Draft report - Initial appraisal: Case for change - South West Scotland Transport Study
This study has been a successful example of collaborative working between national, regional and local transport authorities, undertaken by AECOM and Peter Brett Associates on our behalf and project partners:
- Dumfries and Galloway Council
- East Ayrshire Council
- South Ayrshire Council
- SWEStran (the Regional Transport Partnership)
- SPT (Strathclyde Partnership for Transport).
The work has benefitted from extensive stakeholder engagement - the project partners are grateful for the input and insight provided through a range of engagement activities including workshops, interviews, and a public online survey. Outcomes from all of these have been combined with data and evidence gathered on the transport network in the area, and are reflected in the report.
Anyone with an interest in transport in the south west is encouraged to provide their views and comments over an eight week period following the report being published through the on-line survey which is available until Friday 23 August.
- View Initial Appraisal - Case for Change - South West Scotland Transport Study.pdf initial-appraisal-case-for-change-south-west-scotland-transport-study.pdf
- View SWSTS Inital Appraisal Case For Change Executive Summary swsts-inital-appraisal-case-for-change-executive-summary.pdf
- View South West Scotland Transport Study Consultation Report south-west-scotland-transport-study-consultation-report.pdf
- View Appendix A - Policy review - Initial Appraisal - Case for Change - South West Scotland Transport Study.pdf appendix-a-policy-review-initial-appraisal-case-for-change-south-west-scotland-transport-study.pdf
- View Appendix B - TPO alignment with wider policy - Initial Appraisal - Case for Change - South West Scotland Transport Study.pdf appendix-b-tpo-alignment-with-wider-policy-initial-appraisal-case-for-change-south-west-scotland-transport-study.pdf
- View Appendix C - Sifted options - Initial Appraisal - Case for Change - South West Scotland Transport Study.pdf appendix-c-sifted-options-initial-appraisal-case-for-change-south-west-scotland-transport-study.pdf