Methodology - NTS Delivery Plan
Due to the large number of individual actions (199) and strategic policies (37) included in the assessment, a reference number has been assigned to each strategic policy and to the individual actions associated with them. This was done to help with assessment work going forward and to monitor and record responses from internal engagement and external consultation activities.
An NTS Delivery Plan Strategic Policies and Actions Referencing and Scoring Report containing a full list of NTS Delivery Plan actions with reference numbers and assessment scores has been produced alongside this report.
A consultation report has also been produced summarising the consultation responses and feedback relating to the SEQIA, HIIA and ICIA screening reports. The findings of the consultation have contributed towards completing the full IAs on the NTS Delivery Plan 2020-22.
SEQIA: Approach to assessment of social and equality impacts
Key issues and evidence
The SEQIA includes a review of pertinent equalities and socio-economic issues relating to transport at a national level using key datasets and where available considering future trends. Key issues are set out in section 3 of this report and draw upon a range of evidence sources including the following:
- The Equality Evidence Finder;
- NTS Equality Impact Assessment – published February 2020;
- NTS Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment – published February 2020;
- NTS Child Rights and Wellbeing Assessment – published February 2020; and
- Transport Transition Plan – EqIA Interim Update.
Screening assessment
The screening of social and equality impacts provided a high level assessment informed by a consideration of key issues and evidence and feedback from TS and SG officers.
Guide questions were used to undertake the screening for each of the strategic policies. The screening considered the relevant groups (protected characteristic groups and other groups associated with the CRWIA and FSDA) and how each strategic policy has potential to differentially or disproportionately affect each of the groups with protected characteristics and other groups identified through the assessments. A provisional ‘score’ was assigned to each of the strategic policies as well as for each of the relevant groups.
HIIA: Approach to screening of health inequalities impacts
Key issues and evidence
The HIIA screening includes a review of pertinent equalities and socio-economic issues relating to transport at a national level using key datasets and where available considering future trends. Key issues are set out in section 3 of this report and draw upon a range of evidence sources including the following:
- The Equality Evidence Finder;
- NTS Equality Impact Assessment – published February 2020;
- NTS Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment – published February 2020;and
- Transport Transition Plan – EqIA Interim Update.
Screening assessment
The screening of health inequality impacts provided a high-level assessment informed by a consideration of the key issues and evidence as well as feedback from TS and SG officers.
The screening considered how each strategic policy may differentially or disproportionately affect groups with protected characteristics and other groups who are more vulnerable to health inequalities identified through the assessments. A provisional ‘score’ has been assigned to each of the strategic policies as well as for each of the relevant groups.
ICIA: Approach to assessment of impacts on island communities
Key issues and evidence
The ICIA screening includes a review of the key issues and evidence relating to transport for island communities using key datasets and where available considering future trends. The findings of this review are set out in Section 3 of this report and draws upon a range of evidence sources including the following:
- The Island Communities Impact Assessments: Guidance and Toolkit;
- The National Islands Plan;
- NTS Island Communities Impact Assessment – published February 2020;and
- Transport Transition Plan – EqIA Interim Update.
Screening assessment
The screening of impacts on island communities provided a high-level assessment informed by a consideration of the key issues and evidence as well as feedback from TS and SG officers.
The screening considered how each strategic policy has potential to impact island communities through the assessment work. A provisional ‘score’ was assigned to each of the strategic policies as well as for each of the relevant groups.
The impact assessment screening reports were published for public consultation alongside a survey form. This allowed respondents to share their views and provide feedback to inform the development of future NTS Delivery Plans, strategic policies and actions.
The consultation was carried out over a two month period from the 3rd November 2021 to 5th January 2022 to give the public and stakeholders adequate time to review the impact assessment reports and consultation form and provide their responses. In total 15 responses were received across all impact assessments.