contractor: FCBC | Letter Drop to Residents
Summary: Flyer 30 - Scottish Water divisionary work on the B800 opposite the Dundas Home Farm Road and Dundas Castle - Plan.
Areas To Deliver: Dundas residents in the vicinity of the works, QDCC and BRIGS.
Issue Date: 29 April 2013
Contractor: FCBC | Letter Drop to Residents
Summary: Flyer F29 - Scottish Water intends to complete their diversionary works involving Temporary Traffic Management adjacent to the B800 in this period. The works will be carried out during the day, off peak (9.30-3.30) and are expected to take 4 days to complete.The works will involve the use of a floor saw, hydraulic breaker, excavators, dumpers, rollers, vibratory plates and lorries.
Areas To Deliver: Scotstoun residents in the vicinity of the works, QDCC and BRIGS.
Issue Date: 6 April 2013
Contractor: FCBC | Letter Drop to Residents
Summary: Flyer 28 - Amended Date - Commencing large concrete pour to construct the base of the South Abutment of the new bridge.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the works. QDCC and BRIGS.
Issue Date: 29 March 2013
Contractor: FCBC | Letter Drop to Residents and Accompanying Plan
Summary: Flyer 27 - British Telecom Diversionary Works are due, next week, to be carried out on the U221 commencing near the White Lodge.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the works. QDCC and BRIGS.
Issue Date: 21 March 2013
Contractor: FCBC | Letter Drop to Residents
Summary: Flyer 26 - Commencing large concrete pour to construct the base of the South Abutment of the new bridge.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the south abutment in Linn Mill, Clufflat and Springfield.
Issue Date: 21 March 2013
Contractor: FCBC | Letter Drop to Residents
Summary: Commencing temporary service diversionary works in the vicinity of the existing B800 bridge and the entrance to Dundas Home Farm.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of Dundas Home Farm and Dundas Castle.
Issue Date: 15 January 2013
Contractor: Fife ITS | Letter Drop to Residents
Summary: Notification of upcoming drainage works around Park Lea, Rosyth.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of Park Lea likely to be affected.
Issue Date: 7 December 2012
Contractor: FCBC | Letter Drop to Residents
Summary: Flyer 22 - Notification of Scottish Water Diversionary Works overnight on Tuesday 13th November 2012 in the vicinity of the junction of the U221 and the A904.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of U221/A904 Junction.
Issue Date: 9 November 2012
Contractor: FCBC | Letter Drop to Residents
Summary: Flyer 23 - Notification of intention to use temporary traffic lights, still giving priority to Society Road traffic over site traffic.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of Linn Mill, Hopetoun and Easter Society.
Issue Date: 9 November 2012
Contractor: FCBC | Letter Drop to Residents
Summary: Flyer 24 - UPDATE - Notification of Scottish Water Diversionary Works overnight on Tuesday 13th November 2012 in the vicinity of the junction of the U221 and the A904.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of U221/A904 Junction.
Issue Date: 13 November 2012
Contractor: FCBC | Letter Drop to Residents
Summary: Flyer 24 - Notification of intention to trial the use of Stop/Go boards to control the plant crossing.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of Linn Mill, Hopetoun and Easter Society.
Issue Date: 19 November 2012
Contractor: SRB | Letter to residents
Summary: Notification of overnight working in the Buie Rigg area of Kirkliston. Wednesday 7 & 8 November 2012.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the Buie Rigg area.
Issue Date: 7 November 2012
Contractor: SRB | Letter to residents
Summary: Notification of overnight working in the Buie Rigg area of Kirkliston. Monday 29 October, 5 & 6 November 2012.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the Buie Rigg area.
Issue Date: 24 October 2012
Contractor: Fife ITS | Letter to residents
Summary: Notification of installation of Gantry 8 in the Middlebank area on Friday 5 October 2012 and other intended installations throughout October 2012.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the Middlebank area.
Issue Date: 04 October 2012
Contractor: SRB | Letter to residents
Summary: Notification of M9 resurfacing works behind Gateside from Monday 1 October 2012.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the Kirkliston/Gateside area likely to be effected.
Issue Date: 27 September 2012
Contractor: SRB | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Notification of M9 road closures arising from the need to lift gantries into place.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the Kirkliston area likely to be effected.
Issue Date: 19 September 2012
Contractor: SRB | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Notification of works next to Buie Rigg, Kirkliston.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the Buie Rigg, Kirkliston area likely to be effected.
Issue Date: 20 September 2012
Contractor: FCBCV | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer 21 - Notification of possibility of later operating hours relating to the pour of concrete at the south approach viaduct pier 8.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the road network connections to the north of the Forth Replacement Crossing project.
Issue Date: 18 September 2012
Contractor: Fife ITS | Title: Letter drop to residents
Summary: Update on Intention to Progress Site Works – Gantry Installation
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the Craig Street and Park Lea – North of the Replacement Crossing project.
Issue Date: 10 September 2012
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer F19: Summary of current FCBC activities on the road network North of the Forth
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the road network connections to the North of the Forth Replacement Crossing project.
Issue Date: 31 August 2012
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Flyer F20: Summary of current FCBC activities on the road network North of the Forth
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the road network connections to the South of the Forth Replacement Crossing project.
Issue Date: 30 August 2012
Contractor: Fife ITS | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Notification of works to be carried out in association with gantry 8 adjacent to Middlebank
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of Gantry 8 at Middlebank.
Issue Date: 31 August 2012
Contractor: SRB | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Notification of works to be carried out and associated temporary traffic disruption on the M9 Spur and Stirling Road and lifting new sections of the Newmains Road Bridge into place.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of M9 Spur, Stirling road and Newmains Road Bridge.
Issue Date: 29 August 2012
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Notification of temporary closure of U221 at junction with the A904 to allow works to be carried out.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of Echline Corner, Queensferry.
Issue Date: 13 August 2012
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Blasting works at Whinnyhill adjacent to Ferrytoll Roundabout on Friday 20th July 2012 at 2200hrs. The blast shall be followed by rock excavation and filling the new Ferry Toll embankment.
The blasting process will be repeated once per fortnight (minimum) on Friday nights at 10pm over an estimated period of four months or until completion of the rock excavation in the Whinnyhill area.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of Whinnyhill and Shamrock Terrace and also to Community Councils on the north shore of the Forth Estuary.
Issue Date: July 2012
Contractor: FCBC | Letter drop to residents
Summary: Works consist of clearing scrub and brush near the two bridges to gain access and then inspection of the concrete structures.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of Standingstane Road, South Queensferry.
Issue Date: June 2012
Contractor: SRB | Letter Drop to Residents at Overton Road
Summary: Currently pushing the works on the Overton Bridge in order to re-open the Overton Road at the earliest date. To facilitate this we will be working late on occasional evenings beyond 7pm.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of Overton Road and Overton Bridge.
Issue Date: May 2012
Contractor: FCBC | Foundation and dredging works
Summary: This phase of the foundation works, will include the installation of cofferdams and caissons (temporary and permanent steel structures used to create a water-free environment within which the foundations will be constructed). In parallel with the foundations operation dredging works will continue.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of the foundation works on the north and south shores of the Forth Estuary and community councils.
Issue Date: May 2012
Contractor: FCBC | Surface repair works A904 and the B924 near Echline Corner
Summary: The works consist of planning out existing surfacing which has been damaged by traffic and replacing with new surfacing.
Areas To Deliver: Residents nearest the repair works and Queensferry District Community Council.
Issue Date: May 2012
Contractor: Graham Construction | M90 resurfacing works and gantry installation
Summary: FRC-ITS-GC-SK-049 Rev C – location map of M90 works.
Areas To Deliver: Park Lea, Craig Street and Duloch.
Issue Date: May 2012
Contractor: Graham Construction | M90 resurfacing works and gantry installation
Summary: Works associated with the forthcoming gantry installations.
Areas To Deliver: Park Lea, Craig Street and Duloch.
Issue Date: May 2012
Contractor: FCBC | Whinnyhill Blasting
Summary: The works comprise drilling holes, charging the holes and blasting rock. Sentries shall be posted to ensure the blast areas are clear before firing. Adequate signage shall be in place outwith the danger zone and on the surrounding road network. Charges are designed such that noise and vibration will be minimal. A blast warning procedure shall be deployed.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of Whinnyhill.
Issue Date: May 2012
Contractor: FCBC | Blasting works North of the Forth
Summary: The works comprise removal of rock to create a void of sufficient size to accommodate the construction of the reinforced concrete foundation suitable to support Pier N2, a V-shaped structure which will in turn, support the approach viaduct for the new bridge.
Areas To Deliver: North of the Forth.
Issue Date: April 2012
Contractor: FCBC | New site access
Summary: The works consist of removal of soft material and the construction of an access track road comprising crushed stone and/or concrete.
Areas To Deliver: Adjacent to the B800 bridge.
Issue Date: 26 April 2012
Contractor: Graham Construction | Resurfacing works - M90
Summary: Work activities include planning out of the existing road to various depths and re-laying with new road surfacing material. The southbound hard-shoulder will also be upgraded for provision of a new bus lane.
Areas To Deliver: Middlebank, Park Lea, Craig Street and Bellknowes Industrial Estate.
Issue Date: 19 April 2012
Contractor: Graham Construction | Resurfacing works - M90
Summary: FRC-ITS-GC-SK-049 Rev C – location map of M90 works.
Areas To Deliver: Middlebank, Park Lea, Craig Street and Bellknowes Industrial Estate.
Issue Date: 19 April 2012
Contractor: FCBC | Letter Drop to Residents
Summary: Notification of commencement of blasting and excavation works at St Margaret’s Hope adjacent to St Margaret’s Lodge near the B981.
Areas To Deliver: Residents in the vicinity of St Margaret’s Hope.
Issue Date: 6 April 2012
Contractor: FCBC | Letter Drop to Residents
Summary: Notification of excavation of rock to enable construction of foundations for Pier N2 of the north approach viaduct of the new FRC.
Areas To Deliver: Residents near N2 excavation works and North Queensferry Community Council.
Issue Date: 3 April 2012
Contractor: SRB | M9 Spur Gantries
Summary: Works will commence immediately on the motorway behind Gateside in order to start the construction of the new vehicle lane on the motorway.
Areas To Deliver: Gateside.
Issue Date: 8 March 2012
Contractor: SRB | Piling and Earthworks
Summary: The works being carried out will involve piling and earthworks that are required for the installation of a new gantry.
Areas To Deliver: Buie Rigg.
Issue Date: 1 March 2012
Contractor: SRB | M9 Spur Closure
Summary: Installation of three gantries on the M9 Spur on the evening of Saturday 3rd March. This will involve a full closure of the M9 Spur both northbound and southbound from 9pm Saturday evening until 10 am on Sunday morning and a diversion route will be in place for traffic.
During the closure of the M9 Spur, BEAR will be taking the opportunity to undertake necessary carriageway repairs whilst there is no traffic on this road.
Issue Date: 17 February 2012
Contractor: FCBC | Dredging works
Summary: The purpose of these works is to create access for the construction of the foundations for the structures which will support the Forth Replacement Crossing.
Areas To Deliver: North and South shores of the Forth Estuary.
Issue Date: 15 February 2012
Contractor: FCBC | Letter Drop to Residents
Summary: Notification of commencement of BP Enabling Works which includes fencing, soil stripping, earthworks, bund preparation and BP protection structure works in the vicinity of Dundas Home Farm.
Areas To Deliver: Dundas Home Farm properties and Newbigging Lodge.
Issue Date: 9 February 2012
Contractor: FCBC | Notification of utility works
Summary: The works will comprise the erection of LMA (Land Made Available) fencing to delineate the site, soil stripping, diversion of existing services, soil bunding to create a “false cutting” and construction of a reinforced concrete protective structure.
Areas To Deliver: Dundas Home Farm properties and Newbigging Lodge.
Issue Date: 9 February 2012
Contractor: SRB | Sheet piling
Summary: Sheet piling at Newmains Bridge and Stirling Road.
Areas To Deliver: Buie Rigg.
Issue Date: 25 January 2012
Contractor: Graham Construction | Update on Intention to Progress Site Works – Gantry Number 20F A92 Crossgates
Summary: Preliminary site clearance, provision of temporary accesses, mine consolidation works, piling works, concrete foundations, maintenance hard-standings, road surfacing, safety barriers and gantry erection during spring of 2012.
Areas To Deliver: Westfield Grove, Alice Grove, Crossgates.
Issue Date: 27 January 2012
Contractor: FCBC | Blasting and excavation works on Beamer Rock
Summary: The works will comprise drilling and blasting followed by excavation to the designed foundation formation level.
Areas To Deliver: Properties adjacent to the north and south shores.
Issue Date: 1 December 2011
Contractor: Graham Construction | Update on intention to progress site works - gantry numbers 1 and 2
Summary: Preliminary site clearance, temporary secure fencing erection, earth embankment construction, piling works, concrete foundations, maintenance hardstandings, safety barriers and of gantry erection.
Areas To Deliver: Adjacent to Craig Street and Park Lea, Rosyth.
Issue Date: 22 November 2011
Contractor: FCBC | Notification of excavation works
Summary: Drilling and blasting followed by excavation to the designed foundation formation level.
Areas To Deliver: Beamer Rock in the Forth Estuary.
Issue Date: 7 November 2011
Contractor: SRB Civil Engineering | Commencement of main works activities
Summary: Site clearance operations beginning.
Areas To Deliver: M9 Junction 1A.
Issue Date: 11 October 2011
Contractor: FCBC | Letter Drop to Residents
Summary: Notification of installing navigational aids, marine ground investigation and the removal of Beamer Rock Lighthouse and foghorn building.
Areas To Deliver: Selected properties adajacent to the north and south shores and Community Councils.
Issue Date: 26 September 2011
Contractor: Graham Construction | Notification of intention to commence site works
Summary: New gantry construction, maintenance hard-standings, resurfacing, drainage, service ducting and associated maintenance improvements.
Areas To Deliver: Between Halbeath and Admiralty Junction.
Issue Date: 9 September 2011
Contractor: Graham Construction | Notification of intention to commence preliminary investigation works
Summary: Works will begin to take core samples and commence in-situ testing of the existing M90 southbound carriageway.
Areas To Deliver: Between Halbeath and Admiralty Junction.
Issue Date: 19 August 2011
Contractor: FCBC | Title: Commencing site clearance and preliminary works
Summary: Works will include site clearance, fencing, trial pits, environmental mitigation, drainage works, soil stripping, earthworks, roadworks, creation of access tracks, services protection, landscaping and construction of the site compound opposite Echline corner.
Areas To Deliver: Echline, Newton.
Issue Date: 18 August 2011
Contractor: FCBC | Notification of trial blasting works
Summary: Hole drilling of and rock blasting. Drilling works shall impart noise, blasting will impart noise and vibration. The blasts will be approximately 5 explosions over a 2 hour period.
Areas To Deliver: Between North Queensferry and Inverkeithing, and also at St Margaret’s Hope.
Issue Date: 16 August 2011
Contractor: FCBC | Notification of clearance works
Summary: Cutting down vegetation, log removal and mulching, topsoil stripping. Creating site accesses and exits and placing excavated materials in embankment to create the working platform.
Areas To Deliver: St Margaret's Lodge to Whinny Hill.
Issue Date: 16 August 2011
Contractor: FCBC | Information Sheet
Summary: Opening times for the Contact and Education Centre in South Queensferry.
Areas To Deliver: Enclosed with leaflets and flyers to residents and included in publications.
Issue Date: August 2011
Summary:Contact details for the Forth Replacement Crossing team at Transport Scotland.