Road Safety
Transport Scotland has three road safety teams - the Road Safety Policy team, Road Safety Scotland, and the Strategic Road Safety team
Road safety policy
The road safety policy team is responsible for helping to ensure the delivery of the commitments contained in Scotland’s Road Safety Framework to 2030, in partnership with other key stakeholders.
To aid this delivery Transport Scotland set up a Strategic Partnership Board (SPB), Operational Partnership Group (OPG) and Local Partnership Forum’s (LPF’s) with representation from a variety of organisation’s with a vested interest in road safety.
Minutes of meetings
The SPB, OPG and LPF’s meet bi-annually to consider a range of evidence based road safety policies and interventions with all minutes published online.
SPB meeting minutes
- 30 October 2024
- 5 June 2024
- 7 November 2023
- 5 June 2023
- 17 November 2022
- 29 June 2022
- 4 February 2022
- 28 July 2021
- 28 April 2021
- All meeting minutes 2014-2020
- Minutes prior to 2014 are available via the National Library of Scotland web archive
OPG meeting minutes
- 8 October 2024
- 12 June 2024
- 15 November 2023
- 7 June 2023
- 22 February 2023
- 25 August 2022
- 24 February 2022
- 25 August 2021
- 29 April 2021
- All meeting minutes 2016-2020
Road Safety Framework Local Partnership Forum - North
Road Safety Framework Local Partnership Forum - West
Road Safety Framework Local Partnership Forum - East
Road Safety Framework Motorcycle Focus Group
- Road Safety Framework Motorcycle Focus Group - 5 November 2024
- Road Safety Framework Motorcycle Focus Group - 31 July 2024
- Road Safety Framework Motorcycle Focus Group - 7 March 2024
- Road Safety Framework Motorcycle Focus Group - 23 February 2022
- Road Safety Framework Motorcycle Focus Group - 23 September 2021
Road Safety Evidence
Evidence reports produced by or for road safety policy:
- Reported Road Casualties - 2017
- TRL report of Pre-driver Interventions in Scotland
- Seat Belt Survey Results - Young Scot - Safety On School Transport
Road Safety Interventions
The Seat Belts on School Transport (Scotland) Act 2017
The Act imposes a duty upon school authorities to ensure dedicated school transport services, have a seat belt fitted to each passenger seat. The act came into force on the 1 August 2018 for vehicles carrying primary pupils and in 2021 for those transporting secondary students.
The Act imposed a duty on Scottish ministers to publish national Seat Belts on School Transport (Scotland) Act 2017 – Guidance.
Devolution of powers to set national speed limits
The Scotland Act 2016 saw a welcomed devolution of the last remaining powers over speed limits; notably the 30 mph default urban limit as well as powers on signage and engineering under the Traffic Signs Regulation and General Directions.
On 5 December 2014, legislation came into effect lowering the drink-driving limit from 80mg to 50mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood, with equivalent changes to the limits in breath or urine. This brought Scotland into line with the majority of other European countries and Scotland is now firmly leading the way across the UK.
20 mph zones and limits
The Scottish Government is committed to reducing risk on Scotland’s roads and recognises the impact of vehicle speed so in conjunction with the Society of Chief Officers of Transportation in Scotland, the Good Practice Guide on 20mph speed restrictions was produced. The Guide aims to ensure greater consistency on setting 20mph speed restrictions throughout Scotland and encourages Local Authorities to introduce them near schools, in residential zones and in other areas where there is a significant volume of pedestrian and/or cyclist activity.
Road Safety Annual Report
Scotland’s road safety achievements are summarised in an Annual Report.
Road Safety Framework to 2030
- Annual Progress Report 2023/24 and Delivery Plan 2024/25 (Published July 2024)
- Road Safety Framework: Annual Report 2021 (Published May 2023)
Road Safety Framework to 2020
Strategic road safety
Our strategic network road safety team is responsible for monitoring the safety performance of the trunk road network as well as analysing injury accident data. From this work, the team takes remedial measures to reduce or eradicate identified accident types at specific sites. We carry out audits on new constructions and installations and consider new technologies such as improved road material and roadside furniture.
Scotland's motorways and trunk road network represent only 6% of all Scotland’s roads. This network carries 37% of all traffic and accounts for 16% of all injuries related to road accidents.
Strategic Road Safety Plan
The Strategic Road Safety Plan sets out how Transport Scotland delivers road safety on the trunk road network. We have taken the opportunity to update the Road Safety Plan and to refocus our work on further reducing the numbers of accidents and casualties on our Trunk Roads.
This refreshed Plan reinforces our use of a Safe System approach within the road transport system. This approach is centred on the premise that death and injury is unacceptable and that they are avoidable. This refresh builds upon that approach to more clearly address risk mitigation and focus particular efforts on addressing the safety of vulnerable road users.
It includes an Action Plan aligned with the five pillars of the Safe System approach and identifies how the work of Transport Scotland’s Strategic Road Safety Unit will contribute to the Government’s casualty reduction targets for 2020.
The Scottish Safety Camera Programme also plays a key role in helping to make Scotland's roads safer.
The Road Safety Framework and Funding
The Road Safety Framework to 2030 aims to achieve world-leading road safety performance by 2030 and eliminate serious injuries and fatalities by 2050.
Strategic Outcomes and Actions
The framework sets out five strategic outcomes which describe the road safety environment it aims to deliver. These outcomes align with the five components of the Safe System:
- Safe Road Use
- Safe Vehicles
- Safe Speeds
- Safe Roads and Roadsides
- Post-crash Response
It also introduces 12 strategic actions to address current and emerging challenges.
The Road Safety Framework Fund
Scotland’s Road Safety Framework Fund is now open and welcoming applications for 2025/26. Funding is subject to the road safety framework budget being confirmed each financial year.You are invited to submit your application for road safety initiatives which contribute to the delivery of the Road Safety Framework 2030.
Please note, this is a resource only fund with infrastructure/capital projects not being considered.
All projects and activities will be considered on a case by case basis, with those being deemed the most beneficial to the delivery of the Road Safety Framework 2030 ranked the highest.
Road Safety Framework initiatives
Scotland’s Road Safety Framework to 2020 is Scotland’s national road safety plan. The Framework sets out road safety casualty targets which aim to deliver the outcome of safer road travel in Scotland for all.
The following projects have received match funding from the Road Safety Framework Fund:
Agilysis - Safe System Training and Capacity Building - Phase 1
Period: 2023/24
Location: National
This document evaluates phase 1 of the Safe System Training and Capacity Building project. The delivery of this training & education alongside the development and publication of a Safe System Manual in Scotland will see us being the first country in the world to ever have one. An e-learning Primer, Data Roadmap, and a Cultural Maturity Playbook containing over 40 case studies on culture changes used within organisations, has been developed. The aim is to progress Safe System culture within stakeholders organisations.
Living Streets - Road Safety Measures/Audits from 2014-2019
Period: 2022/23
Location: Edinburgh, Glasgow, Perth & Kinross, Dumfries & Galloway, Moray, Aberdeenshire, Fife, East Dunbartonshire
The project independently reviewed sixteen street audits delivered by Living Streets Scotland since 2014. While there are sixteen projects included in the evaluation, six had two audits resulting in twenty-two Community street audits and School route audits.
RoSPA - Destination Drive
Period: 2018/19
Location: Throughout Scotland
With Scotland’s ageing population and an increasing number of older drivers on our roads, the challenge is to enable older people to drive safely for as long as possible.
The Destination Drive project will aim to encourage older drivers to review their current driver ability, their individual driving skills and relevant health issues, such as eyesight and cognitive skills to ensure their driving ability is safe for all road users.
Drivewise Borders and Fife
Period: 2018/19
Location: Borders and Fife
This project aims to provide a tri – pronged approach in an effort to reduce serious and fatal road accidents in the Scottish Borders and Fife. To deliver educational opportunities to the most vulnerable road users in the area through structured programmes of direct action and the promotion of positive attitudes.
Rider Refinement North
Period: 2018/19
Location: North and North East of Scotland.
The aim of this project is to reduce the high number of motorcycle casualties in the North and North East of Scotland by delivering a bespoke defensive rider training package aimed at improving rider skills and enhancing safety. Roadside hazards will be gathered and passed to the Roads Authority for investigation, contributing to the Safe Systems approach. The project is multi-agency initiative delivered across the North and North-east of Scotland supported by the respective Road and Community Safety Groups.
Scottish Occupational Road Safety Alliance
Period: 2018/19
Location: Various
This project aims to provide a unique facility for small to medium sized businesses in Scotland to implement, manage and access occupational road risk. It also aims to encourage joint working and raise awareness in organisations of the need for action on work related road safety, promote the exchange of information and best practise, and encourage the introduction of technology within fleet users to regulate and recognise the risk posed by speeding.
Drivewise Borders
Period: 2017/18
Location: Scottish Borders
Drivewise, is designed to reduce the number of casualties on the roads while positively influencing the attitudes and behaviours of drivers and passengers in the Scottish Borders. Combining practical and theoretical training for pre, new and mature drivers; Drivewise sets out to address a gap in driver education.
Living Streets - Lower Speed Communities Project
Period: 2017/18
Location: Lossiemouth, Moniaive, Mount Florida in Glasgow, TillyDrone in Aberdeen and Inverness.
Living Streets worked with local authorities, community organisations, residents, hard to reach groups and other interest groups to support and develop the role all stakeholders could play in introducing and realising the benefits from lower speed limits.
Cycling Scotland
Period: 2017/18
Location: Throughout Scotland
Practical Cycle Awareness Training courses aim is to develop safer driving practices and promote greater awareness of vulnerable road users including people cycling to ultimately promote safer driving behaviours and attitudes. The course is specifically designed for candidates with a provisional licence preparing for their driving test.
Community Speed Watch
Period: 2017/18
Location: Glasgow
The programme aims to raise awareness of road safety, the issue of speeding and inappropriate speed within communities, especially around schools. Valuable information and data gathered will investigate the links between road safety and disadvantaged children and those in ethnic minority groups.
Dri-VR – A new perspective on road safety
Period: 2017/18 (ongoing)
Location: Glasgow
Safety Cameras Scotland will provide and deliver an educational resource for 16-18 year olds (S5-S6), to demonstrate road safety consequences as a result of undesirable behavioural choices i.e. distraction, speeding.
Scottish Biker Magazine (SBM)
Period: 2016/17
Location: Argyll and Bute
The overall aim of the project is to provide resources to all motorcyclists to help improve their knowledge, behaviours and skills, thus contribute towards a reduction in motorcyclist casualty rates.
- View Safe System Training and Capacity Building
- View Evaluation Of Scottish Occupational Road Safety Alliance - November 2022
- View Motorcycle Safety Strategies In North East Scotland - Sept 2021
- View Police Scotland New Driver Scheme - August 2021
- View Evaluation of Scottish Occupational Road Safety Alliance (ScORSA) - April 2021
- View Evaluation Of RoSPA Better Bikers - 2021
- View Evaluation of Bikeability Scotland and Broader Road Safety Perceptions of 10+ age
- View Evaluation of Communicating Effectively with Older Drivers Project
- View Evaluation of the driVR young road user education intervention
- View Evaluation of Community Speed Watch.pdf
- View Evaluation of Drivewise.pdf
- View Evaluation of Drivewise Borders and Fife.pdf
- View Evaluation of Learner Driver Cycle Awareness Training.pdf
- View Evaluation of Living Streets - Lower Speed Communities Project.pdf
- View Evaluation of Rider Refinement North.pdf
- View Evaluation of RoSPA - Destination Drive.pdf
- View Evaluation of Scottish Biker Magazine.pdf
- View Evaluation of Scottish Occupational Road safety Alliance.pdf
Trunk Road Incident Support Service
Transport Scotland provides the Trunk Road Incident Support Service (TRISS) to help deal with incidents on our trunk roads.
TRISS is a patrol service provided by Transport Scotland since 2005 as part of our ITS (Intelligent Transport System) Action Plan.
Six TRISS vehicles pro-actively patrol our motorways and trunk roads, dealing with incidents and supporting the emergency services in clearing incidents. The service operates seven days a week between the morning and evening peaks.
TRISS is provided by Operating Companies as part of their contract with Transport Scotland. Coverage currently includes:
- M8
- M73
- M74
- A725
- M80
- M77
- A720
- A1
- M9
- M90
- A92
- A823(M)
- A985.
Triss aims to:
- improve journey time reliability by managing and reducing the impact of disruption caused by incidents on motorways and trunk roads
- improve safety and security for travellers by early identification and removal of incidents, resulting in a reduction of secondary accidents
- occasionally help at major sporting events to minimise the impact of event-related congestion.
Typically, this involves making incidents safe by deploying temporary traffic management and clearing hazardous debris from traffic lanes to relieve congestion. Where possible, TRISS will make repairs to damaged parts of our trunk roads and offer assistance to broken down vehicles.
Road works
In the UK, around 2,200 road accidents involving injuries happen in the vicinity of road works every year, some involving those working on the road.
Road workers are there to ensure the roads are properly maintained and improved. Their job is naturally dangerous, working on busy roads during the day and night to improve the roads while keeping them open.
When motorists speed through road works to save a few seconds, they are putting the lives of road workers at risk. Drive with caution, respect road workers and abide by the set speed limit.
Transport Scotland and the Highways Agency worked together to produce videos, posters and postcard-treatments to highlight the need to respect road workers.
You can watch the videos below or visit the Highways Agency website for access to the other resources.
A9 Safety Group
The A9 Safety Group was formed in 2012 with the main aim before and during the A9 Dualling Programme of working together with our partners to explore any measures which could be introduced on the route using engineering, enforcement, education and encouragement to positively influence driver behaviour to help reduce road casualties.
The group meets on a regular basis and meeting minutes available on this page.
Group members
The group includes members from a range of partners representing authorities, road users and professional or industry organisations.
- Get in touch by email with the A9 Safety Group at
A9 safety performance
Like other trunk roads Transport Scotland undertakes ongoing monitoring of the safety performance of the A9 which is the longest trunk road in Scotland connecting Dunblane with Scrabster. The following table gives a summary of the safety performance.
Reported road casualties for the whole of Scotland are published annually and can be found here: Statistics | Transport Scotland
A summary of data for the trunked section of the A9 is shown below.
Year | Fatal Accidents | Fatal Casualties | Serious Accidents | Serious Casualties | Slight Accidents | Slight Casualties |
2023 | 4 | 4 | 33 | 45 | 39 | 89 |
2022 | 12 | 18 | 25 | 36 | 26 | 70 |
2021 | 3 | 4 | 24 | 34 | 36 | 67 |
2020 | 2 | 2 | 19 | 27 | 33 | 47 |
2019 | 6 | 6 | 36 | 54 | 50 | 79 |
2018 | 10 | 10 | 27 | 42 | 63 | 107 |
2017 | 5 | 5 | 15 | 29 | 74 | 130 |
2016 | 7 | 7 | 20 | 36 | 74 | 144 |
2015 | 5 | 6 | 15 | 21 | 70 | 109 |
2014 | 6 | 6 | 17 | 25 | 82 | 134 |
2013 | 7 | 9 | 17 | 26 | 81 | 134 |
2012 | 6 | 9 | 24 | 34 | 92 | 176 |
Year | Fatal Accidents | Fatal Casualties | Serious Accidents | Serious Casualties | Slight Accidents | Slight Casualties |
2023 | 1 | 1 | 16 | 21 | 15 | 38 |
2022 | 8 | 13 | 13 | 19 | 11 | 52 |
2021 | 1 | 1 | 12 | 20 | 17 | 34 |
2020 | 1 | 1 | 7 | 11 | 7 | 9 |
2019 | 1 | 1 | 15 | 26 | 17 | 26 |
2018 | 5 | 5 | 13 | 24 | 29 | 54 |
2017 | 4 | 4 | 9 | 20 | 27 | 57 |
2016 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 13 | 22 | 48 |
2015 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 25 | 43 |
2014 | 3 | 3 | 9 | 14 | 26 | 48 |
2013 | 4 | 6 | 10 | 17 | 25 | 43 |
2012 | 5 | 8 | 8 | 16 | 31 | 92 |
Maintenance and safety improvements
The A9, like the rest of the trunk road network, is subject to wear and tear and a significant proportion of Transport Scotland’s maintenance budget is spent addressing this in order to maintain the structural integrity of the roads.
Road condition surveys are undertaken annually to ensure best value is achieved from our trunk road maintenance programme. Transport Scotland’s Operating Companies analyse the information obtained and uses this to plan maintenance works across the route.
Details of planned works on the trunk road network can be found via the Traffic Scotland website: Roadworks & road closures in Scotland | Traffic Scotland
In December 2022 the Scottish Government announced a £5M package of additional engineering measures to be applied to the A9 between Perth and Inverness between 2023 and 2025 and which are intended to address the perceived contributory factors to collisions recorded in 2022. They include enhancement to road markings on the single carriageway sections, upgrades to the transitions from dual to single carriageway with enhanced signs indicating the end of dual carriageway, red surface infill in hatched areas to give greater emphasis and illuminated road studs, installation of “two way traffic” signs and road marking arrows on the single carriageway sections reaffirming “drive on the left” at regular intervals and the deployment of eight variable messaging signs at strategic locations throughout the peak tourist season in 2023 and 2024.
Approach to single carriageway

Approach to dual carriageway

These interim safety measures are in addition to Transport Scotland’s annual review of safety performance of the trunk road network including the whole of the trunked A9. This screens all locations where three or more personal-injury accidents have occurred in a three year period. In addition, accident patterns and rates in the form of Route Accident Reduction Plans (RARP) are also considered. This ensures that full consideration is given to accidents that may be spread along a corridor. Further investigations are then carried out and, where appropriate, mitigation measures are prioritised for delivery.
Speed management
The Enforcement Strategy for the A9 is now firmly established and involves a combination of average speed cameras (ASC) introduced in late 2014 (and upgrade in 2022) between Dunblane and Inverness and mobile enforcement. The principal purpose of the enforcement strategy is to encourage compliance with the speed limit rather than detecting large numbers of offenders. Police Scotland continues to patrol the route using both marked and unmarked vehicles to monitor driver behaviour.

Dunblane to Perth
This entire stretch is covered by average speed cameras.
Perth to Inverness
Between Perth and Inverness ASC monitor the single carriageway sections (including the 2+1 stretches) while the dual carriageway sections have a number of mobile sites which are enforced by the North Safety Camera Unit. ASC are also the principal speed enforcement method used within the long term roadworks associated with the upgrading programme.
Inverness to Thurso
The North Safety Camera Unit has a number of mobile camera sites between Inverness and Thurso which are monitored on a regular basis.
The Scottish Safety Camera Programme was restructured in 2015, forming three enforcement units (North, East and West) responsible for speed and red light cameras across Scotland. The Safety Camera Units work alongside Police Scotland and are funded through a Scottish Government grant administered by Transport Scotland.
- More information on safety cameras at Scottish Safety Cameras
- Information on speed limits across Scotland
HGV Speed limits
In October 2014 the trial of a 50 mph speed limit (raised from 40 mph) for HGVs along the single carriageway sections of the A9 between Perth and Inverness commenced. Overall performance data for the trial was published in April 2018. There was no evidence to suggest that increasing the HGV speed limit has reduced safety on the relevant sections of the A9 with very small reductions in accidents involving HGVs (2%) and HGV speeds being observed. The longer term position regarding HGV speed limits will reflect the outcomes of the national speed management review.
National Speed Management Review
As part of Scotland’s Road Safety Framework to 2030, Transport Scotland is undertaking a National Speed Management Review to support a range of policies that helps those Government national outcomes and indicators relevant to this area. Related policy drivers include better road safety and health outcomes, promotion of active travel, climate change mitigation, place making and economic growth.
The National Speed Management Review covers comprehensive analysis of all types of speed management policies (including HGV speed limits) and initiatives in Scotland, as well as a review of what has been introduced in other countries throughout the world. This work has now been completed and officials are considering the proposed outcomes.
The process will include a stakeholder and public consultation before the end of 2024 to consider their views of whether any changes to speed limit policies and speed management measures should be introduced as part of our speed management plan.
The project to dual the single carriageway sections of the A9 between Perth and Inverness is not within the remit of the A9 Safety Group. Read more information about that project:
Reports, publications and resources
Progress reports - A9 Safety Group
Meeting minutes - A9 Safety Group
Older reports and publications in PDF format
- View A9 ASCS Site Coordinates
- View A9 Average Speed Cameras After Market Research
- View A9 Average Speed Cameras And HGV 50Mph Pilot Monitoring Before Market Research
- View A9 Data Monitoring Analysis Report March 2018
- View A9 Data Monitoring Analysis Report January 2018
- View A9 Data Monitoring Analysis Report August 2017
- View A9 Data Monitoring Analysis Report May 2017
- View A9 Data Monitoring Analysis Report February 2017
- View A9 Data Monitoring Analysis Report November 2016
- View A9 Data Monitoring Analysis Report August 2016
- View A9 Data Monitoring Analysis Report May 2016
- View A9 Data Monitoring Analysis Report January 2016
- View A9 Data Monitoring Analysis Report October 2015
- View A9 Data Monitoring Analysis Report July 2015
- View A9 Data Monitoring Analysis Report April 2015
- View A9 Data Monitoring Analysis Report January 2015
- View A9 Data Monitoring Report October 2015
- View A9 Data Monitoring Report July 2015
- View A9 Data Monitoring Report April 2015
- View A9 Data Monitoring Report January 2015
- View A9 Parallel Running Report Jan 2015
- View A9 Perth Dunblane Average Speed Camera Locations
- View A9 Perth Inverness Average Speed Camera Locations
- View A9 Safety Group News Release 26 January 2015
- View Average Speed Camera And 50 Mph HGV Speed Limit Pilot News Release 28 October 2014
- View TRL Published Project Report 688
Road Safety Scotland
Road Safety Scotland (RSS) helps to deliver many of the commitments in the Road Safety Framework and is directly responsible for the development of road safety education materials which provide an end-to-end education and training programme in road safety starting from early years and continuing throughout the school curriculum and beyond. These resources are provided free of charge and many are supported by websites.
In collaboration with the Scottish Government Marketing Team, RSS also develops large-scale social marketing campaigns to tackle a variety of important areas of concern in Scotland, such as drink-driving, country roads and parental influence. Campaign activity can be found on the RSS website.
National Speed Management Review
In-person engagement events
To support the National Speed Management Review a series of engagement sessions are being held throughout January and February to ensure a broad range of perspectives are considered.
To attend any of these events, we kindly ask you sign up for a free ticket for your chosen consultation on WSP’s Eventbrite page in order for us to evaluate attendance.
The material on display at the events is available to view in the virtual exhibition room.
Details of the in-person engagement events are below:
Monday 13 January (3pm to 7pm)
- Aberdeen Arts Centre, 33 King Street, Aberdeen, AB24 5AA
Tuesday 14 January (3pm to 7pm)
- Rescue Hall, 25 Prince Street, Peterhead, AB42 1QE
Tuesday 14 January (3pm to 7pm)
- Greyfriars Charteris Centre, 138-190 Pleasance, Edinburgh, EH8 9RR
Wednesday 15 January (3pm to 7pm)
- Lochranza and Catacol Village Hall, Arran, KA27 8HL
Thursday 16 January (3pm to 7pm)
- Lochside Community Centre, Lochside Road, Ayr, KA8 9LH
Friday 17 January (3pm to 7pm)
- Hilltown Community Centre, 15 Alexander Street, Dundee, DD3 7DL
Monday 20 January (3pm to 7pm)
- Duncansburgh MacIntosh Hall, The Manse, the Parade, Fort William, PH33 6BA
Tuesday 21 January (3pm to 7pm)
- The Rockfield Centre, Taylors Brae, Oban, PA34 5DQ
- Loreburn Hall, Dumfries, DG1 2HP
Wednesday 22 January (3pm to 7pm)
- Vine Conference Centre, Ochil Room, 131 Garvock Hill, Dunfermline, KY11 4JU
Thursday 23 January (3pm to 7pm)
- Pitlochry Town Hall, W Moulin Road, Pitlochry, PH16 5EA
Tuesday 28 January (3pm to 7pm)
- The Pickaquoy Centre, Muddisdale Road, Kirkwall, KW15 1LR
Thursday 30 January (3pm to 7pm)
- Ullapool Village Hall, Ullapool, IV26 2XE
Friday 31 January (3pm to 7pm)
- The Trinity Centre, High Cross Avenue, Melrose, TD6 9SU
Monday 3 February (3pm to 7pm)
- Perth Art Gallery, Lecture Hall, Perth, PH1 5LB
Tuesday 4 February (3pm to 7pm)
- Stranraer Millenium Centre Community Trust, Stranraer, DG9 7JP
- Elgin Town Hall, 1 Trinity Pl, Elgin, IV30 1UL
Wednesday 5 February (3pm to 7pm)
- WASPS Inverness Creative Academy, Midmills Building, Stephens Street, Inverness, IV2 3JP
- Shetland Museum and Archives, Lerwick, ZE1 0WP
- University of Strathclyde, Technology and Innovation Centre (TIC), Level 3, 99 George Street, G1 1RD
Thursday 6 February (3pm to 7pm)
- Longmore Community Hall, Banff Road, Keith, AB55 5HA
Monday 10 February (3pm to 7pm)
- Albert Halls, Dumbarton Road, Stirling, FK8 2QL
Tuesday 11 February (3pm to 7pm)
- Stornoway Town Hall, 20 South Beach, Stornoway, HS1 2BJ
Tuesday 18 February (3pm to 7pm)
- Victoria Hall, Kinloch Road, Campbeltown, PA28 6EG
Wednesday 19 February (3pm to 7pm)
- Mackays Hotel, Union Street, Wick, KW1 5ED
Thursday 20 February (3pm to 7pm)
- Portree Community Centre, Portree, IV51 9BW
The material on display at the events is available to view in the virtual exhibition room.
Consultation responses received will be reviewed and used to help inform the final recommendations.
Public consultation
A public consultation has launched to seek views on proposed changes to speed limits in Scotland.
The proposed changes are to reduce the national speed limit for cars and motorcycles on single carriageway roads from 60 mph to 50 mph and increase the speed limit for heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) over 7.5 tonnes maximum laden weight from 40 mph to 50 mph on single carriageways and from 50 mph to 60 mph on dual carriageways.
Evidence from the National Speed Management Report- Milestone 3 Report indicates that these changes could help significantly reduce injury collisions while maintaining journey times and improving journey time reliability.
These proposals are an essential part of the Scottish Government’s commitment to the Road Safety Framework to 2030. The framework aims to reduce fatal and serious injuries by 50% and reduce child fatalities and serious injuries by 60% by 2030. These changes also support the long-term goal of Vision Zero where there are no serious injuries or fatalities on Scotland's roads by 2050.
Have Your Say
We want to hear from you. This consultation is your opportunity to share your views on the proposed speed limit changes. Your feedback is critical to ensuring that these proposals contribute to safer roads across Scotland. The consultation will be open until Wednesday, 5 March 2025 and accessible through Citizen Space.
Why This Matters
This consultation is an important step in ensuring that speed limits on Scotland's roads are set to maximise safety while allowing for efficient travel. Consulting is an essential part of the Scottish Government policy making process and your participation will help ensure the right conditions are in place to reduce casualties, enhance road safety, and align with Scotland’s ambitious road safety targets.
All responses, where permission is granted, will be published once the consultation period closes. These will be analysed alongside other evidence to help determine if the proposed changes are appropriate.
We encourage everyone to take part. Your input is crucial in shaping the future of road safety in Scotland and helping us work towards making Scotland’s roads the safest in the world.
Speed management in towns and villages
Pilot 20 MPH Speed Limits
The Scottish Government aims to promote the safe and efficient use of the roads it is responsible for. Where these pass through towns and villages, there are frequently competing pressures between their strategic purpose, and community interests relating to safety and amenity.
The promotion of the pilot 20 mph limits proposed for the trunk road network is intended to support road safety generally, but target safety benefits for vulnerable road users in particular. This is reflected in the selection criteria for the pilot areas.
There have been a number of calls for lower speed limits and specifically 20 mph limits in some towns and villages on the trunk road network. These were included in the wider list of potential candidate sites considered. Sites were also identified for consideration on the basis of the evidence of safety issues that may be addressed by a locally reduced speed limit.
The proposed pilot focuses on the use of 20 mph limits where there is an evidence led criteria, specifically:
- Personal Injury Accidents particularly those involving vulnerable road users
- Vehicle speeds – not being significantly above an average of 24 mph
- Traffic volumes
- Vehicle composition including the HGV proportion of total traffic volume
- Road Environment including layout, key buildings and social amenities
The pilot sites should not require significant engineering or Police enforcement to support their operation. There will be many situations across the country where the introduction of a 20 mph limit would require more extensive and expensive engineering to force vehicle speeds to drop.
Typically, more heavily engineered speed reductions are not appropriate for the strategic network, given the use of these for Emergency vehicles, HGVs and other large vehicles and the adverse impacts associated with traffic calming heavily trafficked routes. Any such proposals should be considered separately and as part of our wider approach to speed management.
Pilot Sites
We have engaged with communities and wider stakeholders in taking forward the pilot speed limit proposals by holding public exhibitions within each of the towns and villages. The extents of each of the speed limits can be viewed by clicking the links below and if you have any comments on our proposals then please email
- Recorded Personal Injury Collisions, A702 Biggar
- High Street Speed Survey Results, A702 Biggar
- Proposed 20mph Zone, A702 Biggar
- Revised 20mph zone, A7 Langholm
- Recorded personal injury collisions, A7 Langholm
- Speed survey results, A7 Langholm
- Proposed 20mph zone, A7 Langholm
- Recorded Personal Injury Collisions, Maybole
- Speed Survey Results, Maybole
- Proposed 20mph Zone, Maybole
Transport Scotland are working with Argyll and Bute Council who also promoted their intention to extend 20 mph zones on their road network in Oban.
Next Steps
The next stage is to formally promote the orders for the proposed changes through the traffic regulation order statutory process.
What other sites were considered?
A number of sites were considered across Scotland. In addition to the 5 successful sites, consideration was given to sites at: Keith; Nairn; Inveraray; Golspie; Callander; Springholm; Crocketford; Aberlour; and Cromdale.
Why are those sites not being taken forward?
Evidence indicated that the use of 20mph limits in these areas would be ineffective or impractical. Transport Scotland are now considering whether alternative road safety methods can be identified at these sites. These may include additional signing lining or the measures, but, in each case, it will be important to consider what is possible and likely to be effective.
Why are you not implementing a 20mph limit at Keith?
The assessment in Keith indicated that the road characteristics, in particular the width of the A96, and current traffic speed do not support the use of a self-enforcing 20 mph limit. Transport Scotland is committed to undertaking a route accident reduction plan (RARP) in 2014 and this will include consideration of issues in Keith.
Why are you not implementing a 20mph limit at Nairn?
As is the case with Nairn, the assessment in Nairn indicated that the road characteristics, in particular the width of the A96, and current traffic speed do not support the use of a self-enforcing 20 mph limit. The A96 RARP will also include Nairn.
Why are you not implementing a 20mph limit at Inveraray?
The numbers of recorded vulnerable road user accidents was low. As the key objective of the proposed 20 mph limits is to improve safety for vulnerable road users and, this low number indicates there is no case for reducing the speed limit.
Why are you not implementing a 20mph limit at Golspie?
For the period of the assessment, there were no recorded vulnerable road user accidents. The key objective of the proposed 20 mph limits is to improve safety for vulnerable road users and, in this instance, there is no case for reducing the speed limit.
Why are you not implementing a 20mph limit at Callander?
The numbers of recorded vulnerable road user accidents was low. The key objective of the proposed 20 mph limits is to improve safety for vulnerable road users and, given the low numbers of accidents recorded, there is no case for reducing the speed limit to improve safety.
Why are you not implementing a 20mph limit at Springholm?
For the period of the assessment, there were no recorded vulnerable road user accidents. In addition, the nature of the carriageway does not support the use of a self-enforcing 20mph speed limit. The key objective of the proposed 20 mph limits is to improve safety for vulnerable road users and, in this instance, there is no case for reducing the speed limit.
Why are you not implementing a 20mph limit at Crocketford?
As with Springholm, for the period of the assessment, there were no recorded vulnerable road user accidents. In addition, the nature of the carriageway does not support the use of a self-enforcing 20mph speed limit. The key objective of the proposed 20 mph limits is to improve safety for vulnerable road users and, in this instance, there is no case for reducing the speed limit.
Why are you not implementing a 20mph limit at Aberlour?
During the assessment period, there were no recorded vulnerable road user accidents in Aberlour. The key objective of the proposed 20 mph limits is to improve safety for vulnerable road users and, in this instance, there is no case for reducing the speed limit.
Why are you not implementing a 20mph limit at Cromdale?
For the period of the assessment, there were no recorded vulnerable road user accidents. The key objective of the proposed 20 mph limits is to improve safety for vulnerable road users and, in this instance, there is no case for reducing the speed limit.
Is Transport Scotland doing any other work related to 20mph limits?
Transport Scotland are working with SCOTS (The Society of Chief Officers of Transportation in Scotland) to develop guidance for local authorities on implementing 20 mph limits and zones on local roads. This guidance will aim to provide greater clarity around what local authorities can and cannot do and set out the circumstances in which an application needs to be made to Scottish Ministers.
Will you be delivering any other 20mph limits on the trunk road network?
There are no current proposals for additional sites at this time. We will monitor the sites where we deliver reduced speed limits and assess their effectiveness before deciding how best to proceed. We will consider how to improve safety and speed compliance in towns and villages and across the Trunk Road generally, through the actions stemming from our road safety plan.
What else are you doing to manage speed in towns and villages?
We are working with communities across Scotland in terms of the specific issues that exist in their area. We are also updating our road safety plan, which will include consideration of how best to manage speed appropriately across the diverse range of conditions we meet on our roads. It will be updated during the course of 2014.
A9 - North Kessock to Tore study
Case for change report
We've appointed WSP as Engineering Consultants to assess and report on the current safety and operational functionality of the North Kessock to Tore stretch of the A9.
This process will follow four key stages guided by the Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidance process:
- Pre-Appraisal (the Case for Change)
- Part 1 Appraisal (Preliminary Appraisal)
- Part 2 Appraisal (Detailed Appraisal)
- Post Appraisal
Map of study area

We're currently in the Pre-Appraisal stage of this process. WSP will be engaging at a very high-level with stakeholders and reviewing all data relating to the suitability of this stretch of road to meet current and future demands on the road. If you have specific issues you would like to raise, individuals should be represented by their community councils or business communities respectively.
Before establishing whether any intervention is necessary, we need to find out if there is a justifiable case for public investment, and present a Case for Change using a robust, evidence-led and transparent process to ensure any future investment is justified. If a ‘Case for Change’ is established, we would then very much welcome the individual views of the public, landowners and businesses in a wider public consultation as a matter of course.
Over the next few months, once we've established concerns and issues, taking full account of all data available, we'll review and establish transport planning objectives which will shape any potential future intervention on this stretch of the A9.
This page will be updated throughout this study but if you need more information before then, please email us at